10 CREEPY Bridges You Should Never Cross

10 CREEPY Bridges You Should Never Cross

If bridges were people, they would be serial killers You can’t trust a bridge, I learned that the hard way. But that’s enough about my sex life. Across the world can be found countless bridges that are simply terrifying, creepy bridges that many people in surrounding communities. Be they 19th century bridges associated with Victorian […]

The Mysterious Disappearance of Helen Brach

The Mysterious Disappearance of Helen Brach

For as long as we have recorded history there have been people who disappeared. Usually there are clues to what caused the mysterious disappearance – be it a shipwreck or even a kidnapping. But some cases are different. There are a handful of disappearances that have gone down as some of the most mysterious chapters […]

10 Dark German Legends (German Folklore)

10 Dark German Legends (German Folklore)

No culture is as fun loving or light hearted as Germany. But there is also a darker side. Thousands of years of division and hardship have left Germany with countless twisted legends. And they’re not all about French people stealing sausages. Many German legends are genuinely disturbing Even traditional fairy tales are thought to often […]

Bunyip: The Australian Swamp Monster

Bunyip: The Australian Swamp Monster

In the 19th century, explorers went all across the globe to do their favorite thing – explore. As they ventured the less familiar continents of Australia, Africa, and South America, all kinds of new animal species were discovered. From the Titi to the Muskox, it was an orgy of scientific discovery. But some discoveries were […]

The Isle of Demons: The Place History Forgot

The Isle of Demons: The Place History Forgot

Just off Canada’s Atlantic coast lies one of our world’s most mysterious places. A small island, it was feared by Europeans ever since they first stumbled upon it. And even before the new world met with the old, native Americans avoided it at all cost. They believed it was a land of evil. A land […]

10 Greatest World Empires of All Time

10 Greatest World Empires of All Time

There have been many great empires of this world, from the fearsome Aztec kingdom of central America to the grand splendor of Imperial China. But in all honesty, few of them were genuine world empires – empires that could impose their influence across several continents. Such a level of power is different from all others, […]

10 Real Witches From History – Witchcraft History

10 Real Witches From History – Witchcraft History

Witchcraft – I don’t know if it’s real or not. I’ve never met a witch. I’ve met gypsies, I’ve met Canadians, but never a witch. Yet for much of human history they were commonly believed in. Many were killed after being accused of witchcraft – at least a hundred thousand by some accounts. In truth […]

Gryla: The Cannibal Witch of Iceland – Christmas Monsters

Gryla: The Cannibal Witch of Iceland – Christmas Monsters

Christmas – it’s the season to be jolly – even if you’re a serial killer like Ted Bundy. In truth it’s a murderer’s favorite holiday. There’s a reason our popular image of Santa Claus looks so much like Charles Manson. But to some cultures Christmas is a much darker affair. Germanic legends tell of strange, […]

Golem: The Jewish Frankenstein – Monster Guide

Golem: The Jewish Frankenstein – Monster Guide

Every country has it’s own mythology and folklore, each telling of strange monstrous creatures. There are so many monsters: cyclops, ogres, the kraken, your mother, your sister, wendigo – too many to list in one video alone. So I decided to start a new video series, each installment focusing on a different kind of monster. […]

Monowi: The Town With Just One Resident

Monowi: The Town With Just One Resident

As it stands, the most populous city in the world is Chongqing, being home to more than 30 million people. That’s more than the entire population of Australia, and six times the population of Ireland. Like most places these days, Chongqing is Chines. But Chongqing is just one of 47 mega cities in the world, […]

10 Most MYSTERIOUS Languages On Earth

10 Most MYSTERIOUS Languages On Earth

Language: it’s what we use to tell people to be quiet. But it’s also much more than that. It could be said that language is somewhat important to human history. Every culture to ever exist seems to have developed it’s own language. In fact, there are at least 5 thousand of them. Not all languages […]

Victorian Ghosts: The Story of Spiritualism

Victorian Ghosts: The Story of Spiritualism

The Age of Occultism It seems today like we live in a time of enlightenment, an age as free from superstition as there has ever been. But you only need go back a few generations to find a very different world. It was in this world that spiritualism emerged. In the late 19th century superstition […]

10 Dark Arabian Legends To Creep You Out

10 Dark Arabian Legends To Creep You Out

From the land once known as Arabia many stories have emerged. For centuries they flowed out of the middle east, captivating Europe with tales of adventure and exotic creatures. Some were uplifting stories where the hero overcomes great difficulty. An example would be Aladdin, which despite being originally set in China was a thoroughly middle […]

10 Greatest French Pirates From History

10 Greatest French Pirates From History

During the golden age of piracy, much of the Caribbean was controlled by the French. At one point or another they held valuable territories like Haiti, Grenada, and Tobago, as well as a lot of land in North America. France had a clear presence in the New World. So it will come to no surprise […]

Real Places With No Gravity (Zero Gravity Locations)

Real Places With No Gravity (Zero Gravity Locations)

Places With No Gravity I think it was Albert Einstein who said “Gravity is super legit boi boi” – and it turns out he was right. As far as we know there is no where in the universe without gravity, even the farthest and most remote regions of space. Yet there are places where gravity […]

The SECRET Nazi Colonies In South America

The SECRET Nazi Colonies In South America

There’s a long story behind how Nazi colonies came to exist in the remote regions of South America. I don’t know if you’re familiar with German history… but the 1940s were a real rough patch. 1945 was an especially bad year. It was in this year Germany lost the deadliest conflict in human history. From […]

9 INCREDIBLE Famous Outlaws

9 INCREDIBLE Famous Outlaws

Outlaws are essentially criminals; men and women who work outside of the law’s watchful gaze. Although, often violent and exploitative, outlaws are also celebrated. They’re dissidents who stand against society and live by their own rules, until society finally catches up to them, and puts an end to their freedom. Some famous outlaws fought against […]

10 Facts About Miyamoto Musashi

Miyamoto Musashi is one of the most famous swordsmen in Japanese history. He fought over 60 duels without tasting defeat, but won using what many would consider underhanded or indirect methods. It’s not just his swordplay but his strategy that has inspired so many as to herald him as the greatest swordsmen in Japanese history. […]

10 Famous Native Americans You Should Know About

10 Famous Native Americans You Should Know About

The history of the Native Americans is tragic and bloody one, filled with many wars and raids against colonists. During and outside of these conflicts a number of notable native Americans rose to prominence. This is a list of 10 famous Native Americans you should know about.  Geronimo Geronimo was a Native American warrior, notorious […]

10 Fascinating Facts About Hades God of The Underworld

10 Fascinating Facts About Hades God of The Underworld

Hades is the god of the Underworld, where the souls of the dead lie, and the brother of Zeus and Poseidon. His was a cold and normally indifferent ruler, but if crossed his rage could cause anyone to regret every crossing him. He’s one of the most important figures in Greek mythology, and the stories […]

Caligula – The Completely Insane Roman Emperor

Caligula – The Completely Insane Roman Emperor

Caligula became Emperor of Rome at the age of 24, and although his reign started off strong, he fell into a coma. Upon waking from his coma, his personality completely changed and he became an unhinged lunatic. He is now famous for being one of the most insane emperors of all time. From making his […]

The Mysteries of Africa: Lost Kings and Monsters

The Mysteries of Africa: Lost Kings and Monsters

In medieval times, Jewish cartographers on the island of Majorca were renown for their maps of Africa. To the European eye Africa was a continent of mystery – a vast, mostly uncharted land said to be home to monsters and legendary kings. It was the latter that the cartographers dedicated their time to. Their maps […]

10 Mysterious Real Holy Relics

10 Mysterious Real Holy Relics

You might think holy relics are just the stuff of legend, but no. All across the world are churches and temples who claim to possess genuine holy relics, many of which grant real magical powers. Some are ancient and mysterious, others are more modern with roots that can be clearly traced. While many are Christian […]

9 Real Cursed Objects

9 Real Cursed Objects

There are countless intriguing mysteries in the world, but some are interesting as they are deadly. From a vase that kills its owners to the curse of 5000 year old man, taking the lives of those who would dare disturb its slumber. This is a list of 9 real cursed objects. The Basano Vase The […]

The Island That Shouldn’t Exist – Lokrum

The Island That Shouldn’t Exist – Lokrum

The Adriatic sea: more than a million tonnes of cargo flows through this body of water each year, which is probably annoying for the fish who live there. All they want is to live a life of peace and quiet. But for thousands of years the Adriatic gas seen massive human activity. Signs of this […]

10 Greatest Ancient Battles

10 Greatest Ancient Battles

Our ancient ancestors had some of the most intense, and bloodthirsty battles in all of human history, sometimes causing hundreds of thousands of deaths, a significant amount more in those times than it is now. This is a list of the 10 greatest battles fought during the time of our ancient warrior ancestors. Battle of […]

10 Countries That Hate Each Other

10 Countries That Hate Each Other

Countries; there are too many of them. 195 UN member states, stop it. Why does Bhutan exist? It serves no purpose. There are too many nations and not enough land to go around. So of course, many regions are mired in land disputes. Some countries really don’t get along. Rumor has it North and South […]

10 Badass Warriors Who Faced Entire Armies All Alone

10 Badass Warriors Who Faced Entire Armies All Alone

There are a small number of cases in history, where a single warrior fought against an entire army all by themselves. The badass warriors who did this have been engraved in history forever. This is a list of 10 badass warriors who faced entire armies all alone. Lone Viking At Stamford Bridge On 25 September […]

10 Billionaires You’ve Never Heard Of

10 Billionaires You’ve Never Heard Of

Some of the most famous and powerful people in the world are billionaires. Think Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg. But not all wealthy people are so accepting of public attention. Across the world there exist billionaires who insist on keeping a low profile, billionaires you’ve never heard of. Yet their stories are interesting, […]

10 Amazing Korean Gods

10 Amazing Korean Gods

Korean gods are some of the most fascinating of world mythology. From Jumong, the master archer who founded Korea, to the amazing gods Jeju island, this is a list of fascinating Korean gods. 1) Jumong – The Master Archer Who Founded Korea According to legend Jumong was almost never born. His mother was the goddess […]

10 Female Revolutionaries Who Changed History

10 Female Revolutionaries Who Changed History

When it comes to great political or military leaders, mainstream culture tends to focus almost entirely on figures who happen to be men. But there have been many rebellions and revolutions led by women. Female revolutionaries have helped shape the history of entire nations, changing history in real time. Be they socialist campaigners like Rosa […]

The Most French Thing Ever – Victorian Paris Sewer Tours

The Most French Thing Ever – Victorian Paris Sewer Tours

France – it’s the home of Quasimodo and the accordion, and the concept of arrogance. There are so many French things. But what is the most French? It’s a question that generations of academics have wrestled with, yet none have been able to conclusively answer, until now. I have discovered the most French thing to […]

10 REAL Curses You Won’t Believe Exist

10 REAL Curses You Won’t Believe Exist

I’ve been cursed twice. Once by a Bulgarian gypsy and once by a southern voodoo practitioner. They don’t seem to have affected me at all but I’m still offended by it. To put a curse n someone is quite rude. It’s rude even if curses aren’t real – and if they are real we might […]

How to Summon The Devil – From Rituals to Gateways to Hell

How to Summon The Devil – From Rituals to Gateways to Hell

Satan – the baddest ho to fall from heaven since hades. But Satan is a lot less jolly than in might at first seem. In fact, you could go so far as to call him mean spirited. He’s a bad guy. Despite this, legend tells of countless people attempting to summon the devil. Some were […]

10 Real CRAZY Dictators You’ve Never Heard Of

10 Real CRAZY Dictators You’ve Never Heard Of

Some of the most famous figures from history were brutal dictators, but others are much less well known today. Some dictators have been able to somehow fly under the radar. So I thought it might be fun to make a video about dictators you’ve never heard of. Here are ten crazy dictators you might not […]

The City That Shouldn’t Exist – Kowloon Walled City

The City That Shouldn’t Exist – Kowloon Walled City

The world’s least densely populated place is Gorilla city. Being non-existent, it has a population of zero. On the opposite end of the spectrum is Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. It has a population of 17 million but area-wise is quite small. Dhaka has a population density of 47, 400 people per square kilometer […]

10 Dark Korean Legends

10 Dark Korean Legends

For centuries the kingdom of Korea lived an isolated existence, cut off from the world around it. After generations of inward seclusion, Korea came to be known as “the Hermit Kingdom”. Then in the early 19 hundreds she fell to the Japanese empire, ending a thousand years of independence. Since then the outside world has […]

The 12 Labors of Hercules In Detail

The 12 Labors of Hercules In Detail

In a bout of insanity, Hercules slew his wife, daughter, and son. The goddess Hera, wife of Zeus was responsible for this. She was jealous of Zeus’ lovers and his illegitimate offspring. As a demi-god, and son of Zeus, Hercules attracted her ire. He regained his sanity after the slaughter, and regretted what he had […]

10 Countries That Disappeared

10 Countries That Disappeared

Some of the most interesting countries in the world are among the least well known – like Timor Leste or Kyrgyzstan… or New Zealand. But that’s nothing. Some of the world’s most influential countries no longer exist. For one reason or another they just disappeared, be it due to foreign invasion or societal collapse. In […]

The House That Shouldn’t Exist – Mudhouse Mansion

The House That Shouldn’t Exist – Mudhouse Mansion

One of Ohio’s greatest urban legends can be found just east of the city of Lancaster. It is a 19th century mansion that for over a century has stood as a reminder of all that is mysterious. Generations of locals have been drawn towards and feared it in equal measure – believing it contained undead […]

10 Dark French Legends To Creep You Out

10 Dark French Legends To Creep You Out

France is one of the world’s oldest countries. And so, despite being full of French people it does have some good qualities. One of which is an especially rich collection of myths and legends. French legends tell of demonic beings, sadistic cannibals, and terrible ghosts. For centuries they have spread fear, not only in France […]

10 Facts About Rasputin The Man Who Wouldn’t Die

10 Facts About Rasputin The Man Who Wouldn’t Die

Rasputin is a mysterious figure of Russian history, who rose from nothing to become one of the royal family’s most trusted advisers. Rasputin is mostly famous for his incredible death, after he was assassinated by a member of the royal family. His Death   Grigori Rasputin’s mysterious death, may also be one of the most […]

10 Dark Welsh Legends To Creep You Out

10 Dark Welsh Legends To Creep You Out

Some of the world’s darkest legends are from some of the worlds smallest places. One of those places is Wales. welsh folklore was born from Celtic mythology. But thousands of years of outside and home grown influence has distorted such legends to the point of being absolutely unique. From deadly curses to an unusual satanic […]

10 Real Magical Objects

10 Real Magical Objects

Magic… it’s that thing magicians do. But magicians are creeps – every single one of them. If you ant magic you should seek out one of the many objects said to possess real magical powers. Across the globe exist such magical objects. Some are associates with ancient legends, others are surrounded by modern mysteries. So […]



When I was a human child I dreamed of finding a lost treasure that would make me rich beyond my wildest dreams. Well it turns out doing such a thing is possible. There are dozens of lost treasures from history – some recently lost, others lost centuries ago. Either way, find any of these treasures […]

Planets That Shouldn’t Exist

Planets That Shouldn’t Exist

Planets are like children: they’re all special in their own way and going near them makes your head feel like it’s going to explode… Also Mexicans have a disproportionate number of them. But not all planets are equal. In the great void that is space there can be found a number of planets that can […]

10 Most Fascinating Chinese Emperors

10 Most Fascinating Chinese Emperors

China has a long and fascinating history, with an amazing diversity of rulers. From the crazy to the ingenious, China has been shaped by these powerful figures who despite having so much, fought to gain even more. Through force, and cunning these rulers stopped at nothing to achieve their goals. However, not all emperors were […]

The City Where Dogs Are ILLEGAL – Reykjavik Dog Ban

The City Where Dogs Are ILLEGAL – Reykjavik Dog Ban

The capital of Iceland is a city called Reykjavik. It’s a fairly modern city – they have electricity and everything. But I’ll tell you something they don’t have… normality. Until 2006 dogs were banned from entering the city, which isn’t exactly normal. So when I first heard of this I was amazed. I couldn’t believe […]

The SPOOKIEST Christmas Ghost Stories

The SPOOKIEST Christmas Ghost Stories

One of the most well known seasonal works of fiction is A Christmas Carol. It tells the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a cold hearted industrialist. On Christmas Eve 1843, he is paid a visit by the ghost of his business partner Jacob. Jacob was just as greedy and cold hearted – and so, on his […]

The Real Shrek – Maurice Tillet, The French Angel

The Real Shrek – Maurice Tillet, The French Angel

Shrek, he has layers. On the face of it he’s an angry ogre just wanting to be left alone in his swamp. But when you think about it… he’s the greatest person to ever have lived. And I say lived because, as it turns out, he might have been based on a real historical figure. […]

The LOST CITY That Shouldn’t Exist

The LOST CITY That Shouldn’t Exist

For most of human history the new world and the old existed independently. In fact, despite it’s name, the new world is actually really old – older than Bernie Sanders. However much of it’s history remains a complete mystery to us. Partly because ancient American writing systems are difficult to interpret. But more because European […]

The Dark History of FREAK SHOWS

The Dark History of FREAK SHOWS

Freak shows – a topic even I’m reluctant to joke about. It’s taken 4 years of making content but we’ve finally found one. It’s hard to see a genuine freak show today They survive mainly in third world countries where governments are too busy to deal with them. In the west they have largely been […]

10 Most Strange Wars EVER

10 Most Strange Wars EVER

Whether diplomatic or mathematic, any problem can be solved by violence. This was best proven when we defeated the Dodo menace, driving those monsters to extinction. But Dodo aren’t the only animal humans have declared as the enemy. In 1932 the Australian government went to war with a group of 20 thousand Emus. After eight […]

That Time Stalin Tried To KILL John Wayne

That Time Stalin Tried To KILL John Wayne

A timeless pioneer, an American icon, and perhaps the greatest sex symbol of his time. Some would attribute this description to John Wayne but it could just as easily apply to Joseph Stalin. And that’s not all these two men have in common. Another link was their love for Hollywood. Foreign films were banned in […]

10 Strangest Ethnic Enclaves on Earth

10 Strangest Ethnic Enclaves on Earth

World War 2 was probably the most misjudged prank in history. It really got out of hand and by the end, those behind it were either arrested or forced into hiding. In following years, 9 thousand Nazis fled to South America, where corrupt officials would offer them protection. In remote areas they founded their own […]

The Thing That Can’t Be Explained – The Bell Witch

The Thing That Can’t Be Explained – The Bell Witch

One of the world’s most unnerving places is called Tennessee. It’s a land of vast mountains and dense woods, inhabited by a species of freakish monster known as “people from Tennessee”. But these people are not the most nightmarish creature from the state. Just outside a small rural town is a creature unlike any other. […]

10 Greatest Ancient Generals Who Crushed Their Enemies

10 Greatest Ancient Generals Who Crushed Their Enemies

It’s hard to list the greatest ancient generals in any real order. There are just so many leaders from so many kingdoms and empires of the ancient world, that just choosing ten is hard enough without having to actually rank them in order. Nevertheless I have done my best. Here are the ten I would […]

10 Places With No Laws

10 Places With No Laws

I don’t know about you but I’m getting sick of all these laws. I mean, call me old fashioned but I preferred life in the stone Age. There were no laws in those days. The only things to worry about were neanderthals and woolly mammoths. But now things are different Wolly Mammoth are no longer […]

10 Dark Slavic Legends

10 Dark Slavic Legends

The Slavic peoples are spread across Eastern-Europe, from Russia to Serbia. Slavic influence on history is impossible to quantify. Their origins lie in mysterious ancient tribes encountered by the Romans. Sources of the time call them barbarians who once ruled a distant kingdom but fled to Europe after it was somehow destroyed. Their religions seemed […]

The Cursed Ghost Town of Bodie, California

The Cursed Ghost Town of Bodie, California

In the United States society is very different from here in Europe. Instead of living in caves and forests they reside in large scale settlements known as “cities”. These “cities” are home to hundreds of thousands of people, large businesses, and grand buildings – and it doesn’t stop there! They also have smaller human settlements […]

How Alexander Of Macedon Almost Conquered The World

How Alexander Of Macedon Almost Conquered The World

Alexander of Macedon also known as Alexander the Great inherited the throne of the Greek country of Macedon after his father Philip II was assassinated in 336 BC. He was able to deal with internal strife with relative ease, and before long was marching his army to the formidable Persian Empire. Alexander the Great defeated […]

The Tunnel No One Dares To Enter – Bunny Man Bridge

The Tunnel No One Dares To Enter – Bunny Man Bridge

In the United States is a magical, wonderful, sensual place called Virginia. It’s a land of sexy hobbits and a surprisingly rich array of wildlife. But there are also darker elements to the state. Somewhere in Virginia is a small tunnel avoided by locals who know what’s best for them. It is one of America’s […]

The REAL Land of Giants – The Plain of Jars

The REAL Land of Giants – The Plain of Jars

Laos is one of the world’s forgotten countries. Tucked away in South East Asia, few people know anything about her. It’s a powerless nation dominated by Vietnam and China since the 1970s. Those who visit Laos often make note of how much influence Beijing has, with Chinese businesses propping up it’s economy and the Chinese […]

10 Truly Amazing Ancient Civilisations

10 Truly Amazing Ancient Civilisations

All ancient civilisations are amazing, but some of them stand out above all others. Ancient times are mysterious and alien to our own, which is partly what makes it so fascinating to us. From the vicious Xiongnu Empire to the lost city of Monte Alban. This is a list of 10 truly amazing ancient civilisations. […]

10 Creepy African Folktales

10 Creepy African Folktales

From the tentacle tree, with a taste for human cuisine, to the dragons of the West African swamps. This is a list of 10 creepy African Folktales, that will make you want to keep the lights on at night. Man Eating Tentacle Tree Dr. Omelius Fredlowski, read an unusual letter sent to him by a […]

10 Shocking Facts About Attila The Hun

10 Shocking Facts About Attila The Hun

Attila the Hun was the most powerful leader of the Hunnic Empire. Scourge of God to the Romans, and the embodiment of god’s will in the eyes of the Hun. Attila the Hun is one of the most famous leaders in history, and these 10 facts make it easy to understand why. What Were The […]

10 Most Prolific Serial Killers

10 Most Prolific Serial Killers

The prolific serial killers making up this list are responsible for the murder and sexual abuse of hundreds of people. The fact that so few people can destroy the lives of so many people is nothing short of terrifying. Yet, reading about them is strangely fascinating, not just because of how extreme their crimes are, […]

10 Engineering Challenges Launched for Science Development

10 Engineering Challenges Launched for Science Development

There’s a thousand and one fantastic engineering ideas out there that will help bring science into the future and bring the world of tomorrow one step closer to reality. However, even genius sometimes needs a helping hand when it comes to putting ideas into practice. Startup challenges help the brightest and best minds of the […]

10 Amazing Facts About The Feudal System

10 Amazing Facts About The Feudal System

The Feudal System was one of the most fascinating, and oppressive systems of government in history. It shaped the medieval era, and therefore greatly influenced the modern world. The Feudal system put one person in charge of an entire country, their only credential being that their parent was the previous leader. And even if their […]

10 Dark Mexican Legends

10 Dark Mexican Legends

Mexican legends and folklore has it’s origins in ancient native mythology. Combine that with European legends brought by Spanish explorers and many centuries of bloody history. What you get is a collection of some of our world’s darkest legends. Here are the darkest Mexican legends I have ever heard. La Chusa There is a creature […]

6 Greatest Battles Of Alexander The Great

6 Greatest Battles Of Alexander The Great

Alexander the Great is known as this for good reason. soon after becoming king of Macedon he decided to achieve his father’s dream of conquering the Persian’s and did so in three decisive battles. Alexander was taught by Aristotle at a young age, and, somehow, never lost a battle. Which is extraordinary considering how many […]

History’s Most Evil Secret Society

History’s Most Evil Secret Society

Looking over Ireland’s capital city is a 12 hundred foot hill. Upon it is an imposing stone building that has been notorious for centuries. 300 years ago it was used by one of the world’s most secret societies. Inside the building they would practice all kinds of strange rituals – and it wasn’t long before […]

The World’s Most CURSED City –  Nan Madol

The World’s Most CURSED City – Nan Madol

In Micronesia is an ancient ruined city built upon a coral reef. History forgets who built it, but local legend tells it was inhabited by a superior race of humans who could command magic and mythical creatures. She is among the most mysterious and unique places on Earth, attracting researchers from all around. It has […]

10 Interesting Victorian Criminals And Gangs

10 Interesting Victorian Criminals And Gangs

The Victorian Era was an era of great change, and growth, and during this era people had faith crime was something they could beat. And, although crime declined overall, there were occasional panics when some Victorian criminals would commit crimes so horrific the whole country heard about it. Victorian criminals often exploited loopholes to make […]

Places that don’t Exist – Russia’s Closed Cities

Places that don’t Exist – Russia’s Closed Cities

At the base of a Russian mountain is one of the world’s most mysterious places. It’s a town. But not like other towns, being directly controlled by the Russian government. She’s a relic from the countries past. One of many secret towns created by the Soviet Union. Only certain people were allowed into such cities, […]

10 Most Funny Events in History

10 Most Funny Events in History

Human history has seen many tragic events that should never be forgotten. But it has also seen countless hilarious events that often should be forgotten. I’ve compiled ten of the most funny events in history – events that are often hard to believe actually happened. But they did. From strange deaths to battles between humans […]

10 Famous Killers More Depraved Than You Can Imagine

10 Famous Killers More Depraved Than You Can Imagine

Serial Killers, are the most terrifying and fascinating killers of all. Psychopaths who commit countless murders just for the sheer joy of doing it. They don’t just kill, but kill methodically and brutally. Their macabre nature has fascinated ordinary people for thousands of years now. We still don’t fully understand why they do it, but […]

Qin Shi Huang: The Epic Life Of China’s First Emperor

Qin Shi Huang: The Epic Life Of China’s First Emperor

Qin Shi Huang unified China for the first time in history. From his rise to power, to the Great Wall, and his search for immortality, this is an article on the epic life of China’s Qin Shi Huang. Rise To Power Qin Shi Huang, at the time known as Zhao Zheng, became the King of […]

10 Facts About Pirates That Might Shock You

10 Facts About Pirates That Might Shock You

Pirates made their money by attacking and raiding other ships, often these were merchant ships carrying cargo. Although many pirates would steal from any ship they could. The earliest recorded pirates were the mysterious Sea Peoples from the 14th Century BC. This is a list of 10 facts about pirates that might shock you. They […]

10 Missing People Who May Never Be Found

10 Missing People Who May Never Be Found

There are thousands of new missing people every year. Some of these are kidnappings, some are homicides, and some are impossible to explain. Some missing people go missing in such enigmatic circumstances that people debate what happened to them for years. Extensive investigations are put on in order to try and find out what happened, […]

10 Deadliest Rampage Killers Of All Time

10 Deadliest Rampage Killers Of All Time

Rampage killers are people who kill many in a single attempt without a cooling off period. Some of the worst massacres in history have been committed by rampage killers. From Anders Breivik attacking an island full of teenagers to the Las Vegas shooting in 2017, this is a list of the deadliest rampage killers of […]

10 Insane Facts About The Roman Empire

10 Insane Facts About The Roman Empire

The Roman Empire was one of the most powerful and wealthy in history, but what exactly did that lead to? Over the Roman Empire’s long history they did some strange and interesting things. From the trade of urine, to the most insane gladiatorial match you could possibly imagine, and many other interesting things about the […]

10 Haunted Places In Japan Only For The Brave

10 Haunted Places In Japan Only For The Brave

From dead World War Two soldiers appearing out of nowhere and asking for a light, to the screams of dead samurai echoing through the night, only the bravest will enter these haunted places in Japan. Japan has a bloody history (like most countries), it was home to endless wars between samurai in Feudal Japan, and […]

10 Mysterious Famous Mystics From History

10 Mysterious Famous Mystics From History

There are countless stories of famous mystics from history. Using their supposed powers mystics have often gained enormous power in the ancient, medieval, and sometimes even the modern world. There are people living among us now, who call themselves mystics, and although they look like everyday people they sometimes have a lot of power through […]

8 Savage Facts About Sir Francis Drake

8 Savage Facts About Sir Francis Drake

Sir Francis Drake was a pirate, sea captain, explorer, and slave trader. The British and the Spanish were at war, but Britain’s empire couldn’t yet compare to the Spanish, so they encouraged piracy, to weaken the Spanish Empire. Sir Francis Drake was the most famous of all these pirates. After the fall of Rome no […]

10 Most Fascinating Secret Societies

10 Most Fascinating Secret Societies

Although many use the word conspiracy as if one could never exist, there have been countless secret societies. Many of these groups are shrouded in mystery, their aims and practices being unknown to us. “The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically […]

10 Amazing Facts About The Ismaili Assassins

10 Amazing Facts About The Ismaili Assassins

The Ismaili assassins were a group of assassins from medieval Persia, and were one of the most well organised and prolific group of assassins in history. They were a covert operation of killer conspirators who gained power through spying, and assassination. They managed to kill some of the most powerful people in the world, and […]

10 Amazing Historical And Ancient Mysteries

10 Amazing Historical And Ancient Mysteries

Ancient mysteries are some of the most fascinating, because we know so little about them, which leads to wild speculation. The ancients were primitive and didn’t have many tools, yet they built these gargantuan structures, and nobody reallly knows how they built them. From mysteries disks, and tunnels, to the Devil’s Bible, this is a […]

10 Bloodiest Slave Rebellions From History

10 Bloodiest Slave Rebellions From History

Being a slave is possibly the worst fate anyone could suffer. You have no freedom, and no rights, you’re simply at the mercy of your master, who usually isn’t a paragon of morality. As such, sometimes slaves will push back against the crushing oppression,and rise up in rebellion. Slave rebellions weren’t always successful tactically, but […]

10 Serial Killers Who Still Haven’t Been Caught

10 Serial Killers Who Still Haven’t Been Caught

Where as most killers commit their crimes, due to rage or some similar motive, what makes serial killers so terrifying is that they kill purely for the fun of it. Not to mention, that they’re good at it too. Most serial killers plan out their killings beforehand, and are smart enough not to be caught […]

10 Real Famous Detectives Smarter Than Sherlock

10 Real Famous Detectives Smarter Than Sherlock

Most famous detectives from fiction were based on real detectives from the 19th and 20th century. Some of these famous detectives solved cases that seem as if they could have come straight from a detective novel. This is a list of 10 real famous detectives smarter than Sherlock. Eugène François Vidocq “The World’s First Detective” […]

6 Famous Robber Barons Who Ruled America

6 Famous Robber Barons Who Ruled America

Robber barons were a group of powerful businessmen, named robber barons by the media, who felt they had gotten their sometimes hundreds of billions (in today’s money) through immoral and unscrupulous methods. Some robber barons made the equivalent of over $300 billion in 2016 dollars. Many of these people were the richest men in the […]

Ice Hotel: The Hotel Made Entirely of Ice

Ice Hotel: The Hotel Made Entirely of Ice

Sweden is a unique place. It’s the only country on Earth to be called Sweden. But Sweden is not just known for being Sweden. It’s also known for her harsh winters. You’d think the Scandinavian winter would deter refugees from heading for Sweden but in the past few years millions have. There are different theories […]

10 Shocking Instances of Modern Slavery

10 Shocking Instances of Modern Slavery

Many people think that slavery is a thing of the past, but to the 21 million people enslaved today, that couldn’t be further from the truth, and 21 million is a low estimate. Modern slavery is as pervasive as it is harowing.The highest estimates suggest there are 46 million slaves in the modern world. These […]

10 Most Savage Viking Voyages Of All Time

10 Most Savage Viking Voyages Of All Time

The Vikings were Norse pirates who used advanced technology to travel the world, pillaging and expanding their territory during what is known as the Viking Age. Vikings came from three countries Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. At the time people from these countries who went out raiding were said to be “going Viking”. Not all Vikings […]

10 Amazing Facts About Moldova

10 Amazing Facts About Moldova

Incredible Facts About Moldova Moldova is such an interesting yet often overlooked country. We can all list facts about nations like the united States or Australia, most of us know some about places like Russia, but few in the west know anything about Moldova. I think this is a shame. Moldova facts could fill several books, […]

The Strange History of Santa Claus

The Strange History of Santa Claus

Modern depictions of father Christmas are pretty uniform. He’s an old overweight man with a beard and that weird hat that no one else wears. I’ve never seen anyone wear that kind of hat apart from people dressing up as him. So where did he get it? Hat or no hat, Santa Claus was not […]

10 Most Notorious Prisons Ever

10 Most Notorious Prisons Ever

Prisons sound like dreadful places. I don’t know why anyone goes. Although the most notorious prisons no longer exist. They were shut down when the polar god gave us human rights. Today we look at some of history’s most notorious prisons, from Devil’s Island to the Black Hole of Calcutta. Camp Sumter The American civil […]

Lost Countries: 10 Countries You Didn’t Know Existed

Lost Countries: 10 Countries You Didn’t Know Existed

There are countless lost countries. Nations that have been forgotten by history. Some were great, while others were insignificant. Here are their stories. There are some countries the world is familiar with. Hollywood has given the world an insight into American culture. But other countries are less well known. People outside of Belarus and Tajikistan […]

10 Greatest WW2 Generals From History

10 Greatest WW2 Generals From History

World War Two was the deadliest war in history. It was arguably more complicated and challenging than any war before it due to its gargantuan nature. Some of the generals in this war became famous all over the world because of their exceptional leadership, but some of the most badass WW2 generals are almost completely […]

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