The Cardiff Giant: America’s Greatest Hoax

The Cardiff Giant: America’s Greatest Hoax

To understand the Cardiff giant we must first understand the cultural significance of giants. You can tell a lot about a culture by their folklore, by the myths and legends they tell. No matter how different cultures are they tend to have common elements in their mythology. Among the most common is an ancient belief […]

Madain Saleh: The Cursed Ruin That Shouldn’t Exist

Madain Saleh: The Cursed Ruin That Shouldn’t Exist

There are places in this world that are simply mysterious – like the entire country of Luxembourg. Why does Luxembourg exist? It’s too small to serve any real purpose. It’s a mystery that has baffled great minds for generations, and is still no closer to being solved. But believe it or not some places are […]

Bunyip: The Australian Swamp Monster

Bunyip: The Australian Swamp Monster

In the 19th century, explorers went all across the globe to do their favorite thing – explore. As they ventured the less familiar continents of Australia, Africa, and South America, all kinds of new animal species were discovered. From the Titi to the Muskox, it was an orgy of scientific discovery. But some discoveries were […]

Gryla: The Cannibal Witch of Iceland – Christmas Monsters

Gryla: The Cannibal Witch of Iceland – Christmas Monsters

Christmas – it’s the season to be jolly – even if you’re a serial killer like Ted Bundy. In truth it’s a murderer’s favorite holiday. There’s a reason our popular image of Santa Claus looks so much like Charles Manson. But to some cultures Christmas is a much darker affair. Germanic legends tell of strange, […]

Golem: The Jewish Frankenstein – Monster Guide

Golem: The Jewish Frankenstein – Monster Guide

Every country has it’s own mythology and folklore, each telling of strange monstrous creatures. There are so many monsters: cyclops, ogres, the kraken, your mother, your sister, wendigo – too many to list in one video alone. So I decided to start a new video series, each installment focusing on a different kind of monster. […]

Monowi: The Town With Just One Resident

Monowi: The Town With Just One Resident

As it stands, the most populous city in the world is Chongqing, being home to more than 30 million people. That’s more than the entire population of Australia, and six times the population of Ireland. Like most places these days, Chongqing is Chines. But Chongqing is just one of 47 mega cities in the world, […]

10 Most MYSTERIOUS Languages On Earth

10 Most MYSTERIOUS Languages On Earth

Language: it’s what we use to tell people to be quiet. But it’s also much more than that. It could be said that language is somewhat important to human history. Every culture to ever exist seems to have developed it’s own language. In fact, there are at least 5 thousand of them. Not all languages […]

Real Places With No Gravity (Zero Gravity Locations)

Real Places With No Gravity (Zero Gravity Locations)

Places With No Gravity I think it was Albert Einstein who said “Gravity is super legit boi boi” – and it turns out he was right. As far as we know there is no where in the universe without gravity, even the farthest and most remote regions of space. Yet there are places where gravity […]

The SECRET Nazi Colonies In South America

The SECRET Nazi Colonies In South America

There’s a long story behind how Nazi colonies came to exist in the remote regions of South America. I don’t know if you’re familiar with German history… but the 1940s were a real rough patch. 1945 was an especially bad year. It was in this year Germany lost the deadliest conflict in human history. From […]

The Most French Thing Ever – Victorian Paris Sewer Tours

The Most French Thing Ever – Victorian Paris Sewer Tours

France – it’s the home of Quasimodo and the accordion, and the concept of arrogance. There are so many French things. But what is the most French? It’s a question that generations of academics have wrestled with, yet none have been able to conclusively answer, until now. I have discovered the most French thing to […]

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