Many of the best folkloric tales feature mysterious mountains. Many of which were inspired by real mountains that are surrounded by mystery. In this video we look at some ancient creepy mountain mysteries, and some stained by more recent ones – from murder cases to the Yeti. Here are my top 10 Unsolved Mountain Mysteries.


Valley of the Headless Men

In Northern Canada is the Valley of Headless Men. It’s in a largely unmapped area, which can only be accessed by plane. The local natives have long believed in a mysterious group of warriors. The warriors are said to possess weapons able to destroy entire villages. As a warning to others, they would decapitate the corpses of their enemies. That may sound like just an old legend but several people have been found dead there, with their heads missing. Willie and Frank McLeod were found dead there in 1908, both without their heads. Martin Jorgenson was found without his head in 1917 and many more were discovered in the coming decades. Despite the danger, people go there looking for gold.


What’s In The Forbidden Mountain?

In Mongolia, there is a 240 square kilometer area which is highly restricted. You can only enter the area with the permission of local authorities. For most of recorded history, the only people allowed to enter were a group of elite warriors called the Darkhad. They would kill anyone else who did try to enter. The area is mostly mountainous and covered in thick forest. Legend tells that the tomb of Genghis Khan is somewhere in these mountains. And that’s why the Darkhad guard the area; their ancestors were instructed to when Genghis Khan died. It’s unknown what secrets may call the area home, only recently have archaeologists been granted access.


Mount Lykaion Sacrifice

Mount Lykaion is said to be the birthplace of Zeus. In ancient Greece, young people would often be sacrificed to the gods. One legend tells of a young boy. Taken up mount Lykaion, he was sacrificed to Zeus along with some animals. His flesh was then cooked and eaten by his killers. This transformed them into wolves for nine years. That’s an outlandish tale – but there might be some truth to it. An ancient skeleton of a young boy was recently discovered on the mountain. It’s thought he was sacrificed.


Who First Climbed Mount Everest?

Mount Everest was first climbed in 1953. But some believe it was first climbed a while before that, by a man called George Mallory. His frozen corpse was found on Mount Everest in 1999. He died there in 1924. He wasn’t at the top, but some wonder if he was on his way down. It remains the biggest mystery of Mount Everest. Was George Mallory the first to reach the top?


Signal Mountain Murders

In 1988, three dead bodies were found at Signal mountain, in Chattanooga Tennessee. The men were murdered by gunshots, while on private property. The property owner immediately became the prime suspect. He was put on trial and convicted on their murders. But there was no actual evidence that he killed them – and a lack of motive. He had interacted with the men shortly before their deaths. He wrote about this in his diary. The diary entry mentioned no violence or bad confrontations. With lack of evidence or motive, many wonder if he really did kill them.


Treasure Mountain Treasure

Treasure Mountain is in the middle of Colorado. It was named after a legend surrounding it’s history. The story goes like this: In the 18th century, Emperor Napoleon sent an expedition to explore new areas of North America. While in Colorado, they discovered a fortune worth in gold. Not long after, they were met with hostility from local natives. They had no choice but run for their lives. So they buried the gold for safekeeping. Only one man survived the native attacks. He told that the gold is buried at Treasure Mountain. Despite his detailed descriptions no one has ever found the gold. It could still be there.


Grey Man of Ben MacDhui

Ben MacDhui isn’t a person at all. It’s Britain’s second biggest mountain. It’s said that a mysterious human-like creature calls the mountain home. People are warned not to climb alone as the Grey Man of Ben MacDhui will stalk you. Unlike humans, it’s covered in thick grey hair and is much taller than us. Get far enough during a stormy day, and the Grey Man will try and kill you. The story goes back to the early 20th century, when mountaineering clubs were exploring as many peaks as possible. It’s basically just a Scottish Yeti; many believe in it. Does the Grey Man of Ben MacDhui exist?


Cadair Berwyn Incident

Now we look to a Welsh mountain called Cadair Berwyn. In 1974, local residents felt tremors and heard loud noises. Looking outside, they saw what they have since called a flying saucer. It was a bright light in the sky which could have been all sorts of things. They believe it was an alien craft. The noises have since been explained as the result of an earthquake. The bright light has been explained as a meteorite. It was just a big coincidence. Such a big coincidence that many don’t believe the official story.


Dyatlov Pass Incident

In 1959, nine people mysteriously died at a mountain pass. They were traveling through the Ural mountains in the Soviet Union. On February 2nd, they set up camp. They mysteriously died that same night. In the middle of the night they tore through their tents and ran out into the snow. Their dead bodies were found not far from the camp. There was clearly a struggle. Some of their skulls were crushed. One woman was missing her tongue – as if it had been bitten off. Some believe they were killed by the Yeti. It’s never been determined what did happen that night.


Black Mountain Disappearances

In Australia’s Queensland is the mysterious Black Mountain. It was called “Mountain of Death” by Aboriginal Australians. No plant life grows on the mountain, which is quite unusual. The black rock is so unlike any in it’s surrounding area. In folklore, Black Mountain is a place of evil. It’s said that anyone who explores it during a time of heavy fog will disappear. Many stories have emerged of the disappearances of police officers, travelers, farmers with their livestock, and an entire tribe of aboriginals. It soon became a legend shared by both natives and European settlers.

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