10 Interesting Chinese Historical Figures

10 Interesting Chinese Historical Figures

Here are some Chinese historical figures I find interesting. 10: Brilliant Chang One of the most notorious of all Chinese historical figures was Brilliant Chang. International headlines dubbed him the “Dope King of London” – but little detail of his life is known. We know he was born into a wealthy Chinese family in the […]

10 Badass Real Life Castaways

10 Badass Real Life Castaways

In 2015 strange headlines began to pop up in news sources across the world. According to them, Google Earth discovered a man who had been trapped on a desert island for 7 years. Google satellites finally rescued him after a user noticed an SOS sign he created on the island. The story turned out to […]

10 Greatest Medieval Empires

10 Greatest Medieval Empires

The medieval age stretched from the 5th to the 15th century, give or take a few generations. It was a time of great change, beginning at the fall of Rome and the dark ages of European history. As Christianity took a strong grip in every corner of Europe, new kingdoms rose and fell. Great migrations […]

10 Greatest Samurai In Japanese History

10 Greatest Samurai In Japanese History

Samurai are widely regarded as the greatest warrior class in history. Raised for warfare, the Samurai were not allowed to work a regular job. Instead they were intended to spend most of their time training for, or reflecting on, combat. It was a high ranking social class that you were born into. And the only […]

10 Greatest Assassins From History

10 Greatest Assassins From History

Since the dawn of recorded history there have been assassins. Usually for money, there are always some people willing to take lives. Assassinations have changed the world on many occasions. A perfect example is the murder of Julius Caesar, throwing the Roman empire into civil war and ironically stamping out any chance it could be […]

The Witch of Yorkshire Britain’s First Conwoman

The Witch of Yorkshire Britain’s First Conwoman

The year is 1806, the famous Witch of Yorkshire is planning something incredible. She caused an uproar in England that caused people to travel from all over the country to visit her house, hoping to witness a miracle. She owned a chicken, which would lay eggs...

10 Great Carthaginian Leaders From History

10 Great Carthaginian Leaders From History

Carthage was once the premier empire of the Mediterranean sea, it's power outweighing Rome by a long way. Truly an empire of the sea, Carthage possessed a navy before it's time. Their trading network stretched from the edges of western Europe to the known edges of...

10 Famous Spartan Leaders Who Changed History

10 Famous Spartan Leaders Who Changed History

The Famous Spartan Leaders Sparta was one of two great empires that dominated classical Greek history. The Spartans and the Athenians fought numerous wars in order to decide which of them could be the true power of ancient Greece. Ultimately the Athenians actually won but more often than not the Spartans were victorious. A martial […]

10 Most Powerful Japanese Clans From History

10 Most Powerful Japanese Clans From History

The history of Japan is long and bloody, being shaped by countless warlords, Shogun, and Samurai warriors. A key element of feudal Japanese society were clans, large extended families consisting or wealthy and powerful figures. But just like medieval Scotland, not all Japanese clans were equal. Some were relatively small and low down on the […]

10 Greatest Chinese Explorers From History

10 Greatest Chinese Explorers From History

China is not just a country, it’s one of the great civilizations from history. So many great warriors, poets, religious figures, kings and emperors have lived and died without ever even leaving China. For much of it’s history imperial China was isolated and inward looking, the ruling family attempting to limit any influence from outside […]

10 Greatest Old West Mountain Men

10 Greatest Old West Mountain Men

In the Old West, a mountain man was simply an outdoors-man who lives in the wilderness, usually in mountainous terrain like the Rocky Mountain Range. Many of them was explorers, many of them were hunters of fur traders. Through their various deeds and adventures, they came to be known as some of the toughest people […]

10 Greatest Spanish Pirates From History

10 Greatest Spanish Pirates From History

For much of the Golden Age of piracy, our world’s largest and most powerful empire belonged to Spain. Covering most of South and Central America, much of the Caribbean, and parts of Asia, this empire was strung together by a series of naval trade routes. Along these routes flowed a constant supply of gold silver […]

10 Most Fierce Enemies of Rome – From Hannibal To Boadicea

10 Most Fierce Enemies of Rome – From Hannibal To Boadicea

The Roman Empire was the sole superpower of the world for much of it’s life. It was an empire the likes of which had never been seen. At it’s peak the empire stretched from England to Iraq. From Belgium to Egypt and beyond. The fate of tens of millions of people relied on the progress […]

10 Proposed States That Almost Existed – (Possible US States)

10 Proposed States That Almost Existed – (Possible US States)

As it stands there are 50 states. But I think some of them are pretty pointless. There’s no reason for two Dakota’s to exist… but that’s a story for another day. These states were not established overnight. It was a very gradual process, the last state being admitted in 1959. Along the way many states […]

The Most Hated People From History

The Most Hated People From History

History shows us that most people are a bunch of cretins. People from the past a reprehensible and I’m glad every one of them is burning in hell. But they are not all equally bad. Some past people have gone down in history as especially bad, and especially hated. And it’s those figures we today […]

10 Unsolved Old West Mysteries – Wild West History

10 Unsolved Old West Mysteries – Wild West History

The Old west was a time of great change. With settlers from the east and natives from the west coming to terms with the new way of things, and with the advent of industrialization, so much happened. So many monstrously significant events took place during this short period of history. Great scraps of land were […]

10 Greatest World Empires of All Time

10 Greatest World Empires of All Time

There have been many great empires of this world, from the fearsome Aztec kingdom of central America to the grand splendor of Imperial China. But in all honesty, few of them were genuine world empires – empires that could impose their influence across several continents. Such a level of power is different from all others, […]

10 Greatest French Pirates From History

10 Greatest French Pirates From History

During the golden age of piracy, much of the Caribbean was controlled by the French. At one point or another they held valuable territories like Haiti, Grenada, and Tobago, as well as a lot of land in North America. France had a clear presence in the New World. So it will come to no surprise […]

10 Facts About Miyamoto Musashi

Miyamoto Musashi is one of the most famous swordsmen in Japanese history. He fought over 60 duels without tasting defeat, but won using what many would consider underhanded or indirect methods. It’s not just his swordplay but his strategy that has inspired so many as to herald him as the greatest swordsmen in Japanese history. […]

10 Famous Native Americans You Should Know About

10 Famous Native Americans You Should Know About

The history of the Native Americans is tragic and bloody one, filled with many wars and raids against colonists. During and outside of these conflicts a number of notable native Americans rose to prominence. This is a list of 10 famous Native Americans you should know about.  Geronimo Geronimo was a Native American warrior, notorious […]

Caligula – The Completely Insane Roman Emperor

Caligula – The Completely Insane Roman Emperor

Caligula became Emperor of Rome at the age of 24, and although his reign started off strong, he fell into a coma. Upon waking from his coma, his personality completely changed and he became an unhinged lunatic. He is now famous for being one of the most insane emperors of all time. From making his […]

The Mysteries of Africa: Lost Kings and Monsters

The Mysteries of Africa: Lost Kings and Monsters

In medieval times, Jewish cartographers on the island of Majorca were renown for their maps of Africa. To the European eye Africa was a continent of mystery – a vast, mostly uncharted land said to be home to monsters and legendary kings. It was the latter that the cartographers dedicated their time to. Their maps […]

10 Mysterious Real Holy Relics

10 Mysterious Real Holy Relics

You might think holy relics are just the stuff of legend, but no. All across the world are churches and temples who claim to possess genuine holy relics, many of which grant real magical powers. Some are ancient and mysterious, others are more modern with roots that can be clearly traced. While many are Christian […]

10 Greatest Ancient Battles

10 Greatest Ancient Battles

Our ancient ancestors had some of the most intense, and bloodthirsty battles in all of human history, sometimes causing hundreds of thousands of deaths, a significant amount more in those times than it is now. This is a list of the 10 greatest battles fought during the time of our ancient warrior ancestors. Battle of […]

10 Badass Warriors Who Faced Entire Armies All Alone

10 Badass Warriors Who Faced Entire Armies All Alone

There are a small number of cases in history, where a single warrior fought against an entire army all by themselves. The badass warriors who did this have been engraved in history forever. This is a list of 10 badass warriors who faced entire armies all alone. Lone Viking At Stamford Bridge On 25 September […]

10 Female Revolutionaries Who Changed History

10 Female Revolutionaries Who Changed History

When it comes to great political or military leaders, mainstream culture tends to focus almost entirely on figures who happen to be men. But there have been many rebellions and revolutions led by women. Female revolutionaries have helped shape the history of entire nations, changing history in real time. Be they socialist campaigners like Rosa […]

10 Real CRAZY Dictators You’ve Never Heard Of

10 Real CRAZY Dictators You’ve Never Heard Of

Some of the most famous figures from history were brutal dictators, but others are much less well known today. Some dictators have been able to somehow fly under the radar. So I thought it might be fun to make a video about dictators you’ve never heard of. Here are ten crazy dictators you might not […]

The 12 Labors of Hercules In Detail

The 12 Labors of Hercules In Detail

In a bout of insanity, Hercules slew his wife, daughter, and son. The goddess Hera, wife of Zeus was responsible for this. She was jealous of Zeus’ lovers and his illegitimate offspring. As a demi-god, and son of Zeus, Hercules attracted her ire. He regained his sanity after the slaughter, and regretted what he had […]



When I was a human child I dreamed of finding a lost treasure that would make me rich beyond my wildest dreams. Well it turns out doing such a thing is possible. There are dozens of lost treasures from history – some recently lost, others lost centuries ago. Either way, find any of these treasures […]

10 Most Fascinating Chinese Emperors

10 Most Fascinating Chinese Emperors

China has a long and fascinating history, with an amazing diversity of rulers. From the crazy to the ingenious, China has been shaped by these powerful figures who despite having so much, fought to gain even more. Through force, and cunning these rulers stopped at nothing to achieve their goals. However, not all emperors were […]

10 Most Strange Wars EVER

10 Most Strange Wars EVER

Whether diplomatic or mathematic, any problem can be solved by violence. This was best proven when we defeated the Dodo menace, driving those monsters to extinction. But Dodo aren’t the only animal humans have declared as the enemy. In 1932 the Australian government went to war with a group of 20 thousand Emus. After eight […]

10 Greatest Ancient Generals Who Crushed Their Enemies

10 Greatest Ancient Generals Who Crushed Their Enemies

It’s hard to list the greatest ancient generals in any real order. There are just so many leaders from so many kingdoms and empires of the ancient world, that just choosing ten is hard enough without having to actually rank them in order. Nevertheless I have done my best. Here are the ten I would […]

How Alexander Of Macedon Almost Conquered The World

How Alexander Of Macedon Almost Conquered The World

Alexander of Macedon also known as Alexander the Great inherited the throne of the Greek country of Macedon after his father Philip II was assassinated in 336 BC. He was able to deal with internal strife with relative ease, and before long was marching his army to the formidable Persian Empire. Alexander the Great defeated […]

10 Truly Amazing Ancient Civilisations

10 Truly Amazing Ancient Civilisations

All ancient civilisations are amazing, but some of them stand out above all others. Ancient times are mysterious and alien to our own, which is partly what makes it so fascinating to us. From the vicious Xiongnu Empire to the lost city of Monte Alban. This is a list of 10 truly amazing ancient civilisations. […]

10 Shocking Facts About Attila The Hun

10 Shocking Facts About Attila The Hun

Attila the Hun was the most powerful leader of the Hunnic Empire. Scourge of God to the Romans, and the embodiment of god’s will in the eyes of the Hun. Attila the Hun is one of the most famous leaders in history, and these 10 facts make it easy to understand why. What Were The […]

10 Amazing Facts About The Feudal System

10 Amazing Facts About The Feudal System

The Feudal System was one of the most fascinating, and oppressive systems of government in history. It shaped the medieval era, and therefore greatly influenced the modern world. The Feudal system put one person in charge of an entire country, their only credential being that their parent was the previous leader. And even if their […]

6 Greatest Battles Of Alexander The Great

6 Greatest Battles Of Alexander The Great

Alexander the Great is known as this for good reason. soon after becoming king of Macedon he decided to achieve his father’s dream of conquering the Persian’s and did so in three decisive battles. Alexander was taught by Aristotle at a young age, and, somehow, never lost a battle. Which is extraordinary considering how many […]

10 Interesting Victorian Criminals And Gangs

10 Interesting Victorian Criminals And Gangs

The Victorian Era was an era of great change, and growth, and during this era people had faith crime was something they could beat. And, although crime declined overall, there were occasional panics when some Victorian criminals would commit crimes so horrific the whole country heard about it. Victorian criminals often exploited loopholes to make […]

10 Most Funny Events in History

10 Most Funny Events in History

Human history has seen many tragic events that should never be forgotten. But it has also seen countless hilarious events that often should be forgotten. I’ve compiled ten of the most funny events in history – events that are often hard to believe actually happened. But they did. From strange deaths to battles between humans […]

Qin Shi Huang: The Epic Life Of China’s First Emperor

Qin Shi Huang: The Epic Life Of China’s First Emperor

Qin Shi Huang unified China for the first time in history. From his rise to power, to the Great Wall, and his search for immortality, this is an article on the epic life of China’s Qin Shi Huang. Rise To Power Qin Shi Huang, at the time known as Zhao Zheng, became the King of […]

10 Facts About Pirates That Might Shock You

10 Facts About Pirates That Might Shock You

Pirates made their money by attacking and raiding other ships, often these were merchant ships carrying cargo. Although many pirates would steal from any ship they could. The earliest recorded pirates were the mysterious Sea Peoples from the 14th Century BC. This is a list of 10 facts about pirates that might shock you. They […]

10 Insane Facts About The Roman Empire

10 Insane Facts About The Roman Empire

The Roman Empire was one of the most powerful and wealthy in history, but what exactly did that lead to? Over the Roman Empire’s long history they did some strange and interesting things. From the trade of urine, to the most insane gladiatorial match you could possibly imagine, and many other interesting things about the […]

10 Mysterious Famous Mystics From History

10 Mysterious Famous Mystics From History

There are countless stories of famous mystics from history. Using their supposed powers mystics have often gained enormous power in the ancient, medieval, and sometimes even the modern world. There are people living among us now, who call themselves mystics, and although they look like everyday people they sometimes have a lot of power through […]

8 Savage Facts About Sir Francis Drake

8 Savage Facts About Sir Francis Drake

Sir Francis Drake was a pirate, sea captain, explorer, and slave trader. The British and the Spanish were at war, but Britain’s empire couldn’t yet compare to the Spanish, so they encouraged piracy, to weaken the Spanish Empire. Sir Francis Drake was the most famous of all these pirates. After the fall of Rome no […]

10 Amazing Facts About The Ismaili Assassins

10 Amazing Facts About The Ismaili Assassins

The Ismaili assassins were a group of assassins from medieval Persia, and were one of the most well organised and prolific group of assassins in history. They were a covert operation of killer conspirators who gained power through spying, and assassination. They managed to kill some of the most powerful people in the world, and […]

10 Amazing Historical And Ancient Mysteries

10 Amazing Historical And Ancient Mysteries

Ancient mysteries are some of the most fascinating, because we know so little about them, which leads to wild speculation. The ancients were primitive and didn’t have many tools, yet they built these gargantuan structures, and nobody reallly knows how they built them. From mysteries disks, and tunnels, to the Devil’s Bible, this is a […]

10 Bloodiest Slave Rebellions From History

10 Bloodiest Slave Rebellions From History

Being a slave is possibly the worst fate anyone could suffer. You have no freedom, and no rights, you’re simply at the mercy of your master, who usually isn’t a paragon of morality. As such, sometimes slaves will push back against the crushing oppression,and rise up in rebellion. Slave rebellions weren’t always successful tactically, but […]

10 Most Savage Viking Voyages Of All Time

10 Most Savage Viking Voyages Of All Time

The Vikings were Norse pirates who used advanced technology to travel the world, pillaging and expanding their territory during what is known as the Viking Age. Vikings came from three countries Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. At the time people from these countries who went out raiding were said to be “going Viking”. Not all Vikings […]

10 Most Notorious Prisons Ever

10 Most Notorious Prisons Ever

Prisons sound like dreadful places. I don’t know why anyone goes. Although the most notorious prisons no longer exist. They were shut down when the polar god gave us human rights. Today we look at some of history’s most notorious prisons, from Devil’s Island to the Black Hole of Calcutta. Camp Sumter The American civil […]

Lost Countries: 10 Countries You Didn’t Know Existed

Lost Countries: 10 Countries You Didn’t Know Existed

There are countless lost countries. Nations that have been forgotten by history. Some were great, while others were insignificant. Here are their stories. There are some countries the world is familiar with. Hollywood has given the world an insight into American culture. But other countries are less well known. People outside of Belarus and Tajikistan […]

10 Greatest WW2 Generals From History

10 Greatest WW2 Generals From History

World War Two was the deadliest war in history. It was arguably more complicated and challenging than any war before it due to its gargantuan nature. Some of the generals in this war became famous all over the world because of their exceptional leadership, but some of the most badass WW2 generals are almost completely […]

Why The Roman Empire Was So Formidable

Why The Roman Empire Was So Formidable

The Roman Empire, which lasted for 1484 years (if you count the Byzantine) was one of the most powerful, and formidable empires in years. But what made the Roman Empire just so formidable? The answer is both complex and fascinating. The Romans used advanced techniques in warfare which included massive siege weapons, battlefield surgery, and […]

10 Medieval Kings With Amazing Names – Fiery Dragon Wolf

10 Medieval Kings With Amazing Names – Fiery Dragon Wolf

Medieval kings have often been given nicknames throughout history because of characteristic of theirs, which stands out the most, which leaves you wondering why some might be called “the Cabbage”, or even “Fiery Dragon Wolf”. This is a list of the 10 most amazing names of medieval kings from history. Constantine Shittyname Constantine was nicknamed […]

10 Facts About Vlad The Impaler- A Villain Or Hero?

10 Facts About Vlad The Impaler- A Villain Or Hero?

Vlad the Impaler, also known as Vlad Dracula, is famous for being one of the most barbaric leaders, savage killers, and inhumane torturers in history, but is there more to the story. Reviled in the most of the world, yet revered in Romania. Dracula is treated as a national hero in his home country, but […]

10 Famous Samurai That You Need To Know About

10 Famous Samurai That You Need To Know About

Samurai are Japanese warriors, famous for their skill with the Katana. Samurai normally work for a clan and a lord. They are expected to hold to an unwritten code of Bushido, which encourages them to put honour, bravery, and loyalty over their own lives. Some samurai became famous due to their amazing accomplishments, or skill […]

10 Facts About The Holy Roman Empire You Should Know

10 Facts About The Holy Roman Empire You Should Know

The Holy Roman Empire was one of the biggest, and disunited empires in history. It started off well, and then became a fascinating mess. It was founded by Charlemagne the great in the 8th century, shaped the Europe we know today. This is a list of 10 facts about the Holy Roman Empire you should […]

10 Amazing Facts About Medieval Knights

10 Amazing Facts About Medieval Knights

Medieval Knights were some of the most dangerous people on the battlefield during Medieval Europe. They were not only clad in impenetrable armour, but had also spent years of their life training to become knights. The introduction of knights in plate armour to the battlefield, changed the nature of warfare in amazing ways. This is […]

10 Of The Most Powerful Dynasties From History

10 Of The Most Powerful Dynasties From History

Large close-knitted families who hold immense power can be seen throughout history. By appointing family members to different positions around the world, you can make yourself a lot more powerful. And many of the families on this list had more power than you could possibly imagine. This is a list of the 10 most powerful […]

10 Most Shocking Ambushes In History

10 Most Shocking Ambushes In History

From Hannibal defeating giant Roman armies, to wild barbarians destroying armies three times their size, this is a list of the 10 most shocking ambushes in history. Ambushes have proven time and again throughout history to be one of, if not the most effective way of winning a war, and the easiest way for your […]

10 Times Napoleon Bonaparte Annihilated His Enemies

10 Times Napoleon Bonaparte Annihilated His Enemies

Napoleon Bonaparte is famous for being one of the greatest military strategists, and emperors in history. He won many great victories, and used revolutionary tactics. He was so superior in tactical and strategic ability that he would often annihilate the opposing armies. This is a list of 10 times Napoleon annihilated his enemies. The Ulm […]

10 Most Evil Rulers You May Not Have Heard Of

10 Most Evil Rulers You May Not Have Heard Of

Stealing babies and bathing in the blood of hundreds of virgins, are just two of the things evil rulers did throughout history. Evil rulers are something humans have never really been without. The most ruthless and barbaric people are often the ones who make it to the top. Simply power itself can corrupt once innocent […]

10 Terrifying Real Hauntings From History

10 Terrifying Real Hauntings From History

Real hauntings have been reported all throughout history, but we often only hear about the most recent ones. Some of the most interesting and terrifying, real hauntings are from hundreds of years ago. Some of those hauntings are still happening today. 50 Berkeley Square The haunted house on 50 Berkeley Square, is haunted and has […]

10 Reasons Why The Mongols Were So Feared

10 Reasons Why The Mongols Were So Feared

In the beginning, the Mongols were simply disorganized tribes of brilliant horse archers, but under Genghis Khan they became the greatest fighting force the medieval world had ever seen. They built the largest contiguous empire in the history, and nobody was more feared than them. The Mongols won countless battles, often against much larger armies. […]

10 Dictators Who Died Violently

10 Dictators Who Died Violently

Dangerous jobs often boast high wages to temp applicants. The most high wage job in the world is dictatorship. To be a dictator is to possibly have access to the wealth of an entire nation. But more than that, control of it’s institutions. And if said dictator is skillful, control of it’s population. Like other […]

10 Medieval Castles That Could Not Be Broken

10 Medieval Castles That Could Not Be Broken

Medieval castles were fortified structures were European nobles lived during the Middle Ages. They built castles in both Europe and the Middle East. Now people use the word castle to refer to many different types of fortified structures all over the world. Contrary to popular belief castles were not only defensive but also offensive structures. […]

10 Secrets Of The American Revolutionary War

10 Secrets Of The American Revolutionary War

There are many things about the American Revolutionary War, that weren’t publicised very much, and it’s easy to see why. Here we list things you probably didn’t know about the war, and also information on some of it’s most significant battles. This is list of 10 secrets of the revolutionary war. The Conway Cabal Washington […]

10 Countries That Almost Existed – Proposed Countries

10 Countries That Almost Existed – Proposed Countries

There have been many proposed countries that never quite became nations. Some are pretty dull and realistic while others were wild and obviously impossible. Here are ten planned countries that never came into existence. To be brutally honest despite the title, some of these never had any chance of coming into existence. It’s not click […]

10 Most Evil Nazi Scientists

10 Most Evil Nazi Scientists

Nazi scientists are some of the most unhinged scientists, and committed some of the most atrocious violations of human rights and efforts you’ll ever read about. These were the people who created the plan for the holocaust, and other genocides committed by the Nazi’s. They justified their actions using deranged notions of the greater good. […]

Sengoku Period: The Bloodiest Period In Japanese History

Sengoku Period: The Bloodiest Period In Japanese History

The Sengoku Period was one of the bloodiest in Japanese history. It was a time of samurai fighting for supremacy, after the country became divided following the Onin War. Japan was a changing landscape, trade with China had brought new opportunities, money, and commercial cities, these changes would cause a severe change in the country. […]

10 Amazing Things That Happened During The Victorian Age

10 Amazing Things That Happened During The Victorian Age

The Victorian Age is considered to be a time of relative peace for Britain, which is extraordinary considering it was at war for every year of this period. That shows how bloody history can be. It spans the reign of Queen Victoria, from 1837 to 1901. It was also a time of revolutionary science and […]

10 Reasons Joseph Stalin Was Worse Than Hitler

10 Reasons Joseph Stalin Was Worse Than Hitler

Joseph Stalin was a cold calculating man who would happily kill people for even the most minor of reasons. He was dictator of the Soviet Union, Russia’s most recent empire, and one of the most devastating dictators in human history. He killed millions of people without remorse, and whether he or Hitler were a more […]

10 Most Badass Ancient Heroes

10 Most Badass Ancient Heroes

From the greatest slave rebel of all time, to one of the few men not to be corrupted by immense power, this is a list of the 10 most badass ancient heroes of all time. Regulus Regulus was a successful Roman general whose life ended in one of the most admirable ways possible. During the […]

10 Chinese Generals Who Crushed Their Enemies

10 Chinese Generals Who Crushed Their Enemies

Chinese generals are famed for their bravery loyalty, and strategic genius. Some of the most impressive generals from history have come from China, as well as some of the most epic battles. This is a list of 10 Chinese generals who crushed their enemies. Yue Fei Yue Fei started off as a private but rose […]

10 Famous Pirates Who Ruled The Seas

10 Famous Pirates Who Ruled The Seas

Pirates make a living on the ocean and seas, raiding other ships to plunder and loot them. Famous pirates were normally the most fearsome or successful. Pirates would often own multiple ships, sometimes even hundreds, allowing them to take on entire armies, and come out rich. This is a list of 10 famous pirates who […]

10 Shocking Facts About Mao Zedong

10 Shocking Facts About Mao Zedong

Mao Zedong was a communist dictator, and Chairman of the Communist Party of China. Under his rule tens of millions of people were killed, and persecuted. He caused the greatest famine in human history, cannibalism became rampant in some parts of China as a result, and he would execute people for the most minor of […]

10 English Kings Who Shaped World History

10 English Kings Who Shaped World History

England has a long, fascinating, and violent history of English kings. Many wars were fought for the position of king. When a contender finally became king the wars often didn’t stop then either. Many English kings went on to declare war on other European countries like France, to further their power. In this list I […]

10 Things You Should Know About The Crusades

10 Things You Should Know About The Crusades

The Crusades refers to a period of time that lasted hundreds of years. There were actually hundreds of crusades that happened during this time, but only four main ones. The Crusades started in 1095 with Pope Urban’s call to arms, and ended in 1303. The Crusaders were an alliance of many Christian states who formed […]

10 Most Amazing Ancient Rulers From History

10 Most Amazing Ancient Rulers From History

Ancient history lasted 5,000 years and during that relatively short time, thousands of great ancient rulers existed. This is a list of military rulers, as well as kings and emperors from ancient times. These are people that created vast empires, or simply led their people exceptionally well. The actions of these rulers changed history forever. […]

10 Things You Should Know About Saladin

10 Things You Should Know About Saladin

Saladin is the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty, and was Sultan of Egypt and Syria. Saladin headed the Muslim military campaign against the crusaders. The Ayyubid dynasty was a large empire, which controlled significant portions of Africa and the Middle East. Saladin’s Rise Saladin managed to survive two attempts on his life by an enigmatic […]

10 Things You Should Know About The Three Kingdoms Period

10 Things You Should Know About The Three Kingdoms Period

This list includes important facts, events, assassinations, and battles from the Three Kingdoms Period. The Three Kingdoms Period is one of the most well known, and bloodiest periods of Chinese history. It was ignited by a series of bloody rebellions, and created power gap which multiple warlords tried to fill. After countless battles killing millions […]

10 Bloody And Great Battles With Surprising Outcomes

10 Bloody And Great Battles With Surprising Outcomes

When a giant army goes up against a much smaller force, the outcome is normally as expected, however sometimes the unbelievable happens. Great battles are often the ones where the underdog wins. From a Japanese commander using dummies to trick their enemy, to a force of only 13 ships defeating 330. This is a list […]

10 Bloodthirsty Viking Warriors

10 Bloodthirsty Viking Warriors

The Vikings were Norse seafarers, who traveled the ocean trading and raiding to their hearts content. They sailed all over Europe and although they were mostly traders, they were also pillagers and Viking warriors are known to be some of the most ferocious. All Viking men were required to own weapons, and were permitted to […]

10 Great Winston Churchill Speeches

10 Great Winston Churchill Speeches

“Of all the talents bestowed upon men, none is so precious as the gift of oratory. He who enjoys it wields a power more durable than that of a great king. He is an independent force in the world. Abandoned by his party, betrayed by his friends, stripped of his offices, whoever can command this […]

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Napoleon Bonaparte

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte is one of the most famous men in history, and for good reason. He became emperor of France soon after the French Revolution and conquered much of Europe. During the Napoleonic war he fought 60 battles and only lost 7 of them. He’s remembered as one of the greatest commanders in history, and […]

10 Times Caligula Went Absolutely Insane

10 Times Caligula Went Absolutely Insane

Caligula is the notorious madman who ruled over Rome for around four years until he was assassinated by his bodyguards, and some senators. His exploits have been famous all over the world, and are hotly debated to this day. From declaring a war on Poseidon to making his horse a consul, here’s a long list […]

10 Shocking Facts About Genghis Khan

10 Shocking Facts About Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan was the leader of the Mongol Empire, perhaps the mightiest in history. The empire he started eventually became the largest contiguous empire in history. He was born into a tribe in Northeast Asia, and warred with other tribes until he had united them all under his rule. The tactics and strategies used by […]

10 Golden Ages You’d Love To See

10 Golden Ages You’d Love To See

Tracing the roots of the word Golden Age will take you back to Greek mythology and legend. Greek legend dictates that the first of the five Ages of Man is the Golden, succeeded by the silver age, followed by the bronze Age, then the Age of Heroes, and then the Iron age. Humans living during […]

10  Bloodiest Chinese Dynasties Ever

10 Bloodiest Chinese Dynasties Ever

A dynasty is a line of hereditary rulers of a civilisation. There are many Chinese dynasties throughout history but these ones were particularly violent.  Dynasties rarely started or ended peacefully, in fact the majority of them were destroyed by rebellions or opposing factions. This is a list of the 10 bloodiest Chinese dynasties ever. Eastern […]

8 Reasons The Mongol Empire Dominated

8 Reasons The Mongol Empire Dominated

The Mongol Empire was the largest contiguous empire in history. It was started by tribes in the Steppes of Central Asia. Genghis Khan united the Mongol tribes in the Steppe and proceeded to decimate their enemies. Using superior technology and more sophisticated battle tactics allowed them to dominate the battlefield. At it’s height it covered […]

10 Reasons For The Fall Of The Han Dynasty

10 Reasons For The Fall Of The Han Dynasty

The Han dyasty is a period of Chinese history that lasted for over 1,000 years. It’s one of the longest lasting empires in history, but like all empires it eventually fell. But what was the reason for the fall of the Han Dynasty? There are countless reasons for the fall of the Han dynasty, some […]

10 Lost Expeditions Surrounded By Mystery

10 Lost Expeditions Surrounded By Mystery

Lost expeditions are voyages that end up going wrong in some way, which usually results in the death or disappearance of the explorers themselves. Exploring is a dangerous job, but for most explorers the thrill and excitement is worth the risk. Although most lost expeditions date back hundreds of years, some are as recent as […]

The Five Good Emperors Of Ancient Rome

The Five Good Emperors Of Ancient Rome

Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus, and Aurelius were dubbed The Five Good Emperors because of the long period of prosperity Rome had under their consecutive rule. Rome territory expanded significantly during this period, and it’s borders reached as far as they ever would. Each emperor ruled in their own way, but they all improved some aspect […]

King Raedwald – The Wise Ruler

King Raedwald – The Wise Ruler

Who Was king Raedwald? Raedwald was king of an Anglo-Saxon kingdom called East Anglia, which means “Land of the Eastern Angles”. His grandfather was the first king of the East Angles, and inherited a well-established throne. He don’t actually know much about Raedwald. It’s thought that most historical documents and records of his life were […]

10 Most Savage Empires In History

10 Most Savage Empires In History

An empire is when more than one nation is ruled over by one single emperor or empress. Most settled land has been ruled over as part of an empire during at least one period in history, with multiple empires usually co-existing. There are arguably no empires left today, but it wasn’t too long ago that […]

10 Revolutionary Battle Tactics That Changed Warfare

10 Revolutionary Battle Tactics That Changed Warfare

Battle tactics are the art and science of organising an army or other military force, and the techniques used to defeat enemy forces in battle. Battle tactics have become more advanced and complicated as they’ve evolved throughout history but many are still the same on a fundamental level as they were thousands of years ago. […]

10 Major Battles Of The Civil War

10 Major Battles Of The Civil War

The American Civil War was a bloody civil war, where the Union in the North was pitted against the Confederate States of America in the south, who wanted to secede. The war lasted a long four years, and was the most violent war in U.S. history. They had countless important battles, but the major battles […]

10 Lost Civilizations That Disappeared

10 Lost Civilizations That Disappeared

Lost Civilizations have been found all over the world. Many explorers have found magnificent temples or cities, hidden away somewhere nobody ever visits. Lost Civilizations are often filled with treasures, art and other amazing artefacts that give us insights into how they lived their lives. Lost civilizations were often powerful or significant in some way, […]

10 Bloodiest Battles In History

10 Bloodiest Battles In History

What were the bloodiest battles in history? If you seek the answer to that question, keep reading. I won’t be ranking this list based on overall impact of the battle, or on the number of soldiers involved, but on the actual death toll of each battle – how many people actually died. Many on the […]

10 Bloodiest Wars In History

10 Bloodiest Wars In History

Have you ever wondered what the bloodiest wars in history were? If so, this is the article for you. Ignore other people’s articles on similar topics, Eskify do it better. There are a number of myths relating to the death tolls of some of the bloodiest wars in history. I hope to put some of […]

10 Most Overpowered And Amazing Siege Weapons

10 Most Overpowered And Amazing Siege Weapons

A siege weapon or siege engine is a tool designed to try and get through city walls or other fortifications, and defenses. Originaly siege weapons were made mainy out of wood but eventually began to be made with metal and gunpowder. The earliest siege weapons would normally just hurl heavy objects at enemy forts in […]

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