Weird Animals 99 percent of all animal species ever are now extinct. Why? Because mother nature is a complete psychopath. I hate her, and she’s made it clear she hates me too. Still, it’s estimated there are 8.7 million animal species in the world. Just to...
Samurai are widely regarded as the greatest warrior class in history. Raised for warfare, the Samurai were not allowed to work a regular job. Instead they were intended to spend most of their time training for, or reflecting on, combat. It was a high ranking social...
There are two kinds of people I hate – clowns, and people who are scared of clowns. But there are a lot more people afraid of clowns than there are clowns, which I suppose makes them worse. In fact, there is even a name for it – Coulrophobia. Yet it might not...
Since the dawn of recorded history there have been assassins. Usually for money, there are always some people willing to take lives. Assassinations have changed the world on many occasions. A perfect example is the murder of Julius Caesar, throwing the Roman empire...
No human settlement can last forever. Civilizations rise and fall, leaving once great cities to slowly crumble. Even the world’s greatest city the Turkish city of Batman, will eventually fall. This is simply the natural order of things. Nothing can last forever....