Magic… it’s that thing magicians do. But magicians are creeps – every single one of them. If you ant magic you should seek out one of the many objects said to possess real magical powers. Across the globe exist such magical objects. Some are associates with ancient legends, others are surrounded by modern mysteries. So from a mummified human hand to giant mysterious boots, here are ten real magical objects waiting to be found.
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10: Howard Carter’s Magic Ring
Howard Carter was the archaeologist who discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun. It was the 1920s and the tomb’s excavation became world famous, mostly thanks to the curse that was said to have been unleashed. It seemed like everyone present when the tomb was opened fell victim to misfortune. Some died suddenly and others lost everything. But it didn’t affect Howard Carter in any way. Leading up to the excavation, Carter received dozens of anonymous letters warning against opening the tomb.
People of the day wondered why he wasn’t scared to open the tomb, and why he escaped the misfortune that fell upon his colleagues. It is said Howard Carter was protected by a magic ring known as the “Ring of Ra”. According to legend the ring was found in the tomb of an ancient priest some time during the Victorian era. It was then passed through the ownership of several Egyptologists before Carter acquired it. We don’t know who currently owns it. But whoever they are it will bring them good fortune.
9: Hand of Glory

Copyright Badobadop / (CC BY-SA 4.0)
This mummified human hand was given to a museum in 1935. It’s owner claimed it was found within the walls of an old cottage. Now known as the hand of glory, legend tells of it being cut from a criminal while they were hanging dead. It was then treated with fat from the same corpse and mummified. Hands of Glory became known as magical objects – with the power to unlock doors and put people to sleep. They were used by thieves, enabling them to enter ant home and make sure it’s inhabitants were sleeping. European folklore describes many hands of glory. This is the last known specimen. And if you ask me it should be destroyed.
8: Durendal

Copyright Patrick Clenet / (CC BY-SA 3.0)
In a French museum is Durendal. But until recently it was embedded in a cliff side above the Notre Dame chapel. Legend tells it belonged to a medieval warrior called Roland. Little is known about him. But he is remembered as the greatest warrior of medieval France. And so the French king gave him Durendal – a magic sword once wielded by the ancient Greek hero Hector. So powerful was the sword that an Italian ruler invaded France to steal it. After being defeated in battle, Roland was desperate not to surrender the sword. Knowing it was impossible to destroy Durendal, he threw it into the cliff above him. This both guaranteed it’s safety and proved it was sharp enough to cut through rock. The cliff since became a pilgrimage site, with people coming from all over to see the magic sword that can cut through anything.
7: Lothair Crystal

Copyright Ashley Van Haeften / (CC BY 2.0)
There is a mysterious crystal from medieval Germany that some believe possesses supernatural powers. It was created some time during the 9th century. But nothing is known about it’s history until the next century, when it was traded by a French count for a horse. It soon found a home inside a Belgian church until the French revolution. In 1793 the church was raided and the crystal thrown into a river.
The crystal reappeared in the next century – now with a crack across it’s surface. Today the crystal is in the British museum, along with many other magical objects if rumour is to be believed. No one knows what it’s original purpose was. Some think it was the personal seal of an important noble. Others think it was just an ornament. But some say it was created as a magical object of protection and luck. They say this is why no matter what disastrous event it has witnessed, the crystal has always survived. One legend tells the crystal guarantees whoever owns it will gain as much wealth and power as they desire.
6: Seven League Boots
European folklore has long described seven league boots. Magical objects that allow the wearer to travel 7 leagues with each step. That’s about 18.5 miles or 30 kilometers. In folk tales they are given to a protagonist to help complete their quest, usually by a wizard or someone else mystical. After their quest was complete the boots would disappear. Like all legends many believe these stories have their origin in true events. Some even believe the seven league boots are real. Probably not though, they wouldn’t be practical. Taking 30 kilometer strides would literally tear you limb from limb – and that’s the last thing you need while on a quest.
5: King Solomon’s Ring
Solomon was an ancient king of Israel, considered wise and brilliant. Legend tells that Solomon was once visited by the archangel Michael, who gave him a magic ring. The holy ring gave Solomon the power to command Djinn – demon like genie monsters said to roam the desert. On placing the ring on his middle finger he ordered a Djinn appear before him. And emerging from a column of fire and smoke an enormous demon stood before him. It was so shocked to have been transported here that it dropped the pile of diamonds it was carrying.
The Djinn could have killed Solomon but instead it bowed down to him. And so Solomon was able to control demons from that day. This legend has been told for almost two thousand years. It goes on to tell that the ring was stolen from the corpse of king Solomon when he died, and passed through many different owners, some who misused it. Still today some believe king Solomon’s ring is out there, and whoever wears it can command demons.
4: The Killing Stone
In European folklore the philosopher’s stone has the power to give life. Japanese folklore describes the exact opposite. Sessho Seki or “the Killing Stone” is said to cause the death of anyone who touches it. The stone was once a beautiful woman. But when it came to light that she was plotting to kill the emperor she was put to death, and her corpse transformed into a large stone. Today the killing stone is said to be somewhere among the scattered rocks in Nasu, a site of volcanic mountains. So if you’re in that area, don’t touch any rock you find there, as one of them might kill you.
3: The Spear of Destiny
The Nazi SS are known to have travelled far and wide in search of magical objects. One of such magical objects they took interest in was the spear of destiny, an ancient spearhead that pierced the side of Jesus when he was on the cross. Coated with the blood of Christ, it became a sacred relic, granting it’s holder the power to conquer the world. Charles IV – a 14th century king of Bohemia – claimed to possess the spear of destiny.
He would have the spear head paraded before his subjects each year. It was passed down through succeeding royal families in central Europe. Then in world war two it was taken to Germany. Some think the Nazis believed it would help them win the war. Clearly it didn’t. Today it’s on display within an Austrian palace. But it’s not the only relic claimed to be the spear of destiny.
2: Adder Stone
Every now and then you might come across what’s known as an Adder Stone. They have a naturally occurring hole through them and are found beside bodies of water. European folklore tells that they are magic, having the ability to prevent nightmares and cure snake venom. For this reason they were highly valued by travellers in medieval times. It even came to be a status symbol, being worn as an amulet and sometimes depicted in heraldry. Adder stones are most common in northern Europe. So if you’re in need of a magic rock, head to the north coast of Poland or Germany.
1: Galdrabok
Galdrabok is a name that means “book of magic” in Icelandic. The book was created around the 17th century in Iceland and contains instructions on performing 47 spells. It also instructs how to create magical staffs and rune stones. The spells within Galdrabok cover a wide range of abilities. From causing the death of someone’s pet animal to summoning demons and binding people so that they can’t move. It’s unclear who the book’s four authors were. But they provided clear instructions for each spell and ritual, which would be useful if there was such a thing as magic.