5 Scary Saudi Arabia Facts
With one of the most unique histories of any country, and as the birthplace of the world’s second largest religion, Saudi Arabia is incredibly interesting. It is one of the last absolute monarchies still around, and it seems to have 99.999 percent of the world’s oil supplies. It also seems to have a near monopoly […]
5 Most Dangerous Gangs In The World
At one point or another we’ve all seen documentaries on prison gangs or on organized crime. There seem to be so many candidates fr the most intimidating criminal gang in each country. But which is truly the most dangerous? From a gang that has over 100,000 members world wide, to a Cartel made up of Mexico’s […]
5 Worst Bosses EVER
Have you ever been treated badly by your boss? Not in comparison to the cases in this list! From the head of the FBI, who made secret agents clean up cat poo,to a boss who caused a protest that led to the death of Martin Luther King. These are the 5 worst bosses ever. J. Edgar Hoover […]
5 Miracles You Just Can’t Explain
There are so many tales of miraculous survivals and some of them just seem to be beyond explanation. Just ask the Catholics, they love a good miracle or two. From a woman who fell 33,000 feet, and survived, to corpses thousands of years old in perfect condition. This is a list of 5 miracles you […]
10 Most Crazy Youtube Challenges
They’re impossible
10 Creepy Vintage Videos
I have some creepy old footage for you. So from a weird massive pig to the most scary house ever – here are 10 creepy vintage videos. Our Video On This: 10) The Man With The Rubber Head: The plot to this one is that a mad scientist keeps a live head in his lab… […]
5 Explorers You Need To Know Of
From a man who fought off Russian spies, for a lost ark containing the bones of four christian saints, to a circus magician strongman, archaeologist who carried a mummy back to England. This is a list of 5 explorers you need to know of. 5) Danny douglas: Danny Douglas was a real life Indiana […]
10 Darkest Real Animal Experiments
From a man-monkey hybrid to a 2 headed dog, these are the 10 Darkest Real Animal Experiments. 10) Karl Weinhold’s Zombie Cat: Karl Weinhold was a German scientist. In 1817 he conducted a series of experiments on dead creatures trying to bring them back to life. This was back when the scientific community wanted to find […]
5 Yachts You Won’t Believe Are Real
A yacht is a real symbol of wealth these days. But rich people tend to want to outdo eachother. Maybe it’s that wealth turns people ego-crazy, or maybe it’s that a competitive attitude is needed to earn the wealth to afford a yacht. Either way, there have been many billionaires who competed to build the […]
5 Things More Deadly Than Terrorists
For some reason people always ask me to name a few things more deadly than terrorists. Don’t ask me why though. So to answer that question I thought I’d rattle off a list of several. You won’t believe some of the seemingly harmless things more likely to kill you than terrorists. Some are things you […]
10 Most Funny Doomsday Predictions Ever
Ever since the huge flop that was 2012, all doomsday predictions are universally mocked. But through history there have been many more insane end world theories. So from a 16th century hoax to the event set for September 2015, here are the 10 most funny doomsday predictions ever. 10) Doomsday Hen: In 1806, a common […]
5 Serial Killers Loose In Europe
From a Cannibal with metal teeth, who’s eaten over 100 victims, to a psychopathic nurse who poisoned 138 patients. This is a list of 5 serial killers loose in Europe right now. 5) Nikolai Dzhumagaliev Nikolai is estimated to have eaten somewhere between 50-100 women. Making him one of Russia’s most prolific serial killers. He […]
10 Most Epic Underground Cities
An underground city is a series of linked up underground areas… I have a list on the best ones. Our Video On This: 10) Wieliczka:Deep inside the Wieliczka salt mine, in Poland, is a huge underground city. As miners often spent their entire lives underground, they carved out dozens of statues and four chapels within the […]
10 People You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
From the real-life Papa Smurf to an Indian child with super hands, these are 10 people You won’t Believe actually exist. Our Top 10 video on this: 10) Michele Kobke: 24 year old Michele Kobke made headlines in 2013 due to her tiny 16 inch waist. Unlike many others in this list, who were born differently […]
5 Supernatural Bermuda Triangle Mysteries
From five expert soldiers disappearing into thin air, to the world’s greatest sailor missing in an impossible situation. This is a list of 5 supernatural Bermuda Triangle mysteries. 5) Flight 19: Flight 19 is the most famous disappearance at the Bermuda triangle. It was a five man team, with it’s sixth member mysteriously unable […]
10 Ghost Sightings Caught On Tape
It’s hard to tell the true stories behind these ghost sightings. You will have to decide for yourself wether or not they are real. OUR VIDEO ON THIS: The pieces of footage(as seen in the video above): 10) Our first video is a segment of security footage that emerged in 2013. It appears to show a man […]
5 Animal Attacks You’ll Never Believe
The media is constantly reporting horrific animal attacks. Once or twice a year we hear of one that seems especially brutal. But every now and then we hear of hilarious animal attacks which seem like they’re straight from a comedy movie. From a man choosing to fight a bear, to a drunk man trying to […]
5 Darkest Legends Of Alcatraz
Largely recognised as the most notorious prison in the world, Alcatraz has been enshrined in popular culture. In the mind of many this prison island is synonymous with myths and legends, but no one knows it’s full story. And many of it’s mysteries go far deeper than the famous escape attempt. Which leaves us with […]
6 Deadliest Killers Loose In America
From a murderer who’s killed over 30 people on the road whenever they break down, to a group of murderers with 400 possible members. This is a list of the 7 deadliest killers loose in America right now. 6) The flat tire killer: The killer would cause his victims tires to deflate, and then offer to […]
5 Crazy Party’s Gone Wrong
Some parties are always going to end in disaster. Because people tend to group with those similar to them, so crazy people stick together. A party thrown by crazy people is unlikely to end well. From a fake kidnapping, to a party ruined by a shit surprise. This is a list of 5 crazy party’s gone […]
5 Most Common Motives For Murder
“The vast majority of murders are committed by people who, until the day they kill, seem perfectly normal,” Dr. Buss, expert psychologist. This is a list of the 5 most common motives for murder. 5) Greed: People will often kill for their own sake. Some people even kill their own family, or spouses for […]
5 Most Dangerous Circus Acts Gone Wrong
The circus has historically been a dangerous place. I’m sure this is mostly because it attracts crazy and danaged people, but partly because audiences expect impressive acts. From a white tiger attacking it’s trainer, to three people dying from falling off of a tightrope. This is a list of the 5 most dangerous circus acts […]
5 Most Nefarious Dictators Of All Time
Dictators are always awful. To forcefully take control of a country and murder your political opponents is quite a commitment. So from a conqueror notorious for his rape and murder, to a man who killed up to 70 million people. This is a list of the most nefarious dictators of all time. 5) Stalin: […]
5 Scary Side Effects Of Common Medication
From amnesia, and gambling addiction, to the loss of normal personality, and loss of reality. This is a list 5 scary side effects of common medication. 5) Amnesia, gambling, and sex – Mirapax: Restless leg syndrome must be annoying to live with, so seeking medication for it is probably quite common. Which is worrying since the […]
5 Most Unbelievable Hospital Mistakes
From Doctors removing the wrong testicle, to giving birth to the wrong baby. This is a list of the most unbelievable hospital mistakes of all time. 5) Doctors remove wrong testicle: Surgeons accidentally removed the wrong testicle, and so had to the other one as well. The patient was left testicle-less. The 48 year-old now […]
10 Jaw-Dropping North Korea Facts
North-Korea is such a weird place. Apart from being the last cold-war-ish dictatorship left standing, it’s the only country I can think of that happens to be controlled by a pudgy maniac in a boiler suit. From their leader having the ability to control the weather, to cheese madness. This is a List of 5 […]
5 Strangest And Funniest Coma Incidents
It would be so strange to suddenly wake up and find you’ve been in a coma for months or for years. Your life would be in chaos, there are a lot of things that can change while you’re unconscious. From a boy who woke up addicted to cheese, and swearing, to a man convinced he’s […]
10 Most Shocking Old Freak Acts
The 16th century was when travelling freak shows first became popular. So over the centuries they have produced many dark and interesting stories of freaks and their lives on the road. It might sound harsh to call them freaks but we live in a different era now and there is really no other word for […]
5 Most Amazing Colosseum Fights of All Time
From a fight between, an elephant an angry rhino, to a flooded Colosseum full of naval ships fighting. This is a list of the most amazing Colosseum fights of all time. 5) Elephant Vs Rhino: Animal fights were common in the Colosseum. Gladiators, slaves, or criminals would often fight animals to the death. Sometimes […]
6 Most Amazing Technological Advances
From Holograms all over your house, to real life mind reading, and Telepathy. This is a list of the 6 most amazing technological advances known to man. 6) AR/Hololens: Microsoft have created a headset that creates real holograms wherever you look. You have the ability to customize these holograms, and put them all over […]
5 Greatest War Heroes
From a sniper who shot 700 soldiers before getting his face blown up, and surviving, to a man who captured 42 Nazis with a sword. This is a list of the 5 greatest war heroes. 5) Audie Murphy: Audie Murphy was one of the bravest men, and the most decorated US soldier of world war two. […]
5 Crazy Killers Who Are Only Children
From an 11 year killing two toddlers, to a young boy who killed while smiling, and laughing maniacally. This is a list of 5 crazy killers who are only children. 5) Mary Bell: Mary Bell was a British girl, who strangled two young boys to death, when she was only 11 years old. The […]
5 Smartest Kids in The World
From a 10 month old baby who can read, to a two year old smarter than David Cameron, and Barack Obama. This is a list of the 5 smartest kids in the world. 5) Sherwyn Sarabi: He learnt to read at only 10 months old, and was accepted into Mensa at age three. He started school […]
5 Epic Ninja Facts
Few warrior classes have been enshrined in culture as firmly as the ninja. Highly trained assassins of legend who can scale buildings with ease and disappear in a cloud of smoke after their task is complete. But how many of their attributed characteristics were actually true? From invisibility to super gadgets. This is a list […]
10 Best Hidden Rooms Ever
Hiddden Rooms and secret passages. From a pope escape route to hidden rooms found in houses, you’ll want to visit all of these. OUR VIDEO ON THIS: 10) The National Library Of India: The national library of India is the largest library in the country, and home to over 2 million books. Before Indian […]
5 Accurate Future Predictions
Simply unexplainable
6 Most DANGEROUS Sports in the World
You really won’t believe the bizarre nature of these sports or why they’re so very dangerous to it’s athletes. From a game of football with over a thousand players, to a fight with no holds barred. These are the 10 most dangerous sports in the world. 6) Royal Shrovetide Football: This sport is played in Ashbourne, UK, […]
5 Most DEADLY Circus Acts of All Time
There are so many deadly circus acts that I decided to list the 5 most shocking of these. From throwing knifes at a person you can’t see, to dancing with a ferocious lion. This is a list of the most deadly circus acts of all time. The veiled double wheel of death Knife throwing is […]
5 Dinosaurs Still Alive Today
Animals to avoid
3 Forgotten Revolutions
From the Haitian revolution to Che Guevara’s failed African revolt, these are 3 Forgotten revolutions. 3) The Haitian Revolution: 1791. The French colonial rulers are overthrown in what is now Haiti. 30 thousand white people are completely overrun by a 465 thousand strong slave rebellion. The French government then decided to send an expedition to strike […]
10 Amazing Space Images
Not much to say about these. It’s just 10 Amazing Space Images. 10) The Andromeda Galaxy: This galaxy contains an estimated 200 – 400 stars, which is weird to see. It’s just weird to see that much light in one image. Further reading 9) Whirlpool Galaxy/ Messier51: This was actually the first ever galaxy to […]
5 Most Brutal Martial Arts
It’s no mystery that some combat systems are more effective than others. Just watch the UFC and you’ll learn that. But what are the most brutal martial arts of them all? Are they unarmed systems or just weapons based training? From the tree kicking art of Mauy Thai, to the intense knife fighting of Escrima. This […]
6 Funny Things People Have Been Arrested For
Ever wanted to test the limits of the law? Don’t do that. You can just read about other people who have, because there have been a lot of idiots in history. And idiots tend to get arrested for idiotic crimes. From people being threatened with a banana, to a Goat arrested for armed robbery. This […]
10 Epic Samurai Facts
Samurai are considered by many to be the gretest warriors of all time. They may well have been the most studious and disciplined. And for a while, the most well equipped in the world. From brutal suicide rituals to their deadly Samurai weapons, these are the most epic Samurai facts I could find in the […]
10 Most Crazy War Leaders
From a child murdering lunatic, to an emperor who gave his horse one the most powerful positions in the world. These are the most crazy war leaders you’ll ever read about. 10) Ivan The Terrible: Ivan the terrible was the first Tsar of Russia. Ivan the terrible was a ruthless leader, who conquered vast amounts of […]
10 Most Haunted Hospitals
From creepy Asylums to scary military medical centers, we count the most haunted hospitals in the world.
5 Most Haunted Places In America
From the famous Alcatraz prison, to the house of an axe murdering ghost. These are the most haunted places in America. 5) Alcatraz prison: This Island prison is known as one of the most haunted places in America. Even before the prison was built, native Americans believed it to be full of evil spirits. […]
5 most haunted places in Canada
From a ghost infested Hotel to an entire Island full of all kinds of supernatural beings including hags, ghosts, and spirits. This is a list of the most haunted places in Canada. 5) Fairmont Chateau Laurier, Ottawa: This hotel was founded by Charles Melville, but he never got a chance to see it open since […]
5 Most haunted places in Australia
From a jail haunted by dead criminals, to a lunatic asylum plagued by the spirit of a little girl. These are the most creepy and haunted places in Australia. 5) Boggo Road Jail: Ernest Austin faced the gallows for the murder of an 11 year old girl in 1913. He was the last ever man to […]
Top 10 Crazy ISIS Facts
ISIS news , or ISIL news , has been flooding our screens and newspapers for years now. ISIS is basically the most frightening terrorist group in the world. They are the most well funded terrorists in in the world, controlling an area with 10 million people. 10) They Are More Wealthy Than Some Countries: […]
Ridiculous Business Jargon You Need To Stop Using
Business jargon. Does anyone like it? Well, some people must do, or it wouldn’t exist. But there are some phrases used in business that make your skin crawl and signposts the users as lightweights. Here are a few of my (least) favorite examples. Low hanging fruit Okay, we all know that this is another […]
10 People who Just Wouldn’t Die (hardest people to kill)
Some people are just stubborn to the point of not wanting to let a person kill them. From a man who survived over 600 failed assassinations to Jim Bowie the man who knows no pain. 10) Blackbeard (Edward Teach): Edward Teach was the angry English pirate known internationally as Blackbeard. Blackbeard was hated in many […]
10 Secret Places You Can Never Visit
There are some really interesting secret places on earth that normal people like us just can’t visit. From underground military fortifications to the worlds biggest gold vault – and even an exclusive religious temple you’re not allowed to visit. There is just something within us that makes us want to visit forbidden places. Especially if […]
10 Most Interesting Bank Heists
10 Most Interesting Bank Heists: A major bank acts as a homing becon for crimminals. So there has been billions of dollars stolen in bank heists over the years. There have been all kinds of bank jobs and robberies. Sometimes banks were robbed by angry communists looking to fund a revolution. Sometimes bank robberies are just for […]
Brutal Indian Revolutions (1808 to 1947)
Brutal Indian Revolutions: India was ruled as part of the British Empire for about 200 years but the Indian revolution led to the complete withdrawal of British troops in 1947. However, Gandhi’s revolution was not the first Indian rebellion. The history of the Indian subcontinent is littered with failed rebellions. Although forgotten by most, the […]
10 Most Haunted Battlefields
10 Most Haunted Battlefields: From the ghosts of Roman soldiers to a barn haunted by over 1000 spirits. Few places have seen more horror than the battlefield. So it makes sense that many people assume them to be haunted. Haunted by the spirits of dead soldiers. 10) Stoney Creek: Stoney Creek (in Canada) […]
Body Snatchers And Night Doctors
In the 18th and 19th centuries, medical schools were suffering. They didn’t have nearly enough dead bodies to dissect. In the UK, the only people who’s dead bodies could be dissected were of those who were sentenced to death and dissection by a judge. This was the law up until 1832. At the time, only […]
5 Scariest Subway Creepypastas
Original Creepypasta
10 REAL Clown Horror Stories
From killer clowns to clown ghosts
Dark Witch Trials
Dark Witch Trials: For several hundred years, suspected witches were executed on mass. Even today you can see this behavior if you travel to certain third world countries. But most believe the classical period of European and American witch hunts to be 1450-1750, three hundred years of terror. The image of a witch […]
10 Crazy Space Conspiracy Theories
Conspiracy theories always spark my interest, and so does cosmology. So this article should be good, this article being a list of 10 Crazy Space Conspiracy Theories. 10: Space Nazis The Nazis were the most technologically advanced people in the world. They were known for experimenting with rocket technology. And some believe that they used […]
10 Creepy Victorian Monsters
Mythical beasts
3 Reasons Why Small Businesses Fail
Businesses fail all the time. Every day, in fact. But behind every failed business is a crushed dream, impoverished founder, or in the case of many small businesses a traumatized family. This post identifies three of the most common reasons for small business failure. Pay attention to these lessons and you could avoid becoming one of […]
10 FEARLESS American Outlaws
I have always had a strange interest in American outlaws but not known why. Maybe it’s just because American outlaws have tended to become folk heroes and local legends. From the wild west to the depression era. From Jesse James to Butch Cassidy. From Texas to Alaska. We look at some of histories best and most notorious […]
7 Worst Reality TV Shows
7 worst reality tv shows: I don’t know if anyone else has noticed this but there is a load of reality shows on right now. They have taken over like a plague; more specifically the Black Death… because it’s fucking unbearable. Personally I think they’re about as entertaining as a French comedy film, so it was […]
10 Worst Attempts At World Domination
History is full of people trying almost anything to gain political control of a country. Luckily, most of these people are just…just complete morons. This is a list of the 10 Worst Attempts At World Domination. Taking control of just one country would be your first step to world domination; so get ready to learn […]
5 Biggest Empires Ever
5 Biggest Empires Ever. This is a bloody great bloody list of who had the biggest bloody Empires ever. 5) Umayyad Caliphate – Nearly 5.8 million square miles Umayyad was the second great Islamic empire that followed the death of Muhammad. The Caliphate lasted during the years 661 and 750. Most of the known […]
10 Most Creepy Multiple Person Disappearances
Sometimes people just vanish. They just disappear, never to be seen again. Sometimes no trace of them is ever found and the mystery of their fate is never solved. But what is more creepy is when more than one person disappears at once. Multiple Person Disappearances surely are the most chilling type. This is a list article […]
10 Towns Famous For Really Weird Reasons
There are some very strange places in this world. Most of which are in France, but there are some others. This is a list of 10 small towns famous for really weird reasons. 10: Whittier, Alaska The town of Whittier, Alaska is famous because the vast majority of it’s population live in just one building. […]
10 Most Crazy Real Alien Encounters
10 Most Crazy Real Alien Encounters: We look at the 10 best real reports of supposed alien encounters. From alien abductions caught on film to an human vs alien showdown. Were UFO sightings and reports verified by the Belgian Air Force? Did an alien visit some children at a school in Zimbabwe? You decide for […]
10 Most Crazy Conspiracy Theories
Whenever anything happens to anyone anywhere at least one conspiracy theory comes to the surface. Fortunately, most of these conspiracy theories are completely insane. So I have put together a list/video of the 10 most crazy, most insane, conspiracy theories of all time. 10) The Reptilian Elite: My favorite conspiracy theory is that the Reptilian […]
6 Emerging Business Trends That Are Becoming Huge
6 Emerging Business Trends That Are Becoming Huge: The climate of business is constantly changing. New areas are constantly emerging; so some of these areas can only grow larger. In this article we count down the 6 emerging business trends that we at Eskify are most excited about. 6) Cloud Computing: Cloud computing is simply a type […]
Nuclear Weapons: What Country Has What?
There is a lot of trash talked about nuclear weapons; not many people are sure which countries are nuclear capable. Even fewer people are aware of which countries are the most heavily armed. But the time has come for people to know the truth!! In this article we look into which countries are nuclear armed […]
10 Worst European Human Experiments
Many countries have resorted to brutal human experimentation. This article you are about to read contains disturbing content. As this is a list of the 10 worst European human experiments. 10: LSD Bread In 1951, a small village in Southern France was struck by mass insanity. Hundreds of people started suffering from serious hallucinations, visions […]
The 10 Biggest Mysteries From History
The 10 biggest mysteries from history: History is riddled with unsolved mysteries. Mysteries that are both creepy and intriguing. We will surely never know the answer to some of these mysteries but it is still important to know of them. They show us that even with modern knowledge and technology, we are still in a […]
10 Events That Could End Human Life
Let’s be honest, there are a lot of possible events that could end human life. The existence of life is fundamentally unstable. So there are many things that present a threat to our survival. From active super volcanoes, to angry bigfoot – we now look at 10 events that could end human life. Nuclear Weapons […]
10 Most Incredible Con Men Ever
Some of the most intelligent people ever to have lived were con artists. In fact, to this day the threat of the con is so standard that many major companies hire anti-con specialists to help them avoid it. This is a list of the 10 most incredible, sly and crafty con men ever to fool people […]
4 Most Funny Political Scandals
Political Scandals are usually rather dull. Often focused around minor corruption or sexual filth, they fall on dead ears. But the media always loves a good scandal so every little detail will be shoved down our throats whether we like it or not. Luckily, not all of these political scandals are dull. Some are outright […]
5 Embarrassing Failed Imperial Conquests
For every Ottoman empire there is a Byzantium. For every Sun Tzu there is a Tony Blair. In this list we count down 5 extremely embarrassing failed imperial conquests. 5) Iraqi Annexation of Kuwait: After Saddam Hussein annexed the whole of Kuwait, the largest military coalition since World War two (34 states) declared war on […]
10 Worst American Human Experiments
Many countries have used ruthless human experimentation. In this article we will count down the 10 most notorious cases of American Human Experiments. Radioactive Genitals During the 1960s, the department for defense carried out non consensual radiation experiments on impoverished black cancer patients. Selected patients were told they were receiving a brand new treatment for cancer. […]
10 Animals Humans Made Extinct
Human beings are the best predators in the world. But when just hunting individuals isn’t enough, we wipe out entire species. In this article we go through my top 10 favorite animals humans made extinct. Atlas Bear The Atlas bear was the only bear native to Africa. It was named after it’s habitat – the […]