10 Superweapon That Could Cause World War Three

10 Superweapon That Could Cause World War Three

There are Superweapon  so powerful that they may give governments the necessary confidence to start a world war and win. At the moment one of the main reasons a war isn’t happening is because of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction). The belief that if a country declares war they will be destroyed along with the other country. […]

10 Interesting English Country Houses

10 Interesting English Country Houses

There are many things England is known for, many things that make her unique. One of the more famous is the high-frequency of English country houses. A country house is basically just a massive traditional house in the English countryside. Traditionally, English country houses were called home by members of the landed gentry. The landed […]

10 Reportedly Haunted Lighthouses

10 Reportedly Haunted Lighthouses

Lighthouses are strangely chilling. A giant tower built on a cliff side to warn of rocks that can easily wreck the strongest of ships. The creepy legends surrounding lighthouses seem fitting for some reason. A large tower lived in by a lonely keeper, a lonely watcher over the waters below. Haunted lighthouses have featured in […]

10 Secret WWII Facts And Events

10 Secret WWII Facts And Events

There wasn’t a more eventful six years than world war two. So much happened it’s hard to remember everything, and lot of amazing WWII facts and events are mostly unheard of. So here are 10 secret WWII facts to make sure you know more of the more unknown but interesting WWII facts and events. The […]

10 Great Speeches That Changed The World

10 Great Speeches That Changed The World

It’s been said history is written by the winners – but history is shaped by great leaders capable to uniting armies, or political parties, or violent mobs, or an entire population through great speeches that changed the world. For better or for worse, these leaders made great speeches that changed the world. Never underestimate the […]

10 Amazing Thomas Edison Patents

10 Amazing Thomas Edison Patents

Thomas Edison has gone down in history as one of America’s most influential inventors. A self-educated man, he’s known for creating the light bulb and the video camera. His magic touch earned him the nickname “The wizard of menlo park”. He was a beast when it came to the business side of things. This makes […]

5 Haunted Places In Laredo – Haunted Texas

5 Haunted Places In Laredo – Haunted Texas

Laredo is the 10th biggest city in Texas by population. That may not sound like much but there are a lot of big cities in Texas, so it’s pretty good. Laredo was founded in 1755 while the area was still a Spanish colony, hence the name. It was a fairly boring place until the mid […]

10 Most Famous Political Prisoners

10 Most Famous Political Prisoners

A political prisoner is a person held in prison for the crime of opposing the authority governing them. Simply, people imprisoned for criticizing their country’s government. I’m sure there are thousands of nameless political prisoners through history who had the undeniable courage needed to speak out against tyranny. Being forgotten about, we can’t exactly look […]

10 Best 1920s Horror Films

10 Best 1920s Horror Films

The 1920s was a good decade as far as the film industry is concerned. Classics like Nosferatu and The phantom of the Opera still hold up today as great movies. There are so many 1920s horror films that have either gone down in history as classics, or have been deemed good enough for a remake […]

10 Epic Police Chases On Video

10 Epic Police Chases On Video

Police chases are often exciting but these ones are the best you’ll ever see. Some of these police chases went on for hours, and involve tricks, donuts, dancing and stripping. Some of the drivers are escaping robberies, some are just really high. No matter what these epic police chases don’t disappoint. Meth Fuelled Tank rampage […]

7 Monsters Made Through Genetic Modification

7 Monsters Made Through Genetic Modification

Scientists can create a lot of creepy and unusual things through genetic modification. Some experiments lead to life changing discoveries that could save millions, and others lead to monstrosities which leave you feeling sick to your stomach. Genetic modification is still a grey area and people are divided on it, on the one hand it […]

10 Haunted Places In Spokane

10 Haunted Places In Spokane

Spokane is a medium-sized city just west of the rocky mountains in Washington. The city was named after the Spokane natives, who have traditionally called this area their home. It’s thought the Spokane have inhabited the area for at least 8 thousand years, so it’s a fitting name for a nearby city. Not much else […]

10 Badass Norse Gods And Goddesses

10 Badass Norse Gods And Goddesses

Norse mythology features many interesting characters. As one of Europe’s more memorable mythologies, no one in the modern world hasn’t heard of Thor or Odin. Ancient Norse texts describe far away lands controlled by giants and elves, and even dragon-like creatures. But those were just minor character for the most part, and hardly ever posed […]

10 Haunted Places In San Bernardino

10 Haunted Places In San Bernardino

Named after a nearby valley, San Bernardino is one of California’s most desirable cities. But are there any haunted places in San Bernardino? Well, he valley has long been inhabited by native American cultures, who used to call it “Waaach”. American settlers flocked to the area around the 1850s. It was a slow development of […]

10 Scary Real Occult Groups

10 Scary Real Occult Groups

The occult basically means “secret knowledge of the unknown” – so occultists would study mysterious documents and conduct bizarre rituals in the hope of uncovering the hidden truth about the universe. Their theories involved demons, ghosts, and magic. It was in the late 19th century that occultism really took off, with dozens of secret societies […]

10 Worst Holocausts You’ve Never Heard Of

10 Worst Holocausts You’ve Never Heard Of

Most People have the mistaken belief that there has only been one holocaust. The reason for this is probably because of World War Two, and the fact that one of the holocausts that happened during that time is known as “The Holocausts”. Which makes it sound like there is was only one. The majority of holocausts […]

10 Haunted Places In Fort Wayne

10 Haunted Places In Fort Wayne

Founded in 1794, Fort Wayne is built upon territory once fought over by several native cultures and between France and Great Britain. The land has seen much bloodshed. There is nothing unusual about that, especially in the new world. But there is something unusual about Fort Wayne. It’s not quite what it seems at first. […]

10 Failed Revolutions That Almost Broke History

10 Failed Revolutions That Almost Broke History

The French revolution is thought of as the most influential event of it’s era, leading to the rise of Napoleon, and therefore a unified Germany, and therefore Nazi Germany, and therefore the Cold War. A revolution can change everything, overthrow a stable government and it’s anyone’s guess what will happen next. I don’t think I’ve […]

10 Haunted Places In Cincinnati

10 Haunted Places In Cincinnati

Founded in 1788, Cincinnati was the first major city built from scratch after the deceleration of independence. It soon became one of America’s main boomtowns, growing rapidly. Ohio became one of the sates in which slavery was outlawed so a significant portion of Cincinnati’s population were former slaves. Some of which escaped other states where […]

10 Of Google’s Biggest Competitors

10 Of Google’s Biggest Competitors

Google often fluctuates between being the most and second most valuable corporations in the world, the other corporation being Apple. In just under 20 year Google has gone from a tiny piece of code to being a corporation more wealthy and powerful than some independent nations. Their business model is stung together by the search […]

10 Whistleblowers Who Died Mysteriously

10 Whistleblowers Who Died Mysteriously

A whistleblower is someone who holds secret information from within an organization or governmental body, who expses that the organization is acting illegally or immorally. It can be any kind of information that reveals these actions. There are even services like Wikileaks designed specifically to aid whistleblowers leak information as anonymously as possible. Whistleblowers have […]

10 Best Mystery Thrillers Ever

10 Best Mystery Thrillers Ever

My favorite genre of movie is the mystery thriller. It’s just a combination of two other great genres, making movies both mysterious and thrilling. It’s a magic combination all right. One of my favorite in the genre is 8MM, which turned out to be a surprisingly good flick considering Nic Cage starred as the lead […]

10 Amazing Things Found In The Jungle

10 Amazing Things Found In The Jungle

Jungles are dense, dark, and full of dangerous animals, making them some of the hardest places to explore and even harder to live in. Yet some people manage to do it, and when they do we often discover some amazing artefacts. Jungles are often hiding some amazing ancient artefacts that are hard to find. Here […]

10 Haunted Places In Anchorage

10 Haunted Places In Anchorage

Anchorage is called home by about 40 percent of Alaska’s population. That sounds like a big deal but the population of Alaska is only 740 thousand. Alaska’s climate is pretty extreme, Anchorage being a remote settlement surrounded by icy wilderness. This would make it a pretty romantic setting for a horror novel. But in real […]

10 Unbelievable Secret Science Experiments

10 Unbelievable Secret Science Experiments

The rich and powerful spend their time seeking more power, so when knowledge is power what do you do? You set up a secret experiment. Secret science experiments are often secret because they involve things that could be seen as immoral, or because you have enemies, or competitors that you don’t to find out what […]

10 Haunted Places In Anaheim

10 Haunted Places In Anaheim

Anaheim is the largest city in California’s Orange county. The city was originally founded in 1857 by a huge group of 50 German families. That’s how it worked back then. People would travel west in huge groups to raise the chances of surviving it. We’re talking wild west style. Today it’s a big tourist pull […]

10 Countries With No Income Tax

10 Countries With No Income Tax

With the Panama Papers being leaked, a new interest has been sparked in the international tax system. There are some wealthy folk who pay a lower percentage of income tax than the government would expect of them. An example would be Warren Buffet, who paid a lower percentage of tax than his secretary at one […]

9 Disturbing Abandoned Nazi Ruins

9 Disturbing Abandoned Nazi Ruins

Nazi ruins are left all over Europe and can still be visited by curious tourists, and urban explorers. There also full of old items which can be worth thousands, in an antiques auction. The Nazi’s built hundreds of buildings as they attempted to take over the world, and create an empire. After they lost most […]

10 Creepy Unsolved Kidnappings

10 Creepy Unsolved Kidnappings

There are dozens of unsolved kidnappings on record. I guess that’s to be expected considering child abduction rates are so high right now. Kidnappings are just too common for investigators to get on top of all of them. But some cases remain unsolved despite huge resources being pushed in their direction. These cases are incredibly […]

10 Haunted Places In Honolulu

10 Haunted Places In Honolulu

Honolulu basically means “calm harbor” in English. It’s Hawaii’s largest city, and is one of America’s most unique. The city has been neglected by history up until the Pearl harbor surprise attack in 1941. Hawaii’s pre-American history was largely unrecorded so it’s hard to know when Honolulu was first settled, but it is thought to […]

10 Deadly Australian Outlaws And Bushrangers

10 Deadly Australian Outlaws And Bushrangers

Bushrangers were a type of outlaw specific to Australia. The word describes escaped criminals who now roam free in the tough Australian country. This was back when Australia was essentially a prison colony where convicts were kept in small areas, away from legitimate settlers. The bushrangers would break out and head into the outback in […]

8 Billionaires Who Lost It All

8 Billionaires Who Lost It All

Easy come easy go – that’s the old saying regarding this kind of thing. Few of us can ever hope to experience the joy involved with becoming a billionaire. Even fewer know what it’s like to then lose everything! But there are several billionaires who lost it all. Imagine it – you have enough money […]

10 Most Notorious Soviet Defectors

10 Most Notorious Soviet Defectors

The Soviet Union was incredibly secretive through it’s time in existence. What else would you expect from a power rival to the west? As the stakes were high, dozens of high ranking officials defected from the west to the Soviet Union. Defectors were valuable as they could bring an insight into the enemy. There were […]

10 Unbelievable Military Sieges

10 Unbelievable Military Sieges

Sieges can be the longest and bloodiest of all battles. They can last anywhere from days to years. There are many ways to besiege a fort, or castle. You can cut off their supplies and starve them out, force them to come out and face you on the battlefield, or attack the castle directly and […]

10 Twist Movie Endings You Won’t Expect

10 Twist Movie Endings You Won’t Expect

Everyone loves a good plot twist! If successful, it can turn an average movie into an excellent movie. If done badly, it can ruin the whole thing though. Twist movie endings must be completely unexpected. Any hint of what is coming next and the twist has failed. Only a truly skillful writer can create one […]

10 Real Jack The Ripper Suspects

10 Real Jack The Ripper Suspects

Jack the ripper may be the greatest unidentified serial killer in known history. It’s been over one hundred years since he commit his crimes and still we can’t be sure who he was. There are a number of possible candidates, most of which were investigated by the police of the day. But some of which […]

10 Deadly science experiments gone wrong

10 Deadly science experiments gone wrong

Science experiments often go wrong but a lot of these turned out worse than you would imagine. Some scientists don’t shy away from using extreme methods such as electricity and large doses of hypo-tropics like LSD. Scientists may use animal cruelty or abuse humans to prove a hypothesis. This is a list of 10 deadly science […]

10 Royal Pretenders To The Throne

10 Royal Pretenders To The Throne

What are Royal Pretenders? A royal pretender is a person who claims the throne of a country of empire. The only problem is that the throne in question is either occupied by a current recognized monarch, or the throne has been completely abolished. A perfect example is France. The French abolished their monarchy centuries ago, […]

10 World Changing Inventions

10 World Changing Inventions

One brilliant invention has the ability to change the world overnight. Without the innovation to create such simple inventions as the wheel, and the pointed stick we may not be as advanced as we now are. Where would we be today if not for world changing inventions?. Inventions over time took us from living in […]

10 Most Creepy Russian Legends

10 Most Creepy Russian Legends

Russia is one of Europe’s oldest and most culturally rich countries. It’s long history has seen many myths and legends, just like other nations. Each country has it’s own variety of dark and creepy legends and Eastern Europe is no different. Russian legends are unique and interesting enough to make the hairs stand up on […]

10 Nazis Who Escaped Justice

10 Nazis Who Escaped Justice

In the immediate aftermath of the second world war there was a scramble to capture high profile Nazi officials before they could disappear. The allies wanted nothing more than to bring high profile Nazis to justice. Most of them seem to have been captured, largely because the Nazis loved to tattoo themselves, which later identified […]

10 Living Monarchs Who Lost Their Throne

10 Living Monarchs Who Lost Their Throne

Go back a hundred years or so and you’ll find it much more common to see a king or queen as a head of state. But today there are just a handful of monarchs left. The queen of Britain, the king of Spain, and a few others. So what happened to the others? Well, they […]

10 Historic Encounters With Deadly Beasts

10 Historic Encounters With Deadly Beasts

History is full of bizarre stories that can’t easily be explained. And the mother load of unexplainable tales are those involving alleged monsters. From a swamp dwelling lizard man, to a man-eating tree – here are 10 historic encounters with deadly beasts. Beast Of Gevaudan In 1764, a large wolf-like monster attacked and killed a […]

10 Shocking Nuclear Meltdowns

10 Shocking Nuclear Meltdowns

Nuclear meltdowns is a severe nuclear reactor accident that leads to core damage from overheating. These are often caused by coolant related incidents, like loss of coolant, low coolant rate, and loss of coolant pressure. When nuclear meltdowns happen it often leads to dangerous explosions, and radiation leakage. Although the explosions look deadly, the real danger […]

10 Movies That Need To Be Remade

10 Movies That Need To Be Remade

There are dozens of movies that have been successfully remade. Some of which were first created in a less advanced era in films, but were successful in their day. Some of which weren’t very well made at first. But their stories had the potential to be something so much better. A prime example would be […]

10 Real Life Curses That Came True

10 Real Life Curses That Came True

The existence of real life curses has long been disputed, and most people just write them off as coincidences, however some coincidences are so unlikely that a curse actually begins to seem more likely than anything. Anything can be cursed from objects, to people, and even films. Below are the strangest, and creepiest curses to ever […]

Is This Film Creepy Or Just Funny?

Is This Film Creepy Or Just Funny?

This film is called Ah! La Barbe! Produced in 1906, it’s like all films of it’s era – insane. Ah! La Barbe! is French and roughly means “A funny shave” in English. The film was created by Segundo de Chomón, who has long been well known for producing bizarre and unintentionally creepy films between 1902 and 1927. This […]

10 Real Ancient Wizards From History

10 Real Ancient Wizards From History

It’s assumed that ancient wizards are only a myth and that there aren’t any in the real world, however the existence and achievements of many of these wizards are indisputable, which leaves you wondering whether magic might actually be real. Many of these wizards are also scientists, and scholars, who made great contributions to science. In […]

Watch This Car Drive Through A Tornado

Watch This Car Drive Through A Tornado

Imagine this – you’re driving home one day as normal. All of a sudden, you hear a loud noise and see your surroundings thrown into the air. This shocking video captured the moment a Taiwanese woman’s car got swept into a passing tornado. The car driving in front of hers seems to disappear as if […]

10 Haunting Abandoned Amusement Parks

10 Haunting Abandoned Amusement Parks

In recent years, the internet has been plagued by images from creepy abandoned amusement parks in Japan and China. It makes sense as the abandoned parks are good ground for aspiring photographers wanting to make a creepy name for themselves. There’s just something so weird about abandoned amusement parks, with their rusting metal and chipping […]

The World’s Most Mysterious Tree House

The World’s Most Mysterious Tree House

La Chene chapelle is an incredible historic tree house in France. In the tiny settlement of Allouville-Bellefosse stands the oldest Oak tree in France. It’s actually thought to be at least 1 thousand years old, but it’s known to be at least 800. Several hundred years ago, the tree was set on fire by a […]

10 Reportedly Haunted Dolls

10 Reportedly Haunted Dolls

There really does seem to just be something creepy about old dolls. I would never give one to a child. The most creepy are probably those Victorian porcelain dolls that are always scary for some unknown reason. It’s like Japanese children in horror movies, no one knows why they are scary – they just are. […]

15 Failed Utopias From History

15 Failed Utopias From History

Failed utopias are a really weird thing when you think about it. For thousands of years, man has dreamed of creating some kind of Utopia. A society where all can be free and happy. One person’s Utopia can be vastly different from another. Some are simply a society where we all live free, while others […]

Man Discovers Secret Dungeon In His New House?

Man Discovers Secret Dungeon In His New House?

A man recorded this video to share a strange discovery he made in his new home. He mentions that the rent was extremely low, but he had no idea why it was. It seemed like a normal converted historic home at first, but he got more than was advertised. There is some kind of hatch […]

10 Interesting Real Estate Moguls

10 Interesting Real Estate Moguls

“Buy land, AJ, ’cause God ain’t making any more of it” – that famous Soprano quote seems to have genuinely inspired many people in real life to invest their money in real estate. It’s a volatile business and most end up losing their investments. But there is also a lot of money to be made […]

10 Interesting Unrecognized Countries

10 Interesting Unrecognized Countries

International diplomacy is extremely complex, and one of the most controversial issues is the question of statehood. What makes a country instead of just captured territory? There are a number of declared countries that have failed to gain recognition from other nations. They could be countries run by terrorists, or simply be countries dwarfed by […]

Man Discovers Abandoned House On His Own Land

Man Discovers Abandoned House On His Own Land

This incredible video captured the moment a man discovers abandoned house on his property! He purchased the woodland back in 2002, but only got the chance to explore it 11 years later. So he decided to send a camera drone over it to see exactly what he owns. He paid about 400 dollars for the woodland, […]

10 Real Giant Sea Creatures

10 Real Giant Sea Creatures

Giant sea creatures often seem like something out of a fairy tale but here are ten real ones which are more terrifying than you might think. Fish can grow freakishly huge, and some even look like living dinosaurs. The Kraken, sea Serpent, and many other legends are believed to have originated from sightings of these […]

This Is What Happens When You Disturb An Angry Leopard

This Is What Happens When You Disturb An Angry Leopard

This incredible video comes from a small city in central India. It captured the moment a leopard jumped out from an old building and attacked the surrounding villagers. The villagers panicked, as any of us would have, for obvious reasons. Frightened by all the chaos, the leopard attempts to escape the crowd. It jumps down […]

10 Most Racist Tv Shows Ever

10 Most Racist Tv Shows Ever

Political correctness really has changed the world in recent decades. The climate of acceptability is a steep incline. What was accepted in the 1960 and 70s might seem a little off to our modern eyes. Some of it even seems outrageous – bloody outrageous. The way old sitcoms depicted ethnic minorities is so much different […]

10 Mysterious Cliff Dwellings

10 Mysterious Cliff Dwellings

Cliff dwellings are just habitable areas built into the side of a cliff, cave, or other rock formation. There are many beautiful and mysterious cliff dwelling from the past, some of which built by civilizations or cultures that are now dead. The most well known examples were built by the native Americans but they are […]

5 Most Amazing Scientific Theories

5 Most Amazing Scientific Theories

From the fact that the universe is slowing decaying and speeds up every time we look at it until it inevitably collapses and kills us all , to our universe crashing into another and killing us all. This is a list of 5 amazing scientific theories to blow your mind. Much of the universe is […]

8 Creepy Vanishing Hitchhiker Ghosts

8 Creepy Vanishing Hitchhiker Ghosts

One of the most common themes in ghost stories is the vanishing hitchhiker, a hitchhiker met by lonely travelers on dark nights. Before long, the hitchhiker suddenly disappears as if it were a ghostly spirit. Many of these stories are genuinely chilling, and are incredibly widespread, being told everywhere from Korea to Iceland. They’re basically […]

10 Ancient American Civilizations

10 Ancient American Civilizations

The history of pre-Colombian America has largely been forgotten. This is partly due to historical records neglecting it, but it’s also the standard cycle. When invaders capture a territory, they attempt to erase the achievements of it’s previous inhabitants. There were dozens of ancient American civilizations that flourished in their age. Their cultures were unique […]

10 Failed Business Mergers

10 Failed Business Mergers

Business mergers are a really interesting thing. Two businesses coming together to form one single organization. A marriage of two corporate giants can change the world in many ways. If it goes well it could revolutionist their industry. If it goes badly it could destroy both companies and shake the international economy. So the stakes […]

10 Really Weird Political Parties

10 Really Weird Political Parties

Politics is serious business. But there is always someone willing to sacrifice time and money in order to make a mockery of a political system. The best way to do that is to form your own political party and mimic your rivals. Many of such parties have been started by comedians and activists, and sometimes […]

10 Creepy And Haunted Graveyards

10 Creepy And Haunted Graveyards

Graveyards might just be the most creepy location in the world. A patch of earth where dead people are buried, and where vampires live in horror movies. If a scene from a horror film is set at a cemetery, you know it’s about to go down. It just feels chilling to be in a graveyard […]

10 Martial Arts Tournaments Tougher Than UFC

10 Martial Arts Tournaments Tougher Than UFC

From teams of Russian mma fighters fighting each other while going through an obstacle course, to boxing with 3 million volt tasers. This is a list of 10 epic martial arts tournaments tougher then UFC. Locking two men in a cage and then getting them to fight is already pretty brutal but these tournaments take it […]

10 Worst Movie Reboots Ever

10 Worst Movie Reboots Ever

There are so many movies that didn’t quite pan out, but still had potential to be good. Maybe it’s because they were produced in a time when film technology was terrible. Or maybe it was just poorly produced. But if the storyline is good, then it’s ripe for a reboot. But sometimes remaking a film […]

10 Films Set In Ancient Egypt

10 Films Set In Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt is certainly one of the most remembered periods in history, and for good reason! It’s culture was unique. It’s Pharaohs, it’s many gods, it’s pyramids, and it’s mummies. What else is needed to cement it as a truly unique chapter in human history. Unfortunately we can’t go back in time to see what […]

9 Most Badass Medieval Warriors OF All Time

9 Most Badass Medieval Warriors OF All Time

From a soldier who fought off dozens of enemies on his own, holding a a giant halberd in each hand, to the world’s most famous samurai who was so skilled it’s said he even had superpowers including teleportation, telekinesis, and the ability to see the future. There were countless bad asses from medieval times worth writing about […]

10 Abandoned Ship Exploration Videos

10 Abandoned Ship Exploration Videos

There is something quite chilling about an abandoned ship. Abandoned ships are often left to float in rivers or oceans for years before being wrecked or salvaged. So they act as time capsules, giving us a look into the lives of sailors from different generations. There are some ships that have been abandoned since the […]

10 Scary Phantom Cats

10 Scary Phantom Cats

What are phantom cats? A phantom cat is the name used to describe a big cat (like a jaguar, puma,etc.) who lives outside of it’s natural habitat, but who still lives in the wild. They tend to be located in the national parks and nature reserves of Europe and North-America. It’s unknown whether they actually […]

7 Active Supervolcano That Could Erupt Soon

7 Active Supervolcano That Could Erupt Soon

From a supervolcano in America with a 10% chance of erupting very soon and killing millions of Americans, to a volcano responsible for the biggest eruption in history and might break that record. This is a list of 7 active supervolcano that could erupt soon. Volcanoes have enormous destructive power, some scientists claim that if […]

8 Most Dangerous Banned BioWeapons

8 Most Dangerous Banned BioWeapons

From infected bodies being flung over castle walls, to a poisonous gas you wont even notice killing you in minutes, you could be infected right now and not even know it. Bioweapons have been used for wars, bio-terrorism for centuries. Although the UN banned many substances some countries have no problems using them anyway, even the […]

10 Famous Highwaymen Of Old Europe

10 Famous Highwaymen Of Old Europe

I consider Highwaymen to be the ultimate outlaws. Masked criminals who showed a clear disregard for the law. A highwayman was simply not afraid of prison or execution. Yet they were not brutes. The classic highwayman was gallant and noble, a true gentleman on the wrong path. They would hold up carriages in remote areas, […]

10 Epic Business Wars

10 Epic Business Wars

The Art of war is seen by many as the ultimate business book for one simple reason – business is war. This is how some see it at least. There are certain industries that seem to be more prone to corporate battles and rivalries. It’s no mystery that certain large multinational corporations can come across […]

10 Unexplained Creatures Caught On Tape

10 Unexplained Creatures Caught On Tape

After dozens of requests I just had to write this article. So I have compiled 10 clips that appear to show mysterious monsters. You can decide for yourself whether you think they are real or fake. Here are 10 unexplained creatures caught on tape. The Rake In this video a man hears strange noises on […]

10 Biggest Political Upsets Ever

10 Biggest Political Upsets Ever

Politics is always dull until it isn’t. That’s just an observation. One of the events that can spice things up is a shock victory. Perhaps it’s due to inaccurate polls or just due to a lack of publicity for the popular candidates. Either way, they don’t happen very often. I guess that’s why they are […]

10 Greatest Islamic Warriors Ever

10 Greatest Islamic Warriors Ever

Islam is the worlds second biggest religion and has spread rapidly across several continents since it first emerged. But human history is littered with religious conflicts, so any new religion is going to meet some friction. “Cometh the hour, cometh the man” – there have been many great Islamic warriors who rose to the challenge […]

5 Remarkable Real Life Ninja

5 Remarkable Real Life Ninja

It’s ninja time! From a ninja who can do magic and swallow a cow whole, to a female ninja who started an underground network of over 200 ninjas to spy on enemies. This is a list of 5 remarkable real life Ninja. Kato Danzo The Ninja Sorcerer Kato Danzo was a real life ninja whose […]

10 Interesting Egyptian Mummies

10 Interesting Egyptian Mummies

Just mention ancient Egypt and the first point of conversation will usually be either the pyramids or mummies – often both! The first Egyptian mummies were created by the environment they died in. This is because their dead bodies were surrounded by sand – which dehydrated their skin and therefore preserved their corpse. But as […]

10 Creepy Victorian Serial Killers

10 Creepy Victorian Serial Killers

It’s not unknown that the Victorian era was a lot more brutal than our current one. It was a time when moral standards were rigid and high, but also neglectful to some degree. A time when imperial conquest was considered to be just fine, and we all know imperial conquests were often bloody. Poverty and […]

10 Racist Films From Early Hollywood

10 Racist Films From Early Hollywood

Go back just a few decades and you would see widespread bigotry in the media. Back before political correctness kicked in – it’s shocking to see the kind of thing they were able to get away with. There are so many racist films from the early days of Hollywood. I mean, the early days of […]

10 Early British Kingdoms You’ve Never Heard Of

10 Early British Kingdoms You’ve Never Heard Of

We all know that modern Britain was formed by the unification of several kingdoms. But long ago, there were many more small kingdoms within what is now the UK. Some of these are known, like Wessex and Sussex. But there are literally dozens of other early British kingdoms that most people have never heard of. […]

10 Best Paranormal Hoaxes Ever

10 Best Paranormal Hoaxes Ever

At one point or another we’ve all been tricked by dumb hoaxes. It could be false evidence of fairies, extinct giants, or maybe even Bigfoot. But whatever it is… they are all mental. Here are the 10 best paranormal hoaxes ever. Cottingley Fairies In 1917, two photographs emerged appearing to show mythical creatures. The first […]

10 Interesting Oil Barons

10 Interesting Oil Barons

The oil business has made many billionaires. It’s a vital industry that just so happens to be in limited supply. This is the perfect situation for those wanting to make a killing. It makes sense that terrorist groups target oil fields in the middle-east – the oil can transform them from a small group of […]

10 Amazing Jainism Facts

10 Amazing Jainism Facts

From the fact that they don’t believe in God even though they are a religion, to the surprising amount of Jains worldwide. This is a list of 10 amazing Jainism facts. No god   Jains have no god. Jains believe that there is no being that ever created the universe, or holds the power of […]

10 Most Wanted Terrorists

10 Most Wanted Terrorists

Some of the current Most Wanted Terrorists may surprise you. From a man wanted for his alleged role in the August 11, 1982, bombing of Pan Am Flight 830, to a man wanted for his alleged role in the September 5, 1986, hijacking of Pan American World Airways Flight 73. This is a list of the 10 Most Wanted […]

10 Most Wanted Fugitives

10 Most Wanted Fugitives

When I read the current list FBI most wanted list I was shocked by the bizarre lives they live. And I think you’ll be shocked too. From a man who is wanted for his alleged involvement in the murders of his two teenage daughters, to a man who is wanted for his alleged involvement in the […]

5 Best Methods For A Successful Astral Projection

5 Best Methods For A Successful Astral Projection

Astral projection is when you force yourself to have an out of body experience live outside your physical body, you’re entering what’s known as the Astral Plane. Astral projection can be an amazing experience so I’ve compiled a list of what I think are the best methods for Astral Projection. The Rope Technique The first […]

5 Evil Nazi Doctors With Dark Stories

5 Evil Nazi Doctors With Dark Stories

From a doctor who conducted sick human experiments on over a thousand pairs of twins, to a doctor who artificially inseminated women with animal sperm and told them he had injected a monster into their womb. This is a list of 5 evil Nazi doctors with dark stories. Dr. Josef Mengele Dr. Josef Mengele was […]

5 Incredible Facts About McDonald’s

5 Incredible Facts About McDonald’s

I’m sure you have all heard of McDonald’s. It’s one of the true success stories of the 20th centuries. Along with Walmart and Microsoft, it’s well known all over the world, and for good reason. McDonald’s have a regular net income of several billion dollars. Any student of business should be aware of the company […]

10 Active Terrorist Groups In Africa

10 Active Terrorist Groups In Africa

The continent of Africa is significantly larger than most people realize. At over 11 million square miles, it’s the second biggest continental landmass. And with over a billion people, there is a lot going on. It’s the most impoverished continent on Earth and has been for quite a while. All these things combine to make […]

5 Ridiculous World War Two Weapons

5 Ridiculous World War Two Weapons

As a war of attrition, both sides of the second world war tried out some bloody mad tactics to give them the advantage over their enemy. This involved experimenting with all kinds of mental military technologies. We only tend to remember the ones that worked. But let me assure you, there were many failures. Many […]

5 Amazing Exoplanets We Might Live On

5 Amazing Exoplanets We Might Live On

There may well come a time where the human race might be forced to flee our own planet. It could be due to our self destructive nature or it could be due to a completely natural disaster. either way, there is a whole selection of exoplanets available for us to eventually call home. but which […]

5 Most Poisonous Snakes On Planet Earth

5 Most Poisonous Snakes On Planet Earth

From a snake that can grow up to 14.8 ft long, and has enough venom to kill a man in one bite, to a snake with enough venom 100 men without breaking a sweat. This is a list of the 5 most poisonous snakes on planet Earth. 5)Black mamba:   The Black Mamba is named […]

5 Horrifying facts About The Tokyo Sarin Attack

5 Horrifying facts About The Tokyo Sarin Attack

Aum Shinrikyo was a bizarre cult founded and led by a half-blind yoga instructor. He faked having magical super powers in edited videos that he sent out in the 1990s. He gathered a following of highly professional doctors and scientists to help him create the weapon used in their notorious Sarin gas attack. This is […]

5 Famous Comedians Who stole jokes

5 Famous Comedians Who stole jokes

From controversial comedians known for stealing like “The Fat Jew”, to comedians you would never expect like Robin Williams. This is a list of 5 famous comedians who stole jokes. The fat Jew Josh Ostrovsky is an Instagram comedian who blatantly steals jokes from famous comedians, without crediting the artists or even bothering to change the […]

8 Unbelievable Facts About Freeway Rick Ross

8 Unbelievable Facts About Freeway Rick Ross

The rapper who stole his name may act like a gangster but “Freeway” is the real deal. He spent many years in prison as he was given a life sentence but his studious nature attained his freedom in the end. Now a free man, he spends his time working with troubled young people, and has […]

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