The Cursed Ghost Town of Bodie, California
In the United States society is very different from here in Europe. Instead of living in caves and forests they reside in large scale settlements known as “cities”. These “cities” are home to hundreds of thousands of people, large businesses, and grand buildings – and it doesn’t stop there! They also have smaller human settlements […]
The Tunnel No One Dares To Enter – Bunny Man Bridge
In the United States is a magical, wonderful, sensual place called Virginia. It’s a land of sexy hobbits and a surprisingly rich array of wildlife. But there are also darker elements to the state. Somewhere in Virginia is a small tunnel avoided by locals who know what’s best for them. It is one of America’s […]
The REAL Land of Giants – The Plain of Jars
Laos is one of the world’s forgotten countries. Tucked away in South East Asia, few people know anything about her. It’s a powerless nation dominated by Vietnam and China since the 1970s. Those who visit Laos often make note of how much influence Beijing has, with Chinese businesses propping up it’s economy and the Chinese […]
History’s Most Evil Secret Society
Looking over Ireland’s capital city is a 12 hundred foot hill. Upon it is an imposing stone building that has been notorious for centuries. 300 years ago it was used by one of the world’s most secret societies. Inside the building they would practice all kinds of strange rituals – and it wasn’t long before […]
The World’s Most CURSED City – Nan Madol
In Micronesia is an ancient ruined city built upon a coral reef. History forgets who built it, but local legend tells it was inhabited by a superior race of humans who could command magic and mythical creatures. She is among the most mysterious and unique places on Earth, attracting researchers from all around. It has […]
Places that don’t Exist – Russia’s Closed Cities
At the base of a Russian mountain is one of the world’s most mysterious places. It’s a town. But not like other towns, being directly controlled by the Russian government. She’s a relic from the countries past. One of many secret towns created by the Soviet Union. Only certain people were allowed into such cities, […]
Ice Hotel: The Hotel Made Entirely of Ice
Sweden is a unique place. It’s the only country on Earth to be called Sweden. But Sweden is not just known for being Sweden. It’s also known for her harsh winters. You’d think the Scandinavian winter would deter refugees from heading for Sweden but in the past few years millions have. There are different theories […]
The Strange History of Santa Claus
Modern depictions of father Christmas are pretty uniform. He’s an old overweight man with a beard and that weird hat that no one else wears. I’ve never seen anyone wear that kind of hat apart from people dressing up as him. So where did he get it? Hat or no hat, Santa Claus was not […]
English Cave: Mysterious Cave DISAPPEARED 100 Years Ago
Before the invention of refrigeration people would use cool spaces for storage, like basements or dark chambers. The city of St Louis was known for it’s many underground caves. The caves were known as being good places to store alcohol. Beer companies were especially fond of the caves. But being dark and damp, so were […]
Inside The Bermuda Triangle of Romania – Hoia Baciu Forest
Deep within Transylvania is one of our planet’s most unusual places. It’s a forest. It’s physical geography and history alone would make the forest interesting. But that doesn’t explain why it’s known as the Bermuda Triangle of Romania. For that we need to examine several generations of mysterious activity being reported within the forest; things […]