10 Ways Elon Musk Is Changing The World
Elon Musk is a world famous business magnate, engineer, investor and inventor. He’s famous for his ambitious projects, and revolutionary technology. He’s a 45 year-old billionaire, who is heavily involved in green energy, and space technology. The goals he’s set for himself include reducing global warming through sustainable energy production and consumption, and reducing the […]
10 Times Caligula Went Absolutely Insane
Caligula is the notorious madman who ruled over Rome for around four years until he was assassinated by his bodyguards, and some senators. His exploits have been famous all over the world, and are hotly debated to this day. From declaring a war on Poseidon to making his horse a consul, here’s a long list […]
10 Shocking Facts About Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan was the leader of the Mongol Empire, perhaps the mightiest in history. The empire he started eventually became the largest contiguous empire in history. He was born into a tribe in Northeast Asia, and warred with other tribes until he had united them all under his rule. The tactics and strategies used by […]
10 Ancient Cave Paintings That Will Amaze You
Cave paintings also known as parietal paintings were drawn by men on cave walls or ceilings. Most were drawn during prehistoric times, around 40,000 years ago. Why did cavemen all over the world make cave paintings? Nobody knows, but there are a few theories. Prehistoric men and women may have used it as a way […]
9 Amazing Aspects Of Jungian Theory
Carl Gustav Jung is one of the most influential psychologists in the world. He developed a close relationship with Sigmund Freud. Jung was a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst born in Switzerland. He is credited with the founding of analytical psychology, and coining many famous psychological terms. Some aspects of Jungian theory are already widely known, such […]
10 Golden Ages You’d Love To See
Tracing the roots of the word Golden Age will take you back to Greek mythology and legend. Greek legend dictates that the first of the five Ages of Man is the Golden, succeeded by the silver age, followed by the bronze Age, then the Age of Heroes, and then the Iron age. Humans living during […]
10 Fastest Growing Economies 2017
The 10 fastest growing economies in the world are mostly made up of small economies, and many African countries too. The largest country on the list is India. Countries will experience growth for a variety of reasons, it may be a result of economic reform or because a country happened to get lucky. Even something […]
10 Ways To Become Immortal
Mythology tells of countless ways to become immortal, real ways by which any normal human may achieve eternal life. I thought I’d list ten ways you might want to try out. Such methods tend to come from ancient legends, and were often adopted by folklore more recently. I personally don’t want to achieve immortality, so […]
10 Poorest Countries In The World
All of the poorest countries on this list come from Africa, and many of them have recently gone through droughts or civil war. All of the poorest countries in the world are underdeveloped, and often very corrupt. The standard of living in these countries is normally very low, and many from the western world would […]
10 Bloodiest Chinese Dynasties Ever
A dynasty is a line of hereditary rulers of a civilisation. There are many Chinese dynasties throughout history but these ones were particularly violent. Dynasties rarely started or ended peacefully, in fact the majority of them were destroyed by rebellions or opposing factions. This is a list of the 10 bloodiest Chinese dynasties ever. Eastern […]
10 Greatest Leonardo Da Vinci Inventions
Machine guns, and cluster bombs are only some of the amazing Leonardo da Vinci inventions on this list. The fifteenth century inventor, engineer and artist theorised inventions so ahead of their time they weren’t used for hundreds of years, until they were reinvented. Da Vinci is known to be one of the greatest geniuses of […]
8 Reasons The Mongol Empire Dominated
The Mongol Empire was the largest contiguous empire in history. It was started by tribes in the Steppes of Central Asia. Genghis Khan united the Mongol tribes in the Steppe and proceeded to decimate their enemies. Using superior technology and more sophisticated battle tactics allowed them to dominate the battlefield. At it’s height it covered […]
10 Amazing Facts About Psychopaths
Psychopaths are among the most interesting people in the world. They seem to have evolved specifically to take advantage of the way normal human beings evolved. Their lack of empathy makes it easy for them to take advantage of the fact most other people have quite a lot of empathy. The study of psychopathy is […]
10 Most Popular Religions And What They Believe
The large majority of the world follows a religion, and over 50% of us are either Christian or Muslim. The oldest known religions existed thousands of years ago, and have long been forgotten. Currently the most popular religions are a mix of old and new, some thousands of years old, and some only hundreds. This […]
10 Reasons For The Fall Of The Han Dynasty
The Han dyasty is a period of Chinese history that lasted for over 1,000 years. It’s one of the longest lasting empires in history, but like all empires it eventually fell. But what was the reason for the fall of the Han Dynasty? There are countless reasons for the fall of the Han dynasty, some […]
10 Engineering Marvels That Will Blow Your Mind
Engineering is the application of science to problem solving. It’s concerned with design, building and the use of mahines, engines and structures. From the world’s tallest building to the International Space Station, this is a list of 10 engineering marvels that will blow your mind. The New Valley Project Egypt is creating one of the […]
10 Unsolved Ocean Mysteries
People think of space as the final frontier, but most of the world’s Oceans remain unexplored. It’s no wonder there are so many mysteries surrounding the oceans of planet earth. Some are natural phenomenon studied by scientists, while others are all about long lost pirate gold searched for by modern day treasure hunters. Here are […]
10 Most Interesting German Philosophers
Germany has produced a staggeringly high number of great philosophers. Their impact on world events and the development of culture cannot accurately be estimated due to the ever-changing nature of zeitgeist. But we know for certain they helped not only shape the modern German language, but the modern world. Many of the most beautiful and […]
10 Crazy UFO Religions
A UFO religion is a religion which teaches of the existence of UFOs. Aliens with advanced technology are usually said to be piloting those UFOs. Some UFO religions teach that humans are descended from aliens, while others say we are enslaved by them. Some would more easily be described as cults or religious movements, but […]
10 Richest Countries – Some May Surprise You
Small countries dominate the list of world’s richest countries, which some might find surprising. This list uses per capita GDP, which is a measure of the total output of a country that takes gross domestic product and divides it by a countries population. Switzerland — GDP Per Capita: $59,400 Switzerland, a country that espouses neutrality, […]
10 Lost Expeditions Surrounded By Mystery
Lost expeditions are voyages that end up going wrong in some way, which usually results in the death or disappearance of the explorers themselves. Exploring is a dangerous job, but for most explorers the thrill and excitement is worth the risk. Although most lost expeditions date back hundreds of years, some are as recent as […]
10 Real Ghost Stories That Will Terrify You
Real ghost stories can be found all over the world, many of which science has failed to explain. Stories like these can be found anywhere but these are the most interesting ones I’ve managed to find. Although some of these may be hard to believe, many of them have video evidence or testimonies from trustworthy […]
10 Strange Animals That Will Shock You
Some animals shoot blood out of their eyeballs to defend themselves, and some just look so unbelievable ugly they couldn’t not be on a list of strange animals, so welcome to 10 strange animals that will shock you! It’s estimated there are 2 million to 50 million species of animal in the world, and although most […]
10 Amazing Real Life Easter Eggs
In video games, Easter eggs are hidden messages or secrets deliberately found within the game itself. They are often jokes or references to popular culture. Easter Eggs don’t only exist in Video games, there are real life Easter eggs also, there are countless deliberately hidden things in this world just waiting to be found. Here are […]
10 Mythical Creatures That Likely Existed
Hobbits, Vampires, and Dragons, what do all these things have in common? Well most people reading this are probably convinced they don’t exist, but reading this article may change your mind. There are thousands of creatures considered mythical, and most are just figments of our imaginations, however new evidence could point to some of the […]
The Five Good Emperors Of Ancient Rome
Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus, and Aurelius were dubbed The Five Good Emperors because of the long period of prosperity Rome had under their consecutive rule. Rome territory expanded significantly during this period, and it’s borders reached as far as they ever would. Each emperor ruled in their own way, but they all improved some aspect […]
King Raedwald – The Wise Ruler
Who Was king Raedwald? Raedwald was king of an Anglo-Saxon kingdom called East Anglia, which means “Land of the Eastern Angles”. His grandfather was the first king of the East Angles, and inherited a well-established throne. He don’t actually know much about Raedwald. It’s thought that most historical documents and records of his life were […]
10 Epic Tales From Norse Mythology
Norse mythology includes many different gods and goddesses, some of which have become very famous and made their way into popular culture, like the gods Thor and Loki. The stories in norse mythology are so interesting, and exciting that they’ve become some of the most famous in the world, and even though there are few […]
10 Most Savage Empires In History
An empire is when more than one nation is ruled over by one single emperor or empress. Most settled land has been ruled over as part of an empire during at least one period in history, with multiple empires usually co-existing. There are arguably no empires left today, but it wasn’t too long ago that […]
10 Most Badass Marines Of All Time
Singlehandedly killing over 2000 enemy troops, and shooting a bullet that goes through the enemies sniper scope, and into his eye are just two of the amazing feats carried out by badass marines. Marines are famous for being some of the toughest and most badass soldiers in the world, but some marines accomplish feats so […]
10 Most Powerful Families In The World
Without wanting to sound like a conspiracy theories, there are some incredibly powerful and secretive families who exercise some amount of control over elected politicians. The amount of control is debatable, but we know that kind of thing happens. It’s usually through campaign donations made to such politicians. The most powerful and influential families are […]
10 Traits Of A Psychopath
The word psychopath tends to strike fear and intrigue equally within the mind of those who hear it. Hollywood depictions have encouraged much fascination with these people, who are said to feel no fear or empathy. Psychopathy is a very specific personality disorder, with a very specific checklist required for diagnosis. Dealing with a psychopath […]
10 Rare Mental Disorders It’s Hard To Believe Are Real
Trying to be killed by your own hand, and suddenly shrinking, and growing taller are just two of the rare mental disorders people can suffer from. A mental disorder is a behavioural or mental pattern that causes distress, or inhibits someone’s ability to function in life. About 25% of people suffer from some sort of […]
10 Mysterious Murders That Cannot Be Explained
Throughout history people are murdered in mysterious circumstances. Some of the circumstances of these mysterious murders are so strange that they capture the attention of people all over the world, as everyone tries to solve it. Mysterious murders are ones left unsolved in a significant way. This is a list of 10 mysterious murders that […]
10 Revolutionary Battle Tactics That Changed Warfare
Battle tactics are the art and science of organising an army or other military force, and the techniques used to defeat enemy forces in battle. Battle tactics have become more advanced and complicated as they’ve evolved throughout history but many are still the same on a fundamental level as they were thousands of years ago. […]
10 Eerily Credible Alien Sightings
Alien ships have been claimed to have been spotted by thousands of people, possibly even millions. The sheer amount of alien sightings is extraordinary, makes it harder to write off as something only lunatics experience. Alien sightings have been reported for thousands of years, going all the way back to Thutmose III who saw a […]
10 Major Battles Of The Civil War
The American Civil War was a bloody civil war, where the Union in the North was pitted against the Confederate States of America in the south, who wanted to secede. The war lasted a long four years, and was the most violent war in U.S. history. They had countless important battles, but the major battles […]
10 Famous Assassins Who Changed The World
Assassination is the murder of a prominent person, often a political leader or a celebrity. It can be committed to further a political cause, because the assassin was offended by someone for something they did or said, or it can be a hit carried out by a professional assassin. The most famous assassins usually become […]
10 Weird Planets Too Crazy To Believe
Hundreds of planets have been discovered in the universe, and among them some incredibly weird planets have been circulating online. Some of these weird planets are the sort of thing you would expect out of a science fiction film, and it’s hard to believe that they’re actually real. From the oldest planet in the universe, […]
10 Lost Lands That Mysteriously Disappeared
Lost Lands are islands, continents or other regions which are said to have existed in the past, but have either sunken out of sight, or disappeared completely. The definition of lost lands can also be extended to myths of lost cities, and regions. The existence of lost lands is often disputed, although some certainly exist, […]
10 Greatest Victorian Novelists
Who were the greatest Victorian novelists? Like with all other eras, Victorian times were shaped by their great artists. It was sculptors and play writes who were given special status, just like how reality tv stars are today. Perhaps future people will judge us by the Kardashian family in the same way we judge the […]
10 Lost Civilizations That Disappeared
Lost Civilizations have been found all over the world. Many explorers have found magnificent temples or cities, hidden away somewhere nobody ever visits. Lost Civilizations are often filled with treasures, art and other amazing artefacts that give us insights into how they lived their lives. Lost civilizations were often powerful or significant in some way, […]
10 Greatest Victorian Poets
The Victorian era was a period of massive cultural, political, scientific, and religious change. New standards of morality and clearer understanding of geography shaped Victorian outlooks. This in turn affected the work of poets and novelists, who play an important role in representing cultures. Future historians will look back on the popular poets of today […]
10 Bloodiest Battles In History
What were the bloodiest battles in history? If you seek the answer to that question, keep reading. I won’t be ranking this list based on overall impact of the battle, or on the number of soldiers involved, but on the actual death toll of each battle – how many people actually died. Many on the […]
10 Bloodiest Wars In History
Have you ever wondered what the bloodiest wars in history were? If so, this is the article for you. Ignore other people’s articles on similar topics, Eskify do it better. There are a number of myths relating to the death tolls of some of the bloodiest wars in history. I hope to put some of […]
8 Terrifying Urban Legends That’ll Give You Nightmares
Urban legends are a modern form of folklore, normally fictional, but many of the items of this list are true stories, or based on true stories. Urban legends are often made up for entertainment, but they’re also used to explain things we don’t understand like mysterious disappearances or strange noises. What often makes urban legends […]
10 Most Overpowered And Amazing Siege Weapons
A siege weapon or siege engine is a tool designed to try and get through city walls or other fortifications, and defenses. Originaly siege weapons were made mainy out of wood but eventually began to be made with metal and gunpowder. The earliest siege weapons would normally just hurl heavy objects at enemy forts in […]
10 Deadliest Plants That Can Kill You
Plants appear safe, some even appear tasty, but some of them can kill you in seconds, or cause immense pain that last for hours until you finally croak. The deadliest plants all look harmless, they look like something that you might want to put in a meal, or just pull off a tree and eat, […]
10 Nazi Secrets You Weren’t Supposed To Know
Hitler practicing the occult, and a secret Nazi base in Antarctica are only two of the amazing Nazi secrets they tried to hide from us. Much of what the Nazis did was kept secret from the public, their crimes were so deplorable that they knew they needed to keep it a secret. Since the war […]
10 Bloodthirsty African Warlords
Brutal conditions in Africa have created some of the most brutal warlords of our time. There have been many African warlords who gained power through military might, and ruthless tactics. African warlords have committed some of the worst atrocities and human rights abuses of our time. In 2012 Joseph Kony became one of the most […]
10 Ruthless Chinese Warlords
A warlord is a military commander, especially a regional commander with idividual authority. Chinese warlords have appeared all throuhout China’s history, springing up in times of turmoil to gain power, and sometimes establishing their own dynasty. Warlords are normally aggressive and ambitious, they want to gain power and will use any means necessary to get […]
10 Dinosaur Facts That Will Blow Your Mind
Dinosaurs are a large group of animals of the clade. They first appeared during the Triassic period. It’s believed that dinosaurs originated between 231 and 243 million years ago. Dinosaurs live throughout the Mesozoic era which encompasses, the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods. Dinosaurs were discovered in 1824 by William Buckland. Ever since then we […]
10 Best Neo Noir Films
It’s a shame the film noir era in the history of cinema lasted for such a short length of time. Film noir movies had a great feel to them, which people soon began to miss. Before long a new genre of movie emerged called Neo Noir. Neo Noir films are modern films which resemble those […]
10 Mythical Weapons That Actually Exist
Mythical weapons are weapons are believed to be non-existant and merely a part of legend, however sometimes weapons considered to mythical are actually discovered and lend credibility to the legends themselves. Mythical weapons are often considered to have magical powers or to have been used by a legendary person. Mythical weapons are often highly sought […]
10 Most Amazing African Tribes
There are 3000 African tribes and these are the 10 most fascinating. Tens of millions of Africans still live in tribes, each with their own unique culture and society. African tribes often have their own religion, and one or two others, which are generally either Christianity or Islam. Some of these tribes are prosporous and […]
10 Most Painful Execution Methods
Execution has been outlawed in much of the world because even the most painless methods are deemed immoral, and even where it is practiced they tend to try and lessen the pain as much as possible. These are all attempts at doing the exact opposite. The execution methods on this list are all designed to […]
10 Greatest Medieval Battles
The medieval times saw some of the most brutal, and bloody battles in human history. Medieval battles involved thousands of soldiers, heavily armoured, and using advanced strategies. In medieval battles two large armies would often agree to meet at a certain place, and even sometimes agreed what time to start. The greatest medieval battles caused […]
10 Greatest Discoveries That Changed The World
The greatest discoveries have the potential to advance technology or society in monumental ways. Without the discoveries listed here the world we live in would be a completely different place. This is a list of the 10 Greatest discoveries that changed the world. Rosetta Stone The Rosetta stone is a rock discovered by Napoleon’s forces […]
10 Most Evil Scientists Of All Time
Scientists have dramatically improved our world, and made our lives more prosporous than previous civilisations could have imagined. Evil scientists however have the complete opposite effect on the world. The most evil scientists througout history have used immoral methods like, human experimentation, vivisections, or lying to participants to achieve results. This is a list of […]
10 Things You Should Know About The Terracotta Army
The Terracotta Army is one of the greatest archaelogical discoveries in history, and one of the biggest, and most interesting burial complexes anywhere in the world. Inside the gigantic underground complex which is still being uncovered, hides thousands of clay soldiers guarding the unopened tomb of china’s first emperor. Emperor Qin Shi Huang built the […]
10 Brutal Facts About Spartan Warriors
Sparta is famed for it’s powerful warriors, and brutal way of life. Spartan warriors were some of the finest of their time, unlike most civilisations spartans would devote themselves entirely to warfare. Spartan warriors went through some the harshest training in history, in order to become the greatest warriors possible. 50% of spartan babies were […]
Xquic – Mayan Lord Of The Underworld
Xquic translated into the English language roughly means “Blood Maiden”. She is loosely associated with the moon but the Underworld is where she resides. Like other native American mythologies, Mayans believed in a deity who exorcised control over the Underworld. The Underworld The Mayan Underworld Is called Xibalba, which means “Place of Fear”. It’s called […]
10 Fascinating Theories about The Beginning Of Time
Most people believe that the big bang is most likely how the universe began, but although this is the most widely believed theory, there are many others which are even more fascinating. Humans have always thought about the beginning of time, was there a beginng? who created it? Now we are closer than ever before […]
Zipacna – Mayan Earth Demon
Who Is Zipacna Zipacna is a demonic god who the Mayans were always scared of. The Mayans believed in good gods and demons. Demons were usually evil and violent. They would cause harm to humans whenever met with the opportunity to do so. Mayan gods were not always good to humans, but could be depending […]
Yum Kaax – Lord Of The Jungle – Mayan Mythology
Yum Kaax is the Maya god of wild plants and is respected as a sort of protector of the animal kingdom. During winter, he protects the crops humans have spent the previous seasons growing and collecting, which they need to survive. He protects the plants while they grow – and protects wild animals until they […]
10 True Stories Behind Horror Movies
Most of us watch horror movies for one reason – we like to feel scared. It’s a weird evolutionary hang over that we humans clearly have. There is good reason to be scared while watching some movies, because some horror movies are based on real events. Some of which occurred decades ago and others were […]
Inside North Korea’s Most Secret Room – Inside Room 39
The first episode in our new video series. Subscribe to the channel if you want more and read the transcript below for clarity. TRANSCRIPT : North Korea isn’t exactly home to a stable regime. For years now international sanctions have been imposed on it, which were intended to destroy it. The idea is that either […]
10 Most Dangerous Inventions Ever Created
Scientists rarely invent or discover things to cause havoc or destruction but sometimes their inventions are used in ways the scientists themselves would never think to use them. Some of the most dangerous inventions have been created by accident, or just out of scientific curiosity. Contrary to this however some of the most dangerous inventions […]
10 Best Martial Arts Tv Shows
There have been few attempts by major production companies to create martial arts tv shows. Even fewer have successfully created tv shows, which heavily feature martial arts, which are any good. It’s a difficult thing to do as there are not many martial arts movie stars in the western world, none of which are known […]
10 Mcdonalds Characters You Forgot Existed
An important part of Mcdonald’s marketing campaigns have been their characters. Mcdonalds Characters helped get children interested in their food. The man who built Mcdonalds as an international chain, Ray Kroc, knew that children were the key to a restaurant business. To get children interested would mean young kids would nag their parents until they […]
10 Deadliest Prisons In The World
There are a wide range of prisons all over the world, some designed to rehabilitate the inmates, and others are designed to simply punish prisoners, or act as a deterrent against crime. The deadliest prisons normally fall into the latter. They are often underfunded, and overpopulated. If you get sent to one of these prisons […]
10 Historical Myths You Probably Believe
There are so many historical myths it’s not even funny, it’s just confusing. It makes sense though. Just a small misconception can evolve into a huge myth over the course of a century, let alone a millennia. And some people are simply dishonest. Their lies will compound over the centuries also. Here are ten Historical […]
10 Greatest Military Strategists From History
Military strategists develop military strategies in order to defeat their opponents in war and battle. The greatest military strategists, have been able to win battles against superior forces with minimal losses and have often gone on to become great kings or conquerors. This list is written In no particular order. If you think there is […]
10 Breathtaking Famous Duels From History
Duels have been fought by men and women for years, in the hopes of settling their disputes with swords or guns when words aren’t enough. Some of the duels on this list have been fought with such extraordinary skill, or in a way that became so unusual that they became famous duels and have even […]
10 Unsolved Mountain Mysteries
Many of the best folkloric tales feature mysterious mountains. Many of which were inspired by real mountains that are surrounded by mystery. In this video we look at some ancient creepy mountain mysteries, and some stained by more recent ones – from murder cases to the Yeti. Here are my top 10 Unsolved Mountain Mysteries. […]
10 Most Amazing Berlin Wall Escapes
The Berlin wall was constructed in the early 1960s to divide the city. West-Berlin was capitalist and free, but the East was under Soviet control. The Soviets built the wall to prevent East-Berliners from escaping west. But 5 thousand did escape. Here are some of their stories. Hot Air Balloon In 1979, two East-Berlin residents […]
10 Most Amazing Germanic Tribes
The Germanic tribes were groups of people who lived in Lower, Upper, and Greater Germania. A lot of what we know about the Germanic tribes comes from ancient Roman texts, some even written by Julius Caesar. Germanic tribes helped shape the face of Europe today, and contributed to the downfall of the Western Roman Empire. […]
10 Rarest Animals In The World
Rare animals are groups of organisms that are few in number, and may even be going extinct. Some of these animals are rare because they are endemic to a certain region, or because their population has been driven down an invasive species, or human actions like deforestation. The rarest animals are mostly unknown to most […]
10 Most Mind-Blowing Military Covert Operations
Covert operations are plans designed to be executed without anyone knowing it ever happened. Covert operations are carried out by all countries, and often affect people all over the world without them ever realising it. Some especially powerful countries have put on large scale covert operations with complete disregard for the law. Covert operations also […]
10 Greatest Warrior Queens In History
Warrior Queens have never been as common as warrior kings but when they do appear it’s often because they were a much better fit than anyone around. Some warrior queens have taken on some of the most fearsome enemies and lived to tell the tale, and others died fighting for their people. This is a […]
10 Most Shocking Psychological Experiments
Psychological experiments are experiments designed to further our knowledge of the human mind. Experimental psychologists will use both human and animal subjects to study many areas of psychology. Some psychological experiments are done with total disregard for the subjects and end up causing permanent psychological or even physical damage to the participants. The Milgram Experiment […]
10 Famous Spies With Epic Stories
The world of Espionage is one of the most fascinating and exciting things in the world. Spies might spend almost their entire lives pretending to be someone else, just waiting for an opportunity to provide information to their country. Since spies live their entire lives in secret, for one to become famous something has to […]
10 Greatest Roman Generals
Rome was the largest city in the world for hundreds of years, and it’s empire surrounded the Mediterranean. It’s often called the greatest empire of all time due to it’s size, prosperity, and longevity. Roman generals were the driving force behind Rome’s military success. Using tactics, and strategies way ahead of their time, Rome managed […]
10 Of Nikola Tesla’s Inventions That Changed The World
Nikola Tesla is a famous inventor, Tesla’s inventions help make the world what it is today. His inventions are known by everyone, but often attributed so some else who’s undeserving of the credit. He was an electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurists. Some of the inventions that make our life so easy can be […]
10 Street Races That Went Horribly Wrong
Street races are illegal races held on public roads. They are incredibly dangerous because the drivers are often untrained, and driving in heavily populated cities, at speeds sometimes close to 200 mph. The drivers rarely were protective clothing, or have their cars modified to become safer. Naturally street races often go horribly wrong, ending in injury, […]
10 Heroic Cavalry Charges
Cavalry charges have proved to be one of the most efficient and devastating battle tactics in history. Even against vastly superior numbers cavalry charges have proved themselves to be dominant shock attack in warfare. It involves soldiers mounted on horseback to charge as quickly as they can into the enemies lines, and engaging in close […]
10 Of The World’s Deadliest Animals
The world is full of dangerous animals, and most animals still live in a Darwinian environment were only the strong survive. Some of the deadliest creatures may not be what you expect, there may be some that you expected to see on the list excluded, and there may be some you have never heard of, […]
10 Unsolved Victorian Mysteries
The Victorian era stretched from 1837 to 1901. During this time, scientific breakthroughs helped solve countless mysteries. But there were some Victorian mysteries born during the era. The era saw European empires expanding east, and American settlers expanding west. So I’ll be including mysteries from both. Here are ten unsolved Victorian mysteries. St. Pancras Walrus […]
10 Most Infamous Hacker Groups Of All Time
Hacker groups are communities of computer hackers that first began to surface in the 1980’s. Hacker groups often have very different motives to one another. Some are hired by people to hack into specific websites for information. Other groups act for political reasons, and attack people they believe to be immoral. Some of the most […]
10 Most Devastating Holy Wars
Holy wars have been some of the most devastating and ruinous wars in history. A holy war is a war caused or driven by partly by religion. This is normally due to religious differences, and tension which eventually boil over into all out war. Thousands or even millions of people will give their lives in […]
10 Unbelievable Mysteries Of The Mind
The mind is one of the most mysterious and complex objects in the known Universe. Psychologists, and neuroscientists have studied it for years, and still haven’t come close to fully understanding how it works. The mysteries of the mind, once solved, could reveal revolutionary discoveries of the human psyche. Interestingly the brain keeps developing until […]
10 Worst Natural Disasters That Shook The Earth
A natural disaster is a sudden event that causes mass devastation, often including massive loss of life, and massive collateral, or economic damage. A natural disaster is always caused by things out of human control, like hurricanes, floods, or tsunamis. The worst natural disasters might kill thousands of people or animals, and cause widespread destruction […]
10 Active Terrorist Groups In America
America seems like a safe place as far as terrorism is concerned. We think of Europe more when terrorist threats come to mind. But not only are there dozens of terrorist organizations which target Americans when abroad, but there are a number of terrorist groups in America who are currently active. You may have never […]
10 Fascinating Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
There were over 2,000 ancient egyptian gods and goddesses, all of them representing natural phenomena, abstract ideas, or jobs. They used the idea of gods to justify, and explain why things happen that they couldn’t yet understand. Some of the gods were barely known, while others where worshipped by almost everyone. The gods could show […]
10 Greatest Gunfighters Of The Old West
The old west is remembered for many of it’s unique features. One of which were shootouts. It’s among the most recognizable type of scene from western movies. I’m sure most of these scenes are completely unrealistic and over dramatized for to suit their cinematic purposes. But some figures were notorious for their gun fighting skills […]
10 Smartest Animals In The World
Intelligence has been defined in many different ways including a person’s capacity for logic, understanding, self-awareness, emotional knowledge, creativeness, planning, and problem solving. Scientists have been studying intelligence in animals for years, and some of the smartest animals have been found to have extraordinary cognitive abilities. Most people consider humans to be the most intelligent […]
10 Most Badass Cops Of All Time
All cops enforce the law and keep us safe, but sometimes you hear about the badass cops who take it to a whole new level, and take actions so heroic they would seem completely unrealistic in a film. There are cops who simply jump into danger if it will save a life, and these badass […]
10 Greatest Swordsmen In History
A swordsman is someone practices martial art, or any from of combat involving a sword. Samurai, fencers, and knights are all types of swordsman. The greatest swordsmen are the ones who are so skilled that their names are known even today, by people interested in swordsmanship, but also in movies, and tv shows. Some of […]
10 Most Famous Psychologists
Psychology is the study of behaviour and the mind, it includes all aspects of the conscious and unconscious thought, and experience. Psychologists tell us more about who we are as a person, and explore the mind which is still one of the biggest mysteries in the world. Famous psychologists make new theories, and discoveries about […]
10 Brutal Prison Riots You Won’t Believe
A prison riot is when prisoners rebel against the prison administrators, guards, or other groups of prisoners. Prison riots normally start because prisoners believe they are being treated unfairly or being kept in conditions that are unlivable. Prison is supposed to be a punishment, but if it’s too harsh prisoners feel forced to act out […]