10 Nazi Secrets You Weren’t Supposed To Know

10 Nazi Secrets You Weren’t Supposed To Know

Hitler practicing the occult, and a secret Nazi base in Antarctica are only two of the amazing Nazi secrets they tried to hide from us. Much of what the Nazis did was kept secret from the public, their crimes were so deplorable that they knew they needed to keep it a secret. Since the war […]

10 Ruthless Chinese Warlords

10 Ruthless Chinese Warlords

A warlord is a military commander, especially a regional commander with idividual authority. Chinese warlords have appeared all throuhout China’s history, springing up in times of turmoil to gain power, and sometimes establishing their own dynasty. Warlords are normally aggressive and ambitious, they want to gain power and will use any means necessary to get […]

10 Mythical Weapons That Actually Exist

10 Mythical Weapons That Actually Exist

Mythical weapons are weapons are believed to be non-existant and merely a part of legend, however sometimes weapons considered to mythical are actually discovered and lend credibility to the legends themselves. Mythical weapons are often considered to have magical powers or to have been used by a legendary person. Mythical weapons are often highly sought […]

10 Most Painful Execution Methods

10 Most Painful Execution Methods

Execution has been outlawed in much of the world because even the most painless methods are deemed immoral, and even where it is practiced they tend to try and lessen the pain as much as possible. These are all attempts at doing the exact opposite. The execution methods on this list are all designed to […]

10 Greatest Medieval Battles

10 Greatest Medieval Battles

The medieval times saw some of the most brutal, and bloody battles in human history. Medieval battles involved thousands of soldiers, heavily armoured, and using advanced strategies. In medieval battles two large armies would often agree to meet at a certain place, and even sometimes agreed what time to start. The greatest medieval battles caused […]

10 Greatest Discoveries That Changed The World

10 Greatest Discoveries That Changed The World

The greatest discoveries have the potential to advance technology or society in monumental ways. Without the discoveries listed here the world we live in would be a completely different place. This is a list of the 10 Greatest discoveries that changed the world. Rosetta Stone The Rosetta stone is a rock discovered by Napoleon’s forces […]

10 Things You Should Know About The Terracotta Army

10 Things You Should Know About The Terracotta Army

The Terracotta Army is one of the greatest archaelogical discoveries in history, and one of the biggest, and most interesting burial complexes anywhere in the world. Inside the gigantic underground complex which is still being uncovered, hides thousands of clay soldiers guarding the unopened tomb of china’s first emperor. Emperor Qin Shi Huang built the […]

10 Brutal Facts About Spartan Warriors

10 Brutal Facts About Spartan Warriors

Sparta is famed for it’s powerful warriors, and brutal way of life. Spartan warriors were some of the finest of their time, unlike most civilisations spartans would devote themselves entirely to warfare. Spartan warriors went through some the harshest training in history, in order to become the greatest warriors possible. 50% of spartan babies were […]

10 Historical Myths You Probably Believe

10 Historical Myths You Probably Believe

There are so many historical myths it’s not even funny, it’s just confusing. It makes sense though. Just a small misconception can evolve into a huge myth over the course of a century, let alone a millennia. And some people are simply dishonest. Their lies will compound over the centuries also. Here are ten Historical […]

10 Greatest  Military Strategists From History

10 Greatest Military Strategists From History

Military strategists develop military strategies in order to defeat their opponents in war and battle. The greatest military strategists, have been able to win battles against superior forces with minimal losses and have often gone on to become great kings or conquerors. This list is written In no particular order. If you think there is […]

10 Breathtaking Famous Duels From History

10 Breathtaking Famous Duels From History

Duels have been fought by men and women for years, in the hopes of settling their disputes with swords or guns when words aren’t enough. Some of the duels on this list have been fought with such extraordinary skill, or in a way that became so unusual that they became famous duels and have even […]

10 Most Amazing Germanic Tribes

10 Most Amazing Germanic Tribes

The Germanic tribes were groups of people who lived in Lower, Upper, and Greater Germania. A lot of what we know about the Germanic tribes comes from ancient Roman texts, some even written by Julius Caesar. Germanic tribes helped shape the face of Europe today, and contributed to the downfall of the Western Roman Empire. […]

10 Greatest Warrior Queens In History

10 Greatest Warrior Queens In History

Warrior Queens have never been as common as warrior kings but when they do appear it’s often because they were a much better fit than anyone around. Some warrior queens have taken on some of the most fearsome enemies and lived to tell the tale, and others died fighting for their people. This is a […]

10 Greatest Roman Generals

10 Greatest Roman Generals

Rome was the largest city in the world for hundreds of years, and it’s empire surrounded the Mediterranean. It’s often called the greatest empire of all time due to it’s size, prosperity, and longevity. Roman generals were the driving force behind Rome’s military success. Using tactics, and strategies way ahead of their time, Rome managed […]

10 Heroic Cavalry Charges

10 Heroic Cavalry Charges

Cavalry charges have proved to be one of the most efficient and devastating battle tactics in history. Even against vastly superior numbers cavalry charges have proved themselves to be dominant shock attack in warfare. It involves soldiers mounted on horseback to charge as quickly as they can into the enemies lines, and engaging in close […]

10 Unsolved Victorian Mysteries

10 Unsolved Victorian Mysteries

The Victorian era stretched from 1837 to 1901. During this time, scientific breakthroughs helped solve countless mysteries. But there were some Victorian mysteries born during the era. The era saw European empires expanding east, and American settlers expanding west. So I’ll be including mysteries from both. Here are ten unsolved Victorian mysteries. St. Pancras Walrus […]

10 Most Devastating Holy Wars

10 Most Devastating Holy Wars

Holy wars have been some of the most devastating and ruinous wars in history. A holy war is a war caused or driven by partly by religion. This is normally due to religious differences, and tension which eventually boil over into all out war. Thousands or even millions of people will give their lives in […]

10 Fascinating Egyptian Gods and Goddesses

10 Fascinating Egyptian Gods and Goddesses

There were over 2,000 ancient egyptian gods and goddesses, all of them representing natural phenomena, abstract ideas, or jobs. They used the idea of gods to justify, and explain why things happen that they couldn’t yet understand. Some of the gods were barely known, while others where worshipped by almost everyone. The gods could show […]

10 Greatest Gunfighters Of The Old West

10 Greatest Gunfighters Of The Old West

The old west is remembered for many of it’s unique features. One of which were shootouts. It’s among the most recognizable type of scene from western movies. I’m sure most of these scenes are completely unrealistic and over dramatized for to suit their cinematic purposes. But some figures were notorious for their gun fighting skills […]

10 Greatest Swordsmen In History

10 Greatest Swordsmen In History

A swordsman is someone practices martial art, or any from of combat involving a sword. Samurai, fencers, and knights are all types of swordsman. The greatest swordsmen are the ones who are so skilled that their names are known even today, by people interested in swordsmanship, but also in movies, and tv shows. Some of […]

10 Interesting Explorers Of The New World

10 Interesting Explorers Of The New World

The New World is the term historically given to the Americas. This goes back to the late 15th century, when the Americas were discovered. Until this point no one knew that North and South America even existed. The Americas were branded the New World. Europe, Africa, and Asia were branded the Old World. In the […]

10 Badass Warrior Cultures From History

10 Badass Warrior Cultures From History

The most powerful Empires, countries, and tribes throughout history have always had skilled warrior cultures. For a lot of people the only way to survive or expand was through military endeavors requiring strong warriors, and large armies. This list includes 10 of the most skilled and badass warrior cultures from history. Although some may not […]

10 Ancient Religions You May Not Know About

10 Ancient Religions You May Not Know About

It’s interesting to look at the demographics of your nation and use that to predict the growth and decline of some religions. In the west, Christianity is in swift decline, and some smaller religions are growing rapidly. There are some places where Norse Mythology is the fastest growing religion. Religions come and go. There are […]

10 Longest Wars In History

10 Longest Wars In History

The most famous war in history was World War Two, and even though this was the bloodiest war of all time, it only lasted for six years. This almost makes it hard to believe that the longest wars in history actually lasted for hundreds of years, some even lasted for over seven centuries. Some of […]

10 Indian Empires You’ve Never Heard Of

10 Indian Empires You’ve Never Heard Of

Few countries have as rich a history as India. Before it’s unification and it’s period of British rule, India has seen many powerful empires. India has historically been a collection of small states, which are now the federal states of India. Each state has always wanted to remain independent, but ambition leader would often attempt […]

10 Great Conquerors Who Almost Took Over The World

10 Great Conquerors Who Almost Took Over The World

Some of the greatest conquerors throughout history have created Empires so large that they almost took over the world. Many conquerors got to the point where they were the most powerful force in the world, but died before they could go any further, ran out of resources, or were defeated in battle. In no particular […]

10 Real Historical Conspiracies

10 Real Historical Conspiracies

The word conspiracy is now linked to crazy people. But if a group of people conspire, a conspiracy is born. The definition of a conspiracy is a secret plan by a group of people plotting something illegal or immoral. There are countless examples from of historical conspiracies that turned out to be true. They’re not […]

10 Interesting Greek Philosophers

10 Interesting Greek Philosophers

Ancient Greek Philosophy was born in the 6th century BC, and lasted throughout the Hellenistic period. It deals with a wide variety of subjects including political philosophy, metaphysics, ontology, ethics, logic, and rhetoric. Greek philosophers are some of the most famous thinkers of all time, there ideas shaped the world we live in today, and […]

10 Greatest Proxy Wars Ever

10 Greatest Proxy Wars Ever

A proxy war is a conflict where the two main sides avoid direct conflict. They do this by supporting other forces to fight on their behalf. An example might be the current Syrian civil war, where Western-backed forces seem to be fighting against Russian-backed forces. You could say it’s a proxy war between Russia and […]

10 Reasons For The Fall Of Rome

10 Reasons For The Fall Of Rome

The Roman empire was the only superpower of it’s time. The empire stretched from England to Syria, making it the largest empire of the ancient world. At it’s peak, almost 20 percent of all people were subjects of Rome. The empire grew out of the city of Rome, which conquered more and more of it’s […]

10 Most Fearless Rebellions

10 Most Fearless Rebellions

There have been countless rebellions throughout history. A rebellion, uprising or insurrection is a denial of obedience. It comes from the Latin word rebello, which means “I renew war”. Rebellions start when people are unhappy with a given situation. If the ruler is inept, or evil then the people will be likely to rebel. Rebellions […]

10 Shortest Wars In History

10 Shortest Wars In History

What were the shortest wars in history? Well, we tend to remember the long and costly wars that lasted for many years. Some wars even lasted for several generations; the Hundred years war would be an example. But we can’t forget about the short wars, the ones that are relatively bloodless. Such wars are usually […]

10 Bloodiest Roman Battles From History

10 Bloodiest Roman Battles From History

The Roman Empire was one of the greatest Empires in history, and it took hundreds of epic roman battles to get there. Rome was so powerful it didn’t have many rivals who could stand up to them, but when they found someone who could the battles were not easily won. This list includes the 10 […]

10 Famous Assassinations That Changed History

10 Famous Assassinations That Changed History

An assassination can change everything. If the right person is successfully killed, the whole political climate of a nation, or even the whole world, could change overnight. Luckily this kind of thing doesn’t happen very often, at least not these days. But looking back on history we see many famous assassinations that changed history forever. […]

10 Shockingly Evil Popes

10 Shockingly Evil Popes

There have been countless evil popes throughout history. These people drag the name of the papacy through the mud, and have given the Vatican a reputation it never wanted, but may never be able to get rid of. These evil popes have committed some of the worst crimes imaginable, and unashamedly so. This is a […]

10 Amazing Things Found In Bogs

10 Amazing Things Found In Bogs

European folklore has featured many stories surrounding bogs. But the real life stories are even more surprising. And with their conditions being able to preserve artifacts for many thousands of years, modern science can finally reveal these stories. From mysterious wooden containers, to ancient lost treasure: here are 10 mysterious things found in bogs. Old […]

10 Evil Kings From History

10 Evil Kings From History

More often than not, rulers have had to resort to some pretty harsh tactics to maintain their power. Many evil Kings and queens from history have been absolute monarchs, which required a military presence to suppress any rebels. But some kings took things much further, extorting or massacring innocent people without them even revolting against […]

10 Most Unbelievable Ancient Weapons

10 Most Unbelievable Ancient Weapons

The ancients had to fight many wars for hundreds of years, in an effort to gain an advantage they would seek to create new weapons. Some of these ancient weapons were so revolutionary, and unusual it’s almost unbelievable they ever existed. It’s also important to say that most ancient weapons were absolutely useless, especially in […]

10 Most Savage Spanish Conquistadors

10 Most Savage Spanish Conquistadors

The Spanish Conquistadors were those who initially expanded the Spanish Empire. The word Conquistador literally means conqueror – the men and women who explored the New World, and claimed it’s land for the Spanish crown. To be a Spanish Conquistador wasn’t at all easy, it involved a dangerous boat journey to a land never seen […]

10 Most Mysterious People In History

10 Most Mysterious People In History

Mysterious people are dotted all over history. Although we don’t know much about them, what we do know is both amazing, and mysterious. These are the 10 Most mysterious People In History. Green Children of Woolpit You can’t talk about mysterious people without mentioning these guys. Two green children suddenly appeared out of nowhere. They were brother […]

10 Ways Hitler Could Have Won

10 Ways Hitler Could Have Won

Nazi Germany came quite close to achieving an absolute dominance in Europe. With hindsight we can see where it all went wrong for the Nazis. We see the best and worst strategic decisions made by Adolf Hitler. And we see how he could have won the second world war. Here are 10 ways Hitler could […]

10 Events Leading Up To WW2

10 Events Leading Up To WW2

What were the events leading up to ww2? The second world war was the most harrowing, ad horrific war of all time. One of the only wars that comes close is the first world war, which was only 21 years before it. What could cause such a horrific war to happen so soon after world […]

10 Notorious Noble Families From History

10 Notorious Noble Families From History

Every culture seems to have noble families. Those born into such families are blessed with privilege from cradle to the grave. This is most visible in European countries where hereditary titles still exist today. In England there are literally people who become Lords and ladies simply because they were born into the right family. But […]

10 Secret WWII Facts And Events

10 Secret WWII Facts And Events

There wasn’t a more eventful six years than world war two. So much happened it’s hard to remember everything, and lot of amazing WWII facts and events are mostly unheard of. So here are 10 secret WWII facts to make sure you know more of the more unknown but interesting WWII facts and events. The […]

10 Great Speeches That Changed The World

10 Great Speeches That Changed The World

It’s been said history is written by the winners – but history is shaped by great leaders capable to uniting armies, or political parties, or violent mobs, or an entire population through great speeches that changed the world. For better or for worse, these leaders made great speeches that changed the world. Never underestimate the […]

10 Worst Holocausts You’ve Never Heard Of

10 Worst Holocausts You’ve Never Heard Of

Most People have the mistaken belief that there has only been one holocaust. The reason for this is probably because of World War Two, and the fact that one of the holocausts that happened during that time is known as “The Holocausts”. Which makes it sound like there is was only one. The majority of holocausts […]

10 Failed Revolutions That Almost Broke History

10 Failed Revolutions That Almost Broke History

The French revolution is thought of as the most influential event of it’s era, leading to the rise of Napoleon, and therefore a unified Germany, and therefore Nazi Germany, and therefore the Cold War. A revolution can change everything, overthrow a stable government and it’s anyone’s guess what will happen next. I don’t think I’ve […]

10 Deadly Australian Outlaws And Bushrangers

10 Deadly Australian Outlaws And Bushrangers

Bushrangers were a type of outlaw specific to Australia. The word describes escaped criminals who now roam free in the tough Australian country. This was back when Australia was essentially a prison colony where convicts were kept in small areas, away from legitimate settlers. The bushrangers would break out and head into the outback in […]

10 Unbelievable Military Sieges

10 Unbelievable Military Sieges

Sieges can be the longest and bloodiest of all battles. They can last anywhere from days to years. There are many ways to besiege a fort, or castle. You can cut off their supplies and starve them out, force them to come out and face you on the battlefield, or attack the castle directly and […]

10 Real Jack The Ripper Suspects

10 Real Jack The Ripper Suspects

Jack the ripper may be the greatest unidentified serial killer in known history. It’s been over one hundred years since he commit his crimes and still we can’t be sure who he was. There are a number of possible candidates, most of which were investigated by the police of the day. But some of which […]

10 Nazis Who Escaped Justice

10 Nazis Who Escaped Justice

In the immediate aftermath of the second world war there was a scramble to capture high profile Nazi officials before they could disappear. The allies wanted nothing more than to bring high profile Nazis to justice. Most of them seem to have been captured, largely because the Nazis loved to tattoo themselves, which later identified […]

10 Real Ancient Wizards From History

10 Real Ancient Wizards From History

It’s assumed that ancient wizards are only a myth and that there aren’t any in the real world, however the existence and achievements of many of these wizards are indisputable, which leaves you wondering whether magic might actually be real. Many of these wizards are also scientists, and scholars, who made great contributions to science. In […]

15 Failed Utopias From History

15 Failed Utopias From History

Failed utopias are a really weird thing when you think about it. For thousands of years, man has dreamed of creating some kind of Utopia. A society where all can be free and happy. One person’s Utopia can be vastly different from another. Some are simply a society where we all live free, while others […]

10 Ancient American Civilizations

10 Ancient American Civilizations

The history of pre-Colombian America has largely been forgotten. This is partly due to historical records neglecting it, but it’s also the standard cycle. When invaders capture a territory, they attempt to erase the achievements of it’s previous inhabitants. There were dozens of ancient American civilizations that flourished in their age. Their cultures were unique […]

9 Most Badass Medieval Warriors OF All Time

9 Most Badass Medieval Warriors OF All Time

From a soldier who fought off dozens of enemies on his own, holding a a giant halberd in each hand, to the world’s most famous samurai who was so skilled it’s said he even had superpowers including teleportation, telekinesis, and the ability to see the future. There were countless bad asses from medieval times worth writing about […]

10 Famous Highwaymen Of Old Europe

10 Famous Highwaymen Of Old Europe

I consider Highwaymen to be the ultimate outlaws. Masked criminals who showed a clear disregard for the law. A highwayman was simply not afraid of prison or execution. Yet they were not brutes. The classic highwayman was gallant and noble, a true gentleman on the wrong path. They would hold up carriages in remote areas, […]

5 Remarkable Real Life Ninja

5 Remarkable Real Life Ninja

It’s ninja time! From a ninja who can do magic and swallow a cow whole, to a female ninja who started an underground network of over 200 ninjas to spy on enemies. This is a list of 5 remarkable real life Ninja. Kato Danzo The Ninja Sorcerer Kato Danzo was a real life ninja whose […]

10 Early British Kingdoms You’ve Never Heard Of

10 Early British Kingdoms You’ve Never Heard Of

We all know that modern Britain was formed by the unification of several kingdoms. But long ago, there were many more small kingdoms within what is now the UK. Some of these are known, like Wessex and Sussex. But there are literally dozens of other early British kingdoms that most people have never heard of. […]

5 Ridiculous World War Two Weapons

5 Ridiculous World War Two Weapons

As a war of attrition, both sides of the second world war tried out some bloody mad tactics to give them the advantage over their enemy. This involved experimenting with all kinds of mental military technologies. We only tend to remember the ones that worked. But let me assure you, there were many failures. Many […]

5 Horrifying facts About The Tokyo Sarin Attack

5 Horrifying facts About The Tokyo Sarin Attack

Aum Shinrikyo was a bizarre cult founded and led by a half-blind yoga instructor. He faked having magical super powers in edited videos that he sent out in the 1990s. He gathered a following of highly professional doctors and scientists to help him create the weapon used in their notorious Sarin gas attack. This is […]

8 Facts About the Barbary Coast

8 Facts About the Barbary Coast

The barbary coast is what Europeans commonly called the North-West coastline of Africa over several centuries. It was largely between the 16th and 19th centuries that this name was used, because the area was notoriously dangerous for Europeans to travel to. There was the very real rist that European visitors could be captured and sold […]

5 Greatest Train Robberies

5 Greatest Train Robberies

Historical train robberies have always been of interest to me. Tales of notorious outlaws boarding moving trains and making off with millions worth in gold and cash – it doesn’t get much more interesting than that! Train robberies are the perfect example of what made the old west perfect for fiction. Many folk heroes have […]

10 Failed Antarctic Expeditions From History

10 Failed Antarctic Expeditions From History

Antarctic exploration has always fascinated me. The thought of a time when the continent had not yet been fully discovered. Hundreds of Islands and mountain ranges still needed to be mapped out, and there was only one way to do that. You’d need to travel to the Antarctic. But it’s notoriously difficult for humans to […]

7 Amazing Facts About Nazi Hunters

7 Amazing Facts About Nazi Hunters

The Nazis were a weird bunch. With all that murder and chaos they caused, there were always going to be holocaust victims looking for revenge. The nazi hunters are some of the most interesting and noble people of the last 100 years. I think you’ll now learn why this is. From a man who hunted […]

The Seven Ancient Wonders Of The World

The Seven Ancient Wonders Of The World

Ah, the seven wonders of the world. Just the name inspires a sense of wonder and whimsy. But what actually were they? From the largest pyramid ever built and the only wonder still standing, to a magnificent garden with a mysterious past. This is a list the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World. The Hanging […]

5 Historical Diary Entries You Should Read

5 Historical Diary Entries You Should Read

Most historical diary entries are completely dull. But we’re in luck, some are incredible to read even today. The Historical Diary Entries in question could describe great political events or acts of war. They could document leaps forward in science or exploration. Whatever it is, a modern perspective on such is fascinating. From Goebbel’s secret love for […]

5 Shocking Historical Figures Who Smoked Weed

5 Shocking Historical Figures Who Smoked Weed

Weed is a wonder drug, it has inspired people to create all kinds of things. But today it is illegal in most nations, apart from North Korea, which is weird. But it was not always like that. There was a time when all men were free to enjoy the magic wonder drug for themselves. From […]

5 Great Facts About The Meiji Restoration

5 Great Facts About The Meiji Restoration

The Meiji Restoration changed the history of Japan, and therefore the world. It was a series of events that surrounded and included a return to Imperial rule within Japan. This mean that the Japanese emperor had full control of the nation, where as he did not before. From the change from technologically backward recluse, to finally opening […]

5 Top Secret Facts About Spies

5 Top Secret Facts About Spies

From Ernest Hemingway’s secret life as a KGB spy to, a German spy getting captured by a dog in World War Two. This is a list of 5 top secret facts about spies. Ernest Hemingway was a KGB spy   Ernest Hemingway famous novelist was actually also a KGB spy. Ernest promised to send information […]

The Sack Of Rome By Barbarians

The Sack Of Rome By Barbarians

There have been 4 Major sacks or Rome. Sacking is the act of pillaging a city or large settlement; it tends to involve a lot of murder and mayhem. In this article we will look at each of the major sacks of Rome. Sack of Rome – 410 AD On the 24th of August 410, […]

Top 10 Female Role Models In History

Top 10 Female Role Models In History

For much of history, most societies were patriarchal in structure. But many strong women still stood out from the crowd. Some were political leaders, some were great pioneers, and some are on this big ol’ list. Here are my top 10 female role models in history. (1900-1990) Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit was a […]

5 Ancient Pharaohs You Won’t Forget

5 Ancient Pharaohs You Won’t Forget

From one of the only female Ancient Pharaohs, and maybe also one of the cruelest, to the Pharaoh famous for building the Great Pyramid of Giza which still stands today. This is a list of 5 Ancient Pharaohs you won’t forget. Hatsheput   She was the 5th Pharaoh of the 18th dynasty and one of the […]

5 Amazing Ancient Mega-Structures

5 Amazing Ancient Mega-Structures

From the biggest stone monument in the world, to the acropolis of Athens at the highest point in all of Athens. This is a list of 5 Amazing Ancient Mega-structures. Angkor Wat   This is a stone complex of Temples, and the largest stone monument in the world. It was originally created to be a […]

5 Amazing Facts About The Edo Period

5 Amazing Facts About The Edo Period

Rise of The Edo Period The Edo period is a period in Japanese history between the years 1603 and 1868. It’s name was derived from the city of Edo, now known as Tokyo. Edo was built by the warlords who ruled Japan, the Shoguns. From the ground up they built an impressive castle and a […]

10 Amazingly Mysterious Bog Bodies

10 Amazingly Mysterious Bog Bodies

What Are Bog Bodies? Bog bodies are fascinating. They are the bodies of dead humans that have been preserved by a bog. Some of them died by falling in the bogs – and some of them were thrown into the bogs after they die as a burial tradition. The era they lived in varies greatly. […]

10 Bizarre Victorian Things

10 Bizarre Victorian Things

The Victorian era lasted from 1837 to 1901. It witnessed huge social and scientific change, and some of this change was outright bizarre. We can some some very odd Victorian things in old footage from the age. From a balloonist duel to the death, to the best news report ever: here are 10 bizarre Victorian […]

5 Facts About Huguenots You Might Not Know

5 Facts About Huguenots You Might Not Know

A huguenot is basically just a French protestant. Much of their outlook was derived from the protestant theologen John Calvin. He died in 1564, and by the late 16th century his followers came to be known as huguenots. They were not given fair trials Huguenots were treated as second class citizens, often being enslaved or […]

10 African Empires You’ve Never Heard Of

10 African Empires You’ve Never Heard Of

African history is extremely Rich – it’s where the human species evolved. It’s where the great pyramids were built. It’s where Shaka Zulu built a mighty kingdom. People tend to forget about Africa’s rich history partly because colonial rule in Africa destroyed some historical record – and partly because people associate Africa with it’s current […]

Ivar The Boneless – The Disabled Viking

Ivar The Boneless – The Disabled Viking

Who was Ivar the boneless? Ivar Ragnarsson was the son of the King of Sweden. As a prince, he was gifted with military leadership. He gained a reputation as a fearless commander of some of the most successful Viking armies of the Viking age. He is now better known by his nickname: Ivar the Boneless […]

5 Explorers You Need To Know Of

5 Explorers You Need To Know Of

From a man who fought off Russian spies, for a lost ark containing the bones of four christian saints, to a circus magician strongman, archaeologist who carried a mummy back to England. This is a list of 5 explorers you need to know of. 5) Danny douglas:   Danny Douglas was a real life Indiana […]

10 Most Shocking Old Freak Acts

10 Most Shocking Old Freak Acts

The 16th century was when travelling freak shows first became popular. So over the centuries they have produced many dark and interesting stories of freaks and their lives on the road. It might sound harsh to call them freaks but we live in a different era now and there is really no other word for […]

5 Most Amazing Colosseum Fights of All Time

5 Most Amazing Colosseum Fights of All Time

From a fight between, an elephant an angry rhino, to a flooded Colosseum full of naval ships fighting. This is a list of the most amazing Colosseum fights of all time. 5) Elephant Vs Rhino:   Animal fights were common in the Colosseum. Gladiators, slaves, or criminals would often fight animals to the death. Sometimes […]

5 Greatest War Heroes

5 Greatest War Heroes

From a sniper who shot 700 soldiers before getting his face blown up, and surviving, to a man who captured 42 Nazis with a sword. This is a list of  the 5 greatest war heroes. 5) Audie Murphy:   Audie Murphy was one of the bravest men, and the most decorated US soldier of world war two. […]

3 Forgotten Revolutions

3 Forgotten Revolutions

From the Haitian revolution to Che Guevara’s failed African revolt, these are 3 Forgotten revolutions. 3) The Haitian Revolution: 1791. The French colonial rulers are overthrown in what is now Haiti. 30 thousand white people are completely overrun by a 465 thousand strong slave rebellion. The French government then decided to send an expedition to strike […]

10 Most Crazy War Leaders

10 Most Crazy War Leaders

From a child murdering lunatic, to an emperor who gave his horse one the most powerful positions in the world. These are the most crazy war leaders you’ll ever read about. 10) Ivan The Terrible: Ivan the terrible was the first Tsar of Russia. Ivan the terrible was a ruthless leader, who conquered vast amounts of […]

Brutal Indian Revolutions (1808 to 1947)

Brutal Indian Revolutions (1808 to 1947)

Brutal Indian Revolutions: India was ruled as part of the British Empire for about 200 years but the Indian revolution led to the complete withdrawal of British troops in 1947. However, Gandhi’s revolution was not the first Indian rebellion. The history of the Indian subcontinent is littered with failed rebellions. Although forgotten by most, the […]

Body Snatchers And Night Doctors

Body Snatchers And Night Doctors

In the 18th and 19th centuries, medical schools were suffering. They didn’t have nearly enough dead bodies to dissect. In the UK, the only people who’s dead bodies could be dissected were of those who were sentenced to death and dissection by a judge. This was the law up until 1832. At the time, only […]

Dark Witch Trials

Dark Witch Trials

Dark Witch Trials: For several hundred years, suspected witches were executed on mass. Even today you can see this behavior if you travel to certain third world countries. But most believe the classical period of European and American witch hunts to be 1450-1750, three hundred years of terror.     The image of a witch […]

10 FEARLESS American Outlaws

10 FEARLESS American Outlaws

I have always had a strange interest in American outlaws but not known why. Maybe it’s just because American outlaws have tended to become folk heroes and local legends. From the wild west to the depression era. From Jesse James to Butch Cassidy. From Texas to Alaska. We look at some of histories best and most notorious […]

5 Biggest Empires Ever

5 Biggest Empires Ever

5 Biggest Empires Ever. This is a bloody great bloody list of who had the biggest bloody Empires ever. 5) Umayyad Caliphate –  Nearly 5.8 million square miles     Umayyad was the second great Islamic empire that followed the death of Muhammad. The Caliphate lasted during the years 661 and 750. Most of the known […]

The 10 Biggest Mysteries From History

The 10 Biggest Mysteries From History

The 10 biggest mysteries from history: History is riddled with unsolved mysteries. Mysteries that are both creepy and intriguing. We will surely never know the answer to some of these mysteries but it is still important to know of them. They show us that even with modern knowledge and technology, we are still in a […]

5 Embarrassing Failed Imperial Conquests

5 Embarrassing Failed Imperial Conquests

For every Ottoman empire there is a Byzantium. For every Sun Tzu there is a Tony Blair. In this list we count down 5 extremely embarrassing failed imperial conquests. 5) Iraqi Annexation of Kuwait:   After Saddam Hussein annexed the whole of Kuwait, the largest military coalition since World War two (34 states) declared war on […]

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