The Greatest Cartel In Human History: De Beers
Diamonds, apparently they are forever. I don’t know what that means but I’ve heard it said so it must be true. Still, the purpose of this video is not to look at the characteristics of diamonds. It’s to look at the business behind them. An eight billion dollar industry, countless fortunes have been made in […]
10 Tallest Things In The World – From Statues To Flagpoles
The world is full of things, from teddy bears to the Thing. But not all things are equal. Popeyes is clearly better than Chick fil a. And just as not all things are equal in value, they are not equal in height. Science has proven that some things are taller than...
10 Maps To Change How You See America
I’ve made a lot of content centered on the United States. It’s not because I think it’s an interesting country – or that there are important stories from it that need to be told. No, neither of those are true. In truth it’s because most of my audience are American. That’s the only reason. In […]
The Strangest City In The World – Burj Al Babas
Not all cities are equal. There’s a big difference between great cities like Shreveport Louisiana and boring places like Paris. But that’s to be expected. There are an estimated ten thousand cities in the world. Many of which grew slowly over the centuries. But some were deliberately planned and built to be cities. Henry Ford […]
10 Dark American Legends
The United States is a relatively young country. But much of it’s culture is drawn from older nations. This is evident in its folklore, with myths and legends very similar to those in Europe. But some American legends are entirely unique, leading many to believe they have a real life origin. Today we look only […]
The Ghost Ships of North Korea Explained
The Mary Celeste I don’t like ghosts. In my opinion you should really just go away after you die. There’s no reason to stay around to scare people – it’s just weird. Ghost ships are much better. Also known as phantom vessels, a ghost ship is any kind of boat found without a living crew. […]
10 Beautiful Abandoned Places You Can Visit
There are lots of places that should be abandoned. The entire state of West Virginia should be abandoned, the entire country of Lithuania should be abandoned. But for some reason they aren’t. Sill, there are countless real abandoned places out there, many of which eerily beautiful and with fascinating backstories. Today we look at some […]
Dullahan: The Irish Headless Horseman Legend
We’ve all heard stories of the headless horseman, a strange decapitated being who is inexplicably alive. He rides his horse endlessly, wandering remote areas and terrorizing any who encounter him. No one knows what he wants or even how he is alive, only that he should be avoided. The headless horseman was popularized in the […]
The Time Norway Almost Started WW3 – Norwegian Rocket Incident
In 1915 a little known incident very nearly triggered a nuclear war. For eight minutes the Russian military were put on high alert, and the Russian president contemplated launching a nuclear strike on the United States. The world could have ended that night without anyone understanding what really happened. But strangely, the blame for this […]
The Man Who Sold His Soul To The Devil
Countless people from history have been accused of making a seal with the devil, otherwise known as a Faustian Pact. Bridges built over especially steep cliffs were said to be the work of Satan, that only someone who sold his soul to the devil could be skilled enough to build it. And it’s not just […]