Historical Figures Who Disappeared – Historical Disappearances

Historical Figures Who Disappeared – Historical Disappearances

Sometimes people just disappear – like your dad when he went to the store and never came back. He was a deadbeat, and so are you. But some disappearances are more mysterious. In fact, many historical figures have disappeared under mysterious circumstances, never to be seen again. Even royals have vanished – like Zannanza, prince […]

Thieves Cant: The Language Only Spoken By Criminals

Thieves Cant: The Language Only Spoken By Criminals

Most languages are dumb. French is dumb, Korean is dumb. German sucks. I hate Vietnamese. I hate Swahili, I like Spanish, but I hate Swedish. All different languages with their own unique histories. But some are more unique than others. For example, did you know there was once a secret language spoken only by criminals? […]

10 Interesting Chinese Historical Figures

10 Interesting Chinese Historical Figures

Here are some Chinese historical figures I find interesting. 10: Brilliant Chang One of the most notorious of all Chinese historical figures was Brilliant Chang. International headlines dubbed him the “Dope King of London” – but little detail of his life is known. We know he was born into a wealthy Chinese family in the […]

People Who Were Buried Alive – Dark History

People Who Were Buried Alive – Dark History

One of the great fears people have is being buried alive – and it seems like we’ve always had it. In the 1800s, a lot of wealthy figures had special coffins built in case they woke up underground. Typically they employed a bell that the not dead dead person could trigger from inside their coffin. […]

The Legend of Rob Ford

The Legend of Rob Ford

What if the mayor of a major city turned out to be a crazy, crack smoking alcoholic – Well not too long ago that very thing happened, and it’s an amazing story – a story of drunken rants, high profile police investigations, and an entire city becoming a laughing stock. That city was Toronto, and […]

Weird Abandoned Places That Actually Exist

Weird Abandoned Places That Actually Exist

Abandoned places – they’re just like you and I. Some are creepy. Some are beautiful… Some are Chinese. They have always fascinated me. In fact, some of my earliest videos were about abandoned places – and today we return to that world, as we take a look at some of the most weird abandoned places […]

People Who Can’t Be Explained

People Who Can’t Be Explained

There are many great unsolved mysteries – the identity of Jack the Ripper – the location of Cleopatra’s tomb – or why Yak milk isn’t more popular. None of these can be explained… not yet, at least. And that’s not all. Look at history and we see a handful of people whose lives seem to […]

The Weirdest Serial Killers In History

The Weirdest Serial Killers In History

Serial killers are not normal – actually they’re the least normal people in the world. But everything in life is relative, and some serial killers are just beyond strange. Here are four of the weirdest serial killers you could ever hear of. The Weepy-Voiced Killer In the state of Minnesota is a disgusting city called […]

The Most Creepy Historical Events

The Most Creepy Historical Events

At times, the world we live in can be quite disturbing. Like when a Soviet scientist tried to breed human-orangutan hybrids. Or when a Disney fan club had that odd meetup in the 1930s. Those two things are both equally bad. And there are many more surprisingly creepy historical events. Here are some of them. […]

The Creepy History of Victorian Christmas Cards

The Creepy History of Victorian Christmas Cards

In the Victorian era, things were often deceptively civilized. This, for example, would seem to be a perfectly innocent family photo. But if you look closely, the parents are noticeably more blurry than their daughter, who remains in focus. That’s because they were moving. Death photos were a popular trend at the time. Like the […]

The Greatest Mythical Creatures of Winter

The Greatest Mythical Creatures of Winter

Winter is terrible – it’s always cold – bearded men break into people’s homes – and if folklore is to be believed, all kinds of strange and terrible creatures begin to emerge. So to reflect this, here are 5 of the most interesting mythical creatures of winter. Mahaha One of the most bizarre mythical creatures […]

Hart Island: The Creepiest Island In The World

Hart Island: The Creepiest Island In The World

In the middle of New York City is a mysterious abandoned island. Owned by the city, the public is banned from stepping foot on it, and few people alive have explored this tiny ghost town. And there is a good reason most are banned from entering it. The island has a dark history – but […]

The Serial Killer Priest – Juan Severino Mallari

The Serial Killer Priest – Juan Severino Mallari

Go back to the early 1800s and it would seem like everything was trying to kill you – disease, famine, war – and as it turns out, even men of the cloth. This is the story of the serial killer priest. Roughly 85 percent of people in the Philippines are catholic, and there’s a good […]

The Most Dangerous Hole In The World – Zacaton

The Most Dangerous Hole In The World – Zacaton

In northern Mexico is the world’s most dangerous hole. Known as Zacaton, it is noted locally for the islands of grass that float freely on it’s surface. Essentially it is a self contained lake, stretching deep underground. Zacaton is thought to be the deepest underwater sinkhole on Earth, with a depth of 1,112 feet. But […]

The Great Zombie Hoax of 2013

The Great Zombie Hoax of 2013

In early 2013 countless people were tricked into thinking a real life zombie invasion had began. That might sound insane – and it is insane, but they did have a fairly good reason for believing it… the government are the ones who told them. This is the strange story of the 2013 zombie hoax. On […]

The Truth About Shadow People – Ghosts or Something Else?

The Truth About Shadow People – Ghosts or Something Else?

In the past few years a strange online community has developed. Just one thing brings this community together – their shared experiences with a medication called Diphenhydramine – otherwise known as Benydril, or Nytol. Many members of the community claim to be addicted to it, and often report their creepy experiences from taking it. Believe […]

The Oldest Videos Ever Recorded

The Oldest Videos Ever Recorded

People say the 80s was the best decade, and I agree – but for me it’s the 1880s. In that decade video cameras were invented. For obvious reasons it is also when the oldest videos were crafted. Then in 1888 it’s creator recorded this. Filmed in England, it shows a group of people dancing around […]

10 Badass Real Life Castaways

10 Badass Real Life Castaways

In 2015 strange headlines began to pop up in news sources across the world. According to them, Google Earth discovered a man who had been trapped on a desert island for 7 years. Google satellites finally rescued him after a user noticed an SOS sign he created on the island. The story turned out to […]

The WEIRDEST Flood In History – Dublin Whisky Flood

The WEIRDEST Flood In History – Dublin Whisky Flood

A great flood once swept through a major city, killing many and causing millions worth of damage. But unlike other floods, this was not a flood of water… It was whisky – good quality, well aged, thick, creamy whisky. This is the story of the great whisky flood. Dublin Whisky Flood By the mid 1800s, […]

Empires of The Deep: The Failed Movie You Can’t Watch

Empires of The Deep: The Failed Movie You Can’t Watch

What if I told you a Chinese billionaire spent 130 million dollars on a movie – only for that movie to never actually be released. This is the story of that horrific, failed movie. The last few decades have seen China rise from an impoverished nation to one of the world’s great powers. More than […]

Creepy Old Cartoons That Scared Everyone

Creepy Old Cartoons That Scared Everyone

There’s a reason Walt Disney worked primarily with cartoons. Since the birth of film, visual effects have been limited by the technology of it’s time. But with animation you could escape those limits, experimenting with what is not normally possible. But this came at a price. Many of the people attracted ti animation were too […]

The WORST Inventions By Great Inventors

The WORST Inventions By Great Inventors

Even geniuses sometimes do dumb things. I heard that Einstein sold all his bitcoin when it hit 5 dollars a token. So he was a moron. And Einstein isn’t the only one. It turns out a lot of geniuses are really dumb. The problem is though, they are only remembered for the things they get […]

The Most Dangerous Musical Instrument – The Glass Harmonica

The Most Dangerous Musical Instrument – The Glass Harmonica

Not all musical instruments are made equal. If you play the saxophone it makes you a more interesting person, if you play the bagpipes you have to move away and live in the woods alone. Like a serial killer. And just like a serial killer, there is an instrument out there associated with mysterious deaths. […]

The Dark History of Train Crashing

The Dark History of Train Crashing

In 1896 two trains were intentionally crashed into each other! It was a publicity stunt, with a crowd of thousands of watching the staged disaster. But when things went wrong, it turned into a real disaster. This is the strange story of deliberate train crashing. Birth of An Industry Hilariously thought up by a man […]

STRANGE Cults You’ve Never Heard of

STRANGE Cults You’ve Never Heard of

One of America’s most influential newspapers is the Washington times. So it might surprise you to hear it was founded by a cult. In 1982 it was launched by Sun Moon, a North Korean man who claimed to have met Jesus. Known to his followers as true father, he was revered as a prophet. That […]

The Salish Sea Mystery – Serial Killer or Something Worse?

The Salish Sea Mystery – Serial Killer or Something Worse?

At the corner of the US Canadian border can be found a mysterious body of water known as the Salish Sea. You might think it sounds like a make believe fictional place, especially after hearing of it’s foot fetish. Since 2007 severed human feet have regularly been washing up on the beaches surrounding it. So […]

Christmas In The Soviet Union – Soviet Christmas Explained

Christmas In The Soviet Union – Soviet Christmas Explained

There are many different ways to celebrate Christmas. In Portugal it’s tradition to invite dead relatives to dine with you. In Sweden they watch the same Disney cartoon every year. First shown in 1958 40 of a country watch it on television each Christmas. In Greenland they eat raw whale skin. In some countries parents […]

The Worst Blizzard In History

The Worst Blizzard In History

The worst blizzard in recorded history took place in 1972. And it happened in a place you might not even think possible – Iran. The Worst Blizzard Entire villages were buried in snow, crushing cars and causing buildings to collapse. Despite being stupidly hot in the summer southern Iran is usually cold and snowy in […]

The Weird Origins of Vending Machines

The Weird Origins of Vending Machines

The Origins of Vending Machines You might think vending machines are a relatively modern invention, but no. The origins of vending machines go back much further. They were created 2000 years ago as a way to stop people stealing holy water. Its inventor was an ancient Greek engineer called hero of Alexandria – which first […]

Creepy REAL Ghost Ships From History

Creepy REAL Ghost Ships From History

For centuries there have been Legends of ships disappearing, only to reappear years later under mysterious circumstances. Every year numerous ghost ships wash ashore. Some are decades old but some are virtually brand new. More than 100 ships go missing each year and only around 40 percent are known to have sank. As a result […]

10 Funny Kim Jong Un Moments

10 Funny Kim Jong Un Moments

I have two major interests. One of them is North Korea and the other is my secret. I will never tell. I’ve made so many videos and articles on North Korea, people are starting to see me as something of an expert. So I thought I’d get back to my roots and make a countdown […]

The Greatest Drunks From History – Alcoholics In History

The Greatest Drunks From History – Alcoholics In History

Richard Nixon once got so drunk he wanted to nuke Vietnam. Luckily other members of his administration knew he was not clear headed. Otherwise it could have been the worst hangover ever. And he was not alone – many other world leaders were also legendary drinkers. Even Alexander the Great is thought to be among […]

Mongolian Death Worm: The Sand Monster of Mongol Folklore

Mongolian Death Worm: The Sand Monster of Mongol Folklore

In the deserts of Mongolia is said to be a creature so deadly, just mentioning it’s name is a taboo. Spending most of it’s time underground, the creature was only made known to westerners in the early 1900s. But word of it soon spread and even the prime minister of Mongolia confirmed it’s existence. Some […]

The Most Haunted Graves In The World

The Most Haunted Graves In The World

Today we will look at some of the most haunted graves in the world. Whether or not you believe in ghosts and the paranormal, their stories are interesting to all. So without wasting words on a long into, let’s get into the first. The Grave of Caroline Walter In southern Germany there is a mysterious […]

The STRANGE Life of Ota Benga

The STRANGE Life of Ota Benga

In the early 1900s a young man was held prisoner at the Bronx zoo. Put on display like an animal, he was a unique attraction for the zoo. He was human but unlike any visitors had ever seen before. His teeth razor sharp and pointed like some kind of real life vampirism. The man also […]

Why South Africa Has 3 Capital Cities – Weird South Africa

Why South Africa Has 3 Capital Cities – Weird South Africa

There are many weird South Africa facts but today we examine the most amazing of them all. South Africa is unique in a very specific way. Most countries have just one capital city – often the largest or oldest. But South Africa actually has 3: Cape Town Pretoria and Bloemfontein. Each of those cities has […]

Liminal Spaces: The Creepiest Trend On The Internet

Liminal Spaces: The Creepiest Trend On The Internet

On the internet a new trend emerges every day, but only every decade or so is there one I find genuinely chilling. Even they are not usually noteworthy. But over the last year an especially unnerving one was born. It is one that few understand and whose origin goes back centuries. For many it has […]

North Korea’s Bizarre Floating Hotel

North Korea’s Bizarre Floating Hotel

I think North Korea has a special place in all our hearts. There are several reasons why we love it. First of all it’s the only country ruled by a sex symbol. Well… apart from Serbia. But it’s also a nation full of strange and unique places. In 2015 North Korea was added to google […]

Strange Mythical Creatures of The Bible – Biblical Monsters

Strange Mythical Creatures of The Bible – Biblical Monsters

The bible is perhaps the most influential book of all time. Clearly there is great wisdom to be found in it but also great mystery. Many monstrous creatures and mythical beings are described in the bible – some stranger than others. It says something that unicorns are among the least interesting. The other creatures we […]

The Most Depressing Country On Earth

The Most Depressing Country On Earth

Over Christmas I was having a pointless conversation with someone very boring. But during it they posed a genuinely interesting question: what is the most depressing country in the world? It’s hard to answer because there are different ways to look at it. You could link misery to poverty, and simply say the poorest country […]

10 Greatest Medieval Empires

10 Greatest Medieval Empires

The medieval age stretched from the 5th to the 15th century, give or take a few generations. It was a time of great change, beginning at the fall of Rome and the dark ages of European history. As Christianity took a strong grip in every corner of Europe, new kingdoms rose and fell. Great migrations […]

Why North Korea Banned Christmas

Why North Korea Banned Christmas

I have a problem, because my favorite country is North Korea. That’s partly due to the charisma of Kim Jong Un but it’s also much more than that. North Korea is the country of my dreams. It’s where I want to go old and eventually retire – just like most of you. The problem is […]

The Coldest Town In The World – Oymyakon

The Coldest Town In The World – Oymyakon

Around this time of year I always wonder why I don’t live somewhere warmer. But to be fair it could always be worse. There are many towns and cities in extremely cold places, from remote polar regions to places you might not expect to be so cold. But one town stands out among others. It […]

10 Strangest Towns In The World

10 Strangest Towns In The World

There are many strange places in the world. But contrary to popular opinion, not all of them are in Germany. While most of them are German and in remote isolated areas, some are human settlements. It turns out humans can live almost anywhere and build towns and villages in the most bizarre places. But out […]

The Fake Town Created By Google Maps – Argleton Paper Town

The Fake Town Created By Google Maps – Argleton Paper Town

Fifty percent of all humans live in cities, and that number is only increasing. Our world has roughly ten thousand cities, half of which did not exist 40 years ago. In part, the growth of these new cities has been at the expense of smaller settlements. Countless small towns have gradually been bled dry as […]

10 Most Haunted Towns In The World

10 Most Haunted Towns In The World

Few things are worse than living in a small town. It’s like purgatory. You’re not quite in hell but you might as well be. But not all towns are equal, and not all of them are boring. Many are known for reports of paranormal activity. Usually small and old, they have long been plagued by […]

10 Dark Australian Legends

10 Dark Australian Legends

Some of the world’s darkest legends are Australian. Having it’s roots in ancient aboriginal mythology, Australian legends were born when 2 civilizations collided. With parts of the country still barely touched by humans, it’s easy to see why so many monsters are said to hide in the wilderness. But strange monsters are just one element […]

10 Strongest Coca Cola Competitors

10 Strongest Coca Cola Competitors

The Coca Cola Company is among the largest and most well known companies in the world. With a revenue of around 40 billion dollars, few people have never heard the name coke. Boosted by their flagship brand, from which the company name is drawn, it has been a big business for over a century. But […]

Weird Animals You’ve Never Heard of

Weird Animals You’ve Never Heard of

Weird Animals 99 percent of all animal species ever are now extinct. Why? Because mother nature is a complete psychopath. I hate her, and she’s made it clear she hates me too. Still, it’s estimated there are 8.7 million animal species in the world. Just to catalogue that many species could take us a thousand […]

10 Greatest Samurai In Japanese History

10 Greatest Samurai In Japanese History

Samurai are widely regarded as the greatest warrior class in history. Raised for warfare, the Samurai were not allowed to work a regular job. Instead they were intended to spend most of their time training for, or reflecting on, combat. It was a high ranking social class that you were born into. And the only […]

Real Life Creepy Clowns

Real Life Creepy Clowns

There are two kinds of people I hate – clowns, and people who are scared of clowns. But there are a lot more people afraid of clowns than there are clowns, which I suppose makes them worse. In fact, there is even a name for it – Coulrophobia. Yet it might not technically be a […]

10 Greatest Assassins From History

10 Greatest Assassins From History

Since the dawn of recorded history there have been assassins. Usually for money, there are always some people willing to take lives. Assassinations have changed the world on many occasions. A perfect example is the murder of Julius Caesar, throwing the Roman empire into civil war and ironically stamping out any chance it could be […]

Port Royal: The City That Disappeared

Port Royal: The City That Disappeared

No human settlement can last forever. Civilizations rise and fall, leaving once great cities to slowly crumble. Even the world’s greatest city the Turkish city of Batman, will eventually fall. This is simply the natural order of things. Nothing can last forever. But what about a city that did not gradually decline but suddenly disappeared? […]

10 Creepy People Who Disappeared

10 Creepy People Who Disappeared

A scientist will tell you it’s impossible for a person to disappear but that’s because they’re a dumb nerd. Since the dawn of history creepy people have been disappearing, their fate and whereabouts never being revealed. My favorite example is Abu Mansur – an 11th century ruler of Egypt. One night he rode a donkey […]

Real Evil Scientists From History

Real Evil Scientists From History

Among the most enduring stock characters of fiction are evil scientists. A variation of the mad scientist, it has it’s origin in Frankenstein – published in 1818. Since then, countless others have been inspired by Victor Frankenstein. But evil scientists are not just a fictional occurrence. There are in fact real evil scientists out there […]

The Witch of Yorkshire Britain’s First Conwoman

The Witch of Yorkshire Britain’s First Conwoman

The year is 1806, the famous Witch of Yorkshire is planning something incredible. She caused an uproar in England that caused people to travel from all over the country to visit her house, hoping to witness a miracle. She owned a chicken, which would lay eggs...

10 Great Carthaginian Leaders From History

10 Great Carthaginian Leaders From History

Carthage was once the premier empire of the Mediterranean sea, it's power outweighing Rome by a long way. Truly an empire of the sea, Carthage possessed a navy before it's time. Their trading network stretched from the edges of western Europe to the known edges of...

The Most Dangerous Diving Spot On Earth

The Most Dangerous Diving Spot On Earth

The Dangerous Diving Spot Cave diving is technically the most dangerous sport of all, with more deaths per attempt than any other. Isolated deep underwater, usually in pitch black caves, even a slight mistake can be deadly. Caves are created by the natural flow of water or lava, meaning they are rarely in a straight […]

10 Most Haunted Places In Atlanta

10 Most Haunted Places In Atlanta

The city of Atlanta is easily one of the most unique in all of America. With a population of 6 million in it’s metropolitan area, it’s GDP is the 10th highest of any US city. It is known as the City in a Forest, thanks to the large number of trees within the city itself, […]

10 Famous Spartan Leaders Who Changed History

10 Famous Spartan Leaders Who Changed History

The Famous Spartan Leaders Sparta was one of two great empires that dominated classical Greek history. The Spartans and the Athenians fought numerous wars in order to decide which of them could be the true power of ancient Greece. Ultimately the Athenians actually won but more often than not the Spartans were victorious. A martial […]

Ikea Competitors: 10 Biggest Competitors To Ikea

Ikea Competitors: 10 Biggest Competitors To Ikea

Ikea is one of the world’s largest companies, with a revenue of more than 40 billion dollars. Boasting 445 locations, few places are untouched by the Ikea brand, the best known of all Swedish brand names. Known for their iconic ready to assemble furniture, the name IKEA is based on the initials of it’s founder […]

10 Possible Countries That could Soon Exist

10 Possible Countries That could Soon Exist

Countries, some would say they are important. And it’s easy to see why. Most of us were born into or even live in a country. According to the United Nations there are 195 countries in the world. The most recent of which is South Sudan, being established in 2011. But South Sudan will likely not […]

Real Life Cursed Cars Too Deadly To Drive

Real Life Cursed Cars Too Deadly To Drive

There’s only one thing worse than a haunted house, and that’s a haunted car. Because at least a car won’t crash into you. It’s been 130 years since the car was invented. Since then many cars have come to be rumored as haunted or cursed. Often they were connected to real life tragic events and […]

The Most Inbred Family In America

The Most Inbred Family In America

Ranking just above baseball, incest is one of America’s most popular pastimes. Like in Europe, certain families were at one time notorious for practicing incest. Some did so believing their bloodline was special and needed to be kept pure. Others did so to ensure their fortune would remain within the family. Either way it always […]

10 Unexplained Underwater Discoveries – Ocean Mysteries

10 Unexplained Underwater Discoveries – Ocean Mysteries

Despite the world being mostly water, the oceans of our world are largely unexplored. This means we actually have more complete maps of planet Mars than planet earth. Those vast waters are, however, slowly being explored. Every year we get more of an understanding of their depths. So it’s no surprise that every year, new […]

Soviet Cartoons Are Weird – The Strangest Soviet Film

Soviet Cartoons Are Weird – The Strangest Soviet Film

What I’ve been doing lately, and I really don’t want to be judged for this, is watching old Soviet cartoons. The Soviets were never known for their art. But their animations were genuinely incredible. Like all good television it made heavy use of propaganda, either pro-Soviet or simply anti-western. And it was never subtle. But […]

10 Dark Native American Legends To Scare You

10 Dark Native American Legends To Scare You

There are many dark Native American legends, telling all kinds of eerie tales. You’ve probably heard some of these. The Wendigo for example. The richness of Native American legends is no surprise. By the time Europeans arrived in the Americas, tens of millions of people already called it home. Each of them belonged to one […]

3 Mysterious Animals Science Can’t Explain

3 Mysterious Animals Science Can’t Explain

Some people are animal lovers – well I’m an animal hater. Not all animals deserve respect. I dislike kangaroos. First of all they’re arrogant, and no creature with feet that big should have such terrible arms. I also dislike geese and hippos are dumb too. But not all animals should be killed. Some of them […]

Inside Russia’s Secret Radio Station – UVB-76

Inside Russia’s Secret Radio Station – UVB-76

Russia is the world’s most interesting country… and the reason for that is vodka. It is also because Russia is inherently mysterious. Many westerners have spent their lived attempting to understand Russia, usually only to ultimately fail. Winston Churchill himself once called Russia “A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma”. But don’t worry, […]

10 Unsolved Forest Mysteries You Won’t Believe

10 Unsolved Forest Mysteries You Won’t Believe

A forest can be a terrible place. Shielded by dense plant life, all kinds of strange things could go unnoticed by the outside world. Entire lost cities have spent centuries hidden within forests, only to eventually be discovered by idiot explorers who think they're...

Krampus: The Christmas Monster of Austrian Folklore

Krampus: The Christmas Monster of Austrian Folklore

Many cultures have specific folk tales about Christmas, most of which whimsical and light hearted. But in central Europe certain traditions are rooted in ancient pagan origins, giving rise to dark legends of strange creatures. Such creatures tend to emerge only in mid winter. And for a brief period, terrorize their chosen victims, disappearing with […]

The Greatest Cartel In Human History: De Beers

The Greatest Cartel In Human History: De Beers

Diamonds, apparently they are forever. I don’t know what that means but I’ve heard it said so it must be true. Still, the purpose of this video is not to look at the characteristics of diamonds. It’s to look at the business behind them. An eight billion dollar industry, countless fortunes have been made in […]

10 Most Powerful Japanese Clans From History

10 Most Powerful Japanese Clans From History

The history of Japan is long and bloody, being shaped by countless warlords, Shogun, and Samurai warriors. A key element of feudal Japanese society were clans, large extended families consisting or wealthy and powerful figures. But just like medieval Scotland, not all Japanese clans were equal. Some were relatively small and low down on the […]

10 Tallest Things In The World – From Statues To Flagpoles

10 Tallest Things In The World – From Statues To Flagpoles

The world is full of things, from teddy bears to the Thing. But not all things are equal. Popeyes is clearly better than Chick fil a. And just as not all things are equal in value, they are not equal in height. Science has proven that some things are taller than...

10 Great Warrior Monks From History – From Japan To Germany

10 Great Warrior Monks From History – From Japan To Germany

The concept of the warrior monk has long been common in seemingly every culture, from Europe to East Asia. From modernity, through medieval times, to the ancient world there have been many warrior monks. Most were humble and unknown, their deeds and lives have accordingly been forgotten by history. The job of a warrior monk, […]

10 Maps To Change How You See America

10 Maps To Change How You See America

I’ve made a lot of content centered on the United States. It’s not because I think it’s an interesting country – or that there are important stories from it that need to be told. No, neither of those are true. In truth it’s because most of my audience are American. That’s the only reason. In […]

The Strangest City In The World – Burj Al Babas

The Strangest City In The World – Burj Al Babas

Not all cities are equal. There’s a big difference between great cities like Shreveport Louisiana and boring places like Paris. But that’s to be expected. There are an estimated ten thousand cities in the world. Many of which grew slowly over the centuries. But some were deliberately planned and built to be cities. Henry Ford […]

10 Dark American Legends

10 Dark American Legends

The United States is a relatively young country. But much of it’s culture is drawn from older nations. This is evident in its folklore, with myths and legends very similar to those in Europe. But some American legends are entirely unique, leading many to believe they have a real life origin. Today we look only […]

Real Haunted Paintings That Can’t Be Explained

Real Haunted Paintings That Can’t Be Explained

Paintings are dumb. Television is much better. But some loser actually get enjoyment from it. They’re called art collectors, which is like stamp collecting except these stamps are really big. It’s a pointless activity for idiots. And it’s not just embarrassing, it’s also dangerous. Across the world many paintings are said to be haunted or […]

10 Impossible Places That Shouldn’t Exist

10 Impossible Places That Shouldn’t Exist

Some places in the world are just weird. Like the great blue spot, or Area 51, or Sesame Street. And then there are places that seem unexplainable, like they shouldn’t even exist. It’s those places we today look at. I’ve decided to make a list of them because I have no imagination and it’s the […]

The Ghost Ships of North Korea Explained

The Ghost Ships of North Korea Explained

The Mary Celeste I don’t like ghosts. In my opinion you should really just go away after you die. There’s no reason to stay around to scare people – it’s just weird. Ghost ships are much better. Also known as phantom vessels, a ghost ship is any kind of boat found without a living crew. […]

10 Beautiful Abandoned Places You Can Visit

10 Beautiful Abandoned Places You Can Visit

There are lots of places that should be abandoned. The entire state of West Virginia should be abandoned, the entire country of Lithuania should be abandoned. But for some reason they aren’t. Sill, there are countless real abandoned places out there, many of which eerily beautiful and with fascinating backstories. Today we look at some […]

10 Most Mysterious Coffins On Earth

10 Most Mysterious Coffins On Earth

Coffins – they’re man’s best friend. People say that about dogs but no, coffins are much better. Where I’m from nobody has a dog but everyone has their own coffin. There are coffin adoption centers, coffin breeding programs, all to meet the demand. But this list is not about the advantages of trading your dog […]

Dullahan: The Irish Headless Horseman Legend

Dullahan: The Irish Headless Horseman Legend

We’ve all heard stories of the headless horseman, a strange decapitated being who is inexplicably alive. He rides his horse endlessly, wandering remote areas and terrorizing any who encounter him. No one knows what he wants or even how he is alive, only that he should be avoided. The headless horseman was popularized in the […]

The Cursed Ghost Town History Forgot – Al Jazirat Al Hamra

The Cursed Ghost Town History Forgot – Al Jazirat Al Hamra

I have a hunch my readers believe in curses. You seem like a superstitious bunch. Some of you believe in all kinds of things – magic, Bigfoot, human rights – all are equally horrifying. But there’s something especially scary about curses. Many places in the world are said to be plagued by a curse. Among […]

10 Most Dangerous Homes In The World

10 Most Dangerous Homes In The World

They say home is where the heart is, but that’s not always true. The heart is inside your body. Otherwise you’d be dead, and being dead is no fun. It’s for losers; I would never do it. It’s far better to be alive even if you live somewhere that could soon cause your death. Across […]

The Time Norway Almost Started WW3 – Norwegian Rocket Incident

The Time Norway Almost Started WW3 – Norwegian Rocket Incident

In 1915 a little known incident very nearly triggered a nuclear war. For eight minutes the Russian military were put on high alert, and the Russian president contemplated launching a nuclear strike on the United States. The world could have ended that night without anyone understanding what really happened. But strangely, the blame for this […]

10 Great Criminals Who Disappeared Without A Trace

10 Great Criminals Who Disappeared Without A Trace

People say you can’t run away from your problems but you really can. It’s a viable option, especially if your problem is all the laws you have broken. If you are ever accused of breaking any law I suggest you run away. It’s been done before. There are many notorious criminals who disappeared through history, […]

10 Greatest Chinese Explorers From History

10 Greatest Chinese Explorers From History

China is not just a country, it’s one of the great civilizations from history. So many great warriors, poets, religious figures, kings and emperors have lived and died without ever even leaving China. For much of it’s history imperial China was isolated and inward looking, the ruling family attempting to limit any influence from outside […]

10 Greatest Old West Mountain Men

10 Greatest Old West Mountain Men

In the Old West, a mountain man was simply an outdoors-man who lives in the wilderness, usually in mountainous terrain like the Rocky Mountain Range. Many of them was explorers, many of them were hunters of fur traders. Through their various deeds and adventures, they came to be known as some of the toughest people […]

The Man Who Sold His Soul To The Devil

The Man Who Sold His Soul To The Devil

Countless people from history have been accused of making a seal with the devil, otherwise known as a Faustian Pact. Bridges built over especially steep cliffs were said to be the work of Satan, that only someone who sold his soul to the devil could be skilled enough to build it. And it’s not just […]

10 Greatest Spanish Pirates From History

10 Greatest Spanish Pirates From History

For much of the Golden Age of piracy, our world’s largest and most powerful empire belonged to Spain. Covering most of South and Central America, much of the Caribbean, and parts of Asia, this empire was strung together by a series of naval trade routes. Along these routes flowed a constant supply of gold silver […]

10 Most Fierce Enemies of Rome – From Hannibal To Boadicea

10 Most Fierce Enemies of Rome – From Hannibal To Boadicea

The Roman Empire was the sole superpower of the world for much of it’s life. It was an empire the likes of which had never been seen. At it’s peak the empire stretched from England to Iraq. From Belgium to Egypt and beyond. The fate of tens of millions of people relied on the progress […]

10 Mysterious Real Life Easter Eggs

10 Mysterious Real Life Easter Eggs

In video games, Easter Eggs are small secrets or messages hidden within the game itself. Developers create Easter eggs just for the fun of it. To reward or confuse players who visit lesser known areas of the worlds they build. Easter eggs can be found in film and computing and even real life Across the […]

The Cardiff Giant: America’s Greatest Hoax

The Cardiff Giant: America’s Greatest Hoax

To understand the Cardiff giant we must first understand the cultural significance of giants. You can tell a lot about a culture by their folklore, by the myths and legends they tell. No matter how different cultures are they tend to have common elements in their mythology. Among the most common is an ancient belief […]

10 Proposed States That Almost Existed – (Possible US States)

10 Proposed States That Almost Existed – (Possible US States)

As it stands there are 50 states. But I think some of them are pretty pointless. There’s no reason for two Dakota’s to exist… but that’s a story for another day. These states were not established overnight. It was a very gradual process, the last state being admitted in 1959. Along the way many states […]

The Most Hated People From History

The Most Hated People From History

History shows us that most people are a bunch of cretins. People from the past a reprehensible and I’m glad every one of them is burning in hell. But they are not all equally bad. Some past people have gone down in history as especially bad, and especially hated. And it’s those figures we today […]

10 Cases of Real Werewolves From History

10 Cases of Real Werewolves From History

Since the dawn of humanity wolves have always been a problem. In 1849 one wolf attack alone saw 300 civilians die, and there are countless more attacks unrecorded by history. The point I’m making is wolves are bad people. First of all they are impolite. But even worse, they have a habit of using their […]

Madain Saleh: The Cursed Ruin That Shouldn’t Exist

Madain Saleh: The Cursed Ruin That Shouldn’t Exist

There are places in this world that are simply mysterious – like the entire country of Luxembourg. Why does Luxembourg exist? It’s too small to serve any real purpose. It’s a mystery that has baffled great minds for generations, and is still no closer to being solved. But believe it or not some places are […]

10 Unsolved Old West Mysteries – Wild West History

10 Unsolved Old West Mysteries – Wild West History

The Old west was a time of great change. With settlers from the east and natives from the west coming to terms with the new way of things, and with the advent of industrialization, so much happened. So many monstrously significant events took place during this short period of history. Great scraps of land were […]

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