The Most Depressing Country On Earth
Over Christmas I was having a pointless conversation with someone very boring. But during it they posed a genuinely interesting question: what is the most depressing country in the world? It’s hard to answer because there are different ways to look at it. You could link misery to poverty, and simply say the poorest country […]
Why North Korea Banned Christmas
I have a problem, because my favorite country is North Korea. That’s partly due to the charisma of Kim Jong Un but it’s also much more than that. North Korea is the country of my dreams. It’s where I want to go old and eventually retire – just like most of you. The problem is […]
The Coldest Town In The World – Oymyakon
Around this time of year I always wonder why I don’t live somewhere warmer. But to be fair it could always be worse. There are many towns and cities in extremely cold places, from remote polar regions to places you might not expect to be so cold. But one town stands out among others. It […]
10 Strangest Towns In The World
There are many strange places in the world. But contrary to popular opinion, not all of them are in Germany. While most of them are German and in remote isolated areas, some are human settlements. It turns out humans can live almost anywhere and build towns and villages in the most bizarre places. But out […]
The Fake Town Created By Google Maps – Argleton Paper Town
Fifty percent of all humans live in cities, and that number is only increasing. Our world has roughly ten thousand cities, half of which did not exist 40 years ago. In part, the growth of these new cities has been at the expense of smaller settlements. Countless small towns have gradually been bled dry as […]
10 Most Haunted Towns In The World
Few things are worse than living in a small town. It’s like purgatory. You’re not quite in hell but you might as well be. But not all towns are equal, and not all of them are boring. Many are known for reports of paranormal activity. Usually small and old, they have long been plagued by […]
10 Dark Australian Legends
Some of the world’s darkest legends are Australian. Having it’s roots in ancient aboriginal mythology, Australian legends were born when 2 civilizations collided. With parts of the country still barely touched by humans, it’s easy to see why so many monsters are said to hide in the wilderness. But strange monsters are just one element […]
Weird Animals You’ve Never Heard of
Weird Animals 99 percent of all animal species ever are now extinct. Why? Because mother nature is a complete psychopath. I hate her, and she’s made it clear she hates me too. Still, it’s estimated there are 8.7 million animal species in the world. Just to catalogue that many species could take us a thousand […]
Real Life Creepy Clowns
There are two kinds of people I hate – clowns, and people who are scared of clowns. But there are a lot more people afraid of clowns than there are clowns, which I suppose makes them worse. In fact, there is even a name for it – Coulrophobia. Yet it might not technically be a […]
Port Royal: The City That Disappeared
No human settlement can last forever. Civilizations rise and fall, leaving once great cities to slowly crumble. Even the world’s greatest city the Turkish city of Batman, will eventually fall. This is simply the natural order of things. Nothing can last forever. But what about a city that did not gradually decline but suddenly disappeared? […]