The greatest hackers have been known to hack into some of the hardest websites to get into while they’re still only teenagers. They often do this just for fun, curiosity, money, or just to make a point. Hackers have caused billions in damages across the world,...
Most cops are good people who try to serve the public, otherwise there would be chaos in the streets, however not all cops are good. Dirty cops are the ones who abuse their power to serve their own needs. They might sell drugs or weapons to make some extra cash,...
It’s harder than just pointing a rifle at a target, and then firing. Snipers take into account, wind, the curvature of the earth, elevation of the sniper, and other environmental factors. The spotter is also important, sniping is a two man operation, with the...
The Enlightenment was a period of history from 1715 to 1789. What took place was a revolutionary intellectual movement, where new ideas centred on reason became prominent, and old ideas were challenged. Many ideas that became popular then are the ideas much of western...
The Arctic isn’t just home to Polar bears and bizarre Canadian political parties. It’s also home to some of the most mysterious objects and sites ever discovered. Some are of scientific interest, while others might prove the Vikings settled more of North...
From the slayer of great beasts to the god of fire, this is a list of 10 famous demigods that might be real. Famous demigods are defined as humans who are part god, normally because one of their ancestors was a god. The demigods on this list are most likely mythical,...