10 Interesting Chinese Historical Figures

10 Interesting Chinese Historical Figures

Here are some Chinese historical figures I find interesting. 10: Brilliant Chang One of the most notorious of all Chinese historical figures was Brilliant Chang. International headlines dubbed him the “Dope King of London” – but little detail of his life is known. We know he was born into a wealthy Chinese family in the […]

The Weirdest Serial Killers In History

The Weirdest Serial Killers In History

Serial killers are not normal – actually they’re the least normal people in the world. But everything in life is relative, and some serial killers are just beyond strange. Here are four of the weirdest serial killers you could ever hear of. The Weepy-Voiced Killer In the state of Minnesota is a disgusting city called […]

Historical Figures Who Disappeared – Historical Disappearances

Historical Figures Who Disappeared – Historical Disappearances

Sometimes people just disappear – like your dad when he went to the store and never came back. He was a deadbeat, and so are you. But some disappearances are more mysterious. In fact, many historical figures have disappeared under mysterious circumstances, never to be seen again. Even royals have vanished – like Zannanza, prince […]

Planets That Shouldn’t Exist

Planets That Shouldn’t Exist

Planets are like children: they’re all special in their own way and going near them makes your head feel like it’s going to explode… Also Mexicans have a disproportionate number of them. But not all planets are equal. In the great void that is space there can be found a number of planets that can […]

10 Countries That Hate Each Other

10 Countries That Hate Each Other

Countries; there are too many of them. 195 UN member states, stop it. Why does Bhutan exist? It serves no purpose. There are too many nations and not enough land to go around. So of course, many regions are mired in land disputes. Some countries really don’t get along. Rumor has it North and South […]

10 Most Haunted Places In Atlanta

10 Most Haunted Places In Atlanta

The city of Atlanta is easily one of the most unique in all of America. With a population of 6 million in it’s metropolitan area, it’s GDP is the 10th highest of any US city. It is known as the City in a Forest, thanks to the large number of trees within the city itself, […]

10 Notorious Mobsters And Their Horrific Crimes

10 Notorious Mobsters And Their Horrific Crimes

Mobsters were made famous by gangster films, like the god father, and this sparked a morbid fascination with the mob. Some of the most notorious mobster have committed unthinkable crimes on their fellow man. The average person may have trouble stomaching some of the details of their crimes. Other notorious mobsters simply became famous because […]

10 Greatest Spanish Pirates From History

10 Greatest Spanish Pirates From History

For much of the Golden Age of piracy, our world’s largest and most powerful empire belonged to Spain. Covering most of South and Central America, much of the Caribbean, and parts of Asia, this empire was strung together by a series of naval trade routes. Along these routes flowed a constant supply of gold silver […]

10 Surprisingly Creative But Horrific Booby Traps

10 Surprisingly Creative But Horrific Booby Traps

Booby traps have been used all throughout history, and over time we’ve developed ones that are both deviously clever, and creative, but also horrific. From pitfalls, and trip wires, to exploding chocolate, and paintings, there no end to what can be booby trapped. Booby traps normally don’t kill a large number of people, but don’t […]

10 Billionaires You’ve Never Heard Of

10 Billionaires You’ve Never Heard Of

Some of the most famous and powerful people in the world are billionaires. Think Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg. But not all wealthy people are so accepting of public attention. Across the world there exist billionaires who insist on keeping a low profile, billionaires you’ve never heard of. Yet their stories are interesting, […]

The Mysterious Disappearance of Helen Brach

The Mysterious Disappearance of Helen Brach

For as long as we have recorded history there have been people who disappeared. Usually there are clues to what caused the mysterious disappearance – be it a shipwreck or even a kidnapping. But some cases are different. There are a handful of disappearances that have gone down as some of the most mysterious chapters […]

10 Crazy UFO Religions

10 Crazy UFO Religions

A UFO religion is a religion which teaches of the existence of UFOs. Aliens with advanced technology are usually said to be piloting those UFOs. Some UFO religions teach that humans are descended from aliens, while others say we are enslaved by them. Some would more easily be described as cults or religious movements, but […]

10 Most Isolated People In The World

10 Most Isolated People In The World

From Ishi the last native American, to an 86 year-old, butt naked Japanese Hermit, living on an island, this is a list of the 10 most isolated people in the world. Now that we live in such a connected world, it’s fascinating to see how some people can live such isolated, unconnected lives. We live […]

10 Mad Scientists People Thought Would Destroy The World

10 Mad Scientists People Thought Would Destroy The World

This is a list of 10 scientists, and science teams people were convinced were mad scientists going to destroy the world, and some that actually could of. Mad scientists are something that rarely appears outside of stories, however, there have been some scientists who created things so devastating, or were so careless, it borders on […]

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