Canada is an interesting country. Their unique blend of British, French, American, and native cultures give them something quite special. Something that you might not think of when Canada comes to mind is creepy legends. But there are so many creepy Canadian legends that I’ve had a hard time picking out the best ones for this article. Some Canadian legends were born in native societies long before Europeans arrived in North-America. Others emerged since the colonization of Canada, because Europeans love their folklore. Some of the tales seem to be a combination of Native and modern myths, giving birth to some of the most bizarre legends of all time. Here are the 10 most creepy Canadian legends.
The Forbidden Plateau

Copyright Heqs / (CC SA 1.0)
The Forbidden Plateau is a small The plateau in western Canada. Native Canadians have long associated the area with mystery. It was common practice for them to hide their families in the plateau to keep them safe during conflict with other tribes. But one day, the warriors’ family members completely disappeared. Returning to find their loved ones missing, they apparently found evidence that the plateau is occupied by evil spirits. So they never entered the area again – that’s why it’s known as he Forbidden Plateau. Still today, some native Canadians believe the area is called home by evil spirits who ike to kill and eat humans.
St. Louis Ghost Train
In the tiny village of St. Louis, in Saskatchewan, is mostly known for a rather strange legend. In the village is an old and abandoned train track. People often report seeing strange floating lights moving along the train track during the night. The most popular story to explain the strange light is that a ghost train often appears on the track. Another is that the light is the ghost of a workman, who died during the construction of the track. There are a few scientific explanations of the phenomenon, but none are certain. Ghost lights, as they are known, can be seen all over the world and are usually connected to folklore.
John Troyer
John Troyer was an American-Canadian Exorcist. He was born into an Amish family that relocated to Canada, which is where he discovered his abilities. He was known for being terrified of witches and dark forces. Legends tell of him stalking witches until they led him to their den. On discovering their den he would steal their broomsticks, and use it for personal transport. There are other stories of him locating secret areas where groups of witches meet. At these areas, he would set up traps for them. One thing we know for sure is that he did create large traps, which were basically just human-sized bear traps. He died in 1842 and is still remembered in local folklore.
The Cressie
The Cressie is said to be a water monster that lives in Robert’s Arm, which is in Newfoundland. It’s believed to live deep underwater, and be 15 foot long. The creature was believed in by native peoples and it wasn’t long before European settlers started reporting encounters with it. A few decades ago, two men saw an overturned boat floating in the lake. They approached it to see that it wasn’t a boat at all. It was a moving, living creature. When it noticed them it dived deep into the water and they didn’t see it again. There are so many reported encounters just like that. Native Canadians believed it could shape shift to avoid being hunted.
Dungarvon Whooper

Copyright Lesfreck / (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Dungarvon Whooper is a popular ghost story set in Dungarvon river. The story tells of a young cook who works at a lumber camp along the river. The boss of the lumber camp one day murdered the boy. He they cooked and ate the boy. The boss told the other workers that the boy had mysteriously disappeared. That night, the camp was shaken by the sounds of ghostly screams. The workers abandoned the camp in fear the next morning. They say his ghost still haunts the abandoned camp. The story was handed down through many generations of lumber workers until it eventually entered mainstream culture.
Young Teazer
Young Teazer was an American ship which was destroyed during the war of 1812. It was wrecked in Nova Scotia, which is where some believe it can still be seen today. Local legend tells of the “ Teazer Ghost Ship” – it can be seen as a glowing ghostly ship on fire floating through the water on misty mornings. There are many different versions of the ghost story. Some say the ghostly crew are constantly reliving the horrible way in which they died. The legend is further enshrined in popular culture by the fact that the Young Teazer was a licences pirate ship. So it’s a ghostly pirate ship.
Rose Latulippe Legend
There are many different versions of this legend. It’s the story of a young girl who spent the night dancing with a stranger. At midnight, the stranger revealed to Rose that he was Satan. Rose was horrified but it was far too late by that point. The Devil kidnapped Rose and took her back to hell with him, where she remains to this day. This is just one of many Canadian legends that tell of young girls dancing with evil figures who ultimately harm them. It’s thought that the stories were developed over time to warn young people against dancing with strangers.
The Ghost Ship Of Northumberland Strait
The ghost ship of Northumberland Strait is Canada’s most well known ghost ship. Sightings usually describe a three-mast vessel that suddenly becomes set on fire as witnesses watch. There are several accounts in recent history when other ships thought they were witnessing a real ship on fire. So they approach the ghost ship in an attempt to rescue the crew on board. This was the case in the year 1900. The ship disappear before the eyed of those trying to reach it and no trace was found. People have been reporting the ship for over 200 years, and it doesn’t seem like that’s going to stop any time soon.
Oak Island Money Pit
There is a mysterious place called Oak Island. On this island is a strange pit. The pit seems to be man made and several people have been digging into the pit over the past 150 years. It has long been believed that there is treasure buried at the bottom of the Oak Island money pit. Several people have died in the booby-trapped pit, and many fortunes have been lost digging for the treasure. Still today no one knows what lies at the bottom of the pit, or who constructed it. Today there is a whole reality tv show telling to story of modern companies digging in the money pit. Many legends surround the pit. There are two most famous legends. The first is that the treasure will only be found when there are no more oak trees left on the island – and today just one oak tree remains. The other legend is that the treasure will only be found when 7 people die searching for it – and 6 people have died so far. This is among the few Canadian legends to be well known world wide.
Few Canadian legends are as bizarre as this one. Chasse-galerie is the tale of a group of people who need to travel a great distance. So they make a deal with Satan, allowing their canoe to fly through the air quickly. They can use to to travel but they are not allowed to mention the name of Jesus, otherwise Satan will claim their souls. But they get drunk on rum during the journey and their navigator starts shouting the names of God and Jesus. The other crew members try to stop him. But in doing so, they crash the canoe and fall to the ground. The fall knocks them unconsciousness and they only awaken after they had been taken to hell.
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