Caligula is the notorious madman who ruled over Rome for around four years until he was assassinated by his bodyguards, and some senators. His exploits have been famous all over the world, and are hotly debated to this day. From declaring a war on Poseidon to making...
Genghis Khan was the leader of the Mongol Empire, perhaps the mightiest in history. The empire he started eventually became the largest contiguous empire in history. He was born into a tribe in Northeast Asia, and warred with other tribes until he had united them all...
Tracing the roots of the word Golden Age will take you back to Greek mythology and legend. Greek legend dictates that the first of the five Ages of Man is the Golden, succeeded by the silver age, followed by the bronze Age, then the Age of Heroes, and then the Iron...
A dynasty is a line of hereditary rulers of a civilisation. There are many Chinese dynasties throughout history but these ones were particularly violent. Dynasties rarely started or ended peacefully, in fact the majority of them were destroyed by rebellions or...
The Mongol Empire was the largest contiguous empire in history. It was started by tribes in the Steppes of Central Asia. Genghis Khan united the Mongol tribes in the Steppe and proceeded to decimate their enemies. Using superior technology and more sophisticated...
The Han dyasty is a period of Chinese history that lasted for over 1,000 years. It’s one of the longest lasting empires in history, but like all empires it eventually fell. But what was the reason for the fall of the Han Dynasty? There are countless reasons for...