10 Interesting Chinese Historical Figures

10 Interesting Chinese Historical Figures

Here are some Chinese historical figures I find interesting. 10: Brilliant Chang One of the most notorious of all Chinese historical figures was Brilliant Chang. International headlines dubbed him the “Dope King of London” – but little detail of his life is...
10 Badass Real Life Castaways

10 Badass Real Life Castaways

In 2015 strange headlines began to pop up in news sources across the world. According to them, Google Earth discovered a man who had been trapped on a desert island for 7 years. Google satellites finally rescued him after a user noticed an SOS sign he created on the...
10 Greatest Medieval Empires

10 Greatest Medieval Empires

The medieval age stretched from the 5th to the 15th century, give or take a few generations. It was a time of great change, beginning at the fall of Rome and the dark ages of European history. As Christianity took a strong grip in every corner of Europe, new kingdoms...
10 Greatest Samurai In Japanese History

10 Greatest Samurai In Japanese History

Samurai are widely regarded as the greatest warrior class in history. Raised for warfare, the Samurai were not allowed to work a regular job. Instead they were intended to spend most of their time training for, or reflecting on, combat. It was a high ranking social...
10 Greatest Assassins From History

10 Greatest Assassins From History

Since the dawn of recorded history there have been assassins. Usually for money, there are always some people willing to take lives. Assassinations have changed the world on many occasions. A perfect example is the murder of Julius Caesar, throwing the Roman empire...
The Witch of Yorkshire Britain’s First Conwoman

The Witch of Yorkshire Britain’s First Conwoman

The year is 1806, the famous Witch of Yorkshire is planning something incredible. She caused an uproar in England that caused people to travel from all over the country to visit her house, hoping to witness a miracle. She owned a chicken, which would lay eggs...

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